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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Cam opens his mouth like that, he should expect it to be returned. Nothing to see here. Classic smack.
  2. There is no "dilemna". This franchise has SUCKED from DAY ONE with exception to a rare season here and there. We're the Browns but with a hotter girlfriend, the Lions but with a larger penis, the Jets but with you know ... anything else, the Jags but in a less humid city, the Texans but in a less conservative state, the Bengals but without the weird helmets, the WFT but without fans that dress up as pigwomen, and the Falcons but without being the Falcons.
  3. Nothing matters until you have a solid O-line. Nothing.
  4. Brown is a child. 23 years old. Lives in a time of social media and that's all he knows. Ask Brown to express himself about this when he's older and more mature ... and I'd bet he wouldn't care ONE bit about the booing.
  5. Yes, we needed another Cam thread. It's been at least 5 min since the last one.
  6. The season is over. You aren't going to hire next season's coach this week. Firing him will appease the fans but Tepper will make money no matter how they feel these last few games. Just let the body rot. It'll be over soon enough.
  7. Yes? If you want culture, diversity, quick access to the ocean, better food, better entertainment, a personality, a largely liberal community, history, an attitude, and are miles from some of the best cuisine and arts in the world ... yes I'm dissing on Charlotte compared to BK and Manhattan. Having lived 18 years in CLT I know what I'm talking about. But hey ... congrats on your ... lawn?
  8. Why would anyone in their mid 40s want a ton of friends? I have my wife, my daughter, my close core group, and my family. Ain't nobody got time for these friends you speak of.
  9. I'm not saying Ruhle is a great coach ... because he's not. I just find it funny you question his move. He obviously did it for a reason, and even if he didn't expect it to work, it did. I'm sorry it hurt your feelings to see your hero on the sideline.
  10. I stand corrected! The Queen City (not Cincinnati) is known for a bug.
  11. Was it? PJ threw a TD. We never got the ball back. Cam more than likely would have led that drive too. Where was the mistake? Had PJ not thrown the TD ... ok. But he threw a TD. A mistake didn't take place ... other than the D allowing that 3rd down play by the Falcons.
  12. The same reason your Hornets are usually the 8th seed or so ... IT'S RIGGED! /s
  13. It's hard to be a big time city when you're not on the water, not in the mountains, lack national parks, don't have a real true college, are filled with transplants, are a banking city, are largely conservative, are in the Bible Belt, lack diversity and culture, are near lifeless, care about NASCAR, have no identity, have no signature "place" the rest of the nation has heard of, are timid, and have an inferiority complex. Build all the luxury condos you want in Uptown, that brings nothing to the city other than rich white kids. I'd argue Charlotte in the 60s and 70s had more heart than it does now. It will always be mini Atlanta ... which says a lot because Atlanta sucks.
  14. And had Cam padded his stats at any point this place would jizz itself and want a 10 year contract. You guys act like him being taken out is the biggest insult in NFL history.
  15. And then PJ came in and threw a TD. So ... I don't know what to tell you.
  16. So why did he pull Cam then? Honest answer. Not a conspiracy answer, not a racism answer. Not a Rhule is a moron answer. Why did PJ come in?
  17. For what? The Playoffs, lol? No. So he can start here next year? No. The game is over. Sure, Cam could pad his stats but who cares?
  18. It's sad it took some of you Cam "sucking" to realize we need a better O-Line.
  19. Speaking of NYCFC ... props to this seasons champs! Won the Cup this afternoon.
  20. We do this thread EVERY season. Half want to tank, half want to grasp for the sliver of a Playoffs chance, half don't care. Yes, three halves. That said, this team sucks so we don't need to "tank". We can lose just by suiting up. But trying for meaningless wins (remember WFT last season) just so Cam can hold his chin up and get a starting job somewhere (or here) next season? GTFO. This board is so hypocritical.
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