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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. It's going to be an interesting ride for sure. Just enough wins to miss the Playoffs and get a middle of the road draft pick. Will he be back next season will be the question now.
  2. You Camolina fans better hope he plays as elite as you've talked up over the past month! Zod, better get the server ready if he suits up. The game day thread is going to be a hoot.
  3. Because he's not a diva (supposedly) or LeBron James. If he wants to play (like he's said he wants to), then go play. It's what you like and want to do, no? Play, have fun, dab, make some money, then next season start from game one there or somewhere else and get that MVP again.
  4. Just him saying he's waiting for the right situation, like he's some god level QB, could make a team not want to sign him.
  5. Look at his avatar and his member name. Yes, he and a handful of others are Camolina fans only ... and forever.
  6. Why doesn't this place IP ban? Sure ... VPNs and all, but still. Yes, that also means I could easily never be seen again. But you always complain about the Chuck (?) guy right? Now this numbers guy. Honestly I'm shocked Cooter isn't back on here. But yes ... why don't we IP ban?
  7. It's like the glory days of the NBA. Bad Boys in Detroit, etc. Love it. Enough of this sissy, artistic, no D NBA. Let men be men.
  8. Every other player ever will forever be living in his shadow, lol. Poor guys.
  9. You're right. And you lot can't stop replying to me doing it. Like I said ... guess we all wait until he retires.
  10. The only bad thing about having a top O-Line is you have to pay all of them. But having a stud QB won't matter if the O-Line is trash. Headache material for the GM no doubt.
  11. I don't see weekly ... excuse me, daily threads about bringing Luke back and about how he would be better than our current LB corps. It's great to reminisce about Cam ... but 2015 was a LONG time ago, gents. That ship has sailed. Try loving the entire team, and current team ... not just one guy.
  12. Zod, just change this name of this place to the camolinahuddle already.
  13. Nah, just gets old people talking about a guy who will never be playing here again, and a guy they think can save this sinking ship. Guess I have to wait until he retires.
  14. JFC. It's never going to end. This fanbase is horrible. Addicted to one year and one player who made their miserable lives better.
  15. I'm excited for this game ... from a pure entertainment aspect. To possibly see worse QB play than Sam ... it's like, wow, is that even possible? Yes it is. It's will be one glorious poo show.
  16. Is 4Corners REALLY talking smack with the Tar Heels being his team?
  17. Giving an avg at BEST qb a below avg at BEST oc ... brilliant!
  18. Man, episode 1 was all over the place. Corny, too much crammed into one hour, and Deb needs to go. But ... I'll watch one more at least.
  19. It's like some of you are expecting this team to be a consistent winner one day.
  20. Why did anyone think Tepper was an answer anyway? He only owned 5% of the Steelers. He had like ... nothing to do with their success. Then he bought a toy all for himself, hired a lousy coach, and let that coach make lousy choices.
  21. Brady really has no idea what he's doing, even with a bad QB, this kid ain't got it.
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