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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Tepper does not read this board. An employee does. Gives him tidbits of what forum fans are saying over lunch at his desk every Friday at 1 PM most likely.
  2. Tell me again why Tepper is supposed to know football? Because he owned a miniscule amount of the Steelers and had no say as to what that organization did. The Rhule contract might look good on paper in the business world, who knows. But I have a feeling we have an owner that has no clue about the game. To me, fault lies with Fitterer. He needs to take control better. But he's ONLY been a scout really. He was VP of the Seahawks for a year. A ... year. He played football, but was much more successful as a baseball pitcher. I'd like to place my chips in the Dan Morgan basket ... but that's not a thing yet. Yet.
  3. I will still watch. Jesus, we've never had back to back winning seasons. We're not the Patriots on a bad two year spill. We're the Carolina Panthers. A joke. No "perfect coach" is going to land here and make us a dynasty. Cam is done. Sam is garbage. No rookie QB is going to save our soul. The D can't win us a trophy. We've never had a long running killer O. We barely even have superstars. So yes, I'll keep watching because it's how I've spent my Sundays and how I will continue to do so.
  4. Zod, kill the board. I beg you. This place is a disgrace.
  5. Do you want your lord and savior to play and kick ass and get records and win win win ... or do you want to not repeat last year's Denver game and make sure we draft better? Make up your mind, freaks.
  6. So in the Aints thread we're scared we might actually win. But in this thread we want Cam to start so we do win? This board needs to see a psychiatrist.
  7. Diddy reads Cam isn't starting then runs to make this thread. Fun times.
  8. Instead of rooting for us to lose, just say I hope we lose (while pulling for us to play a good game). Pretty simple.
  9. Wow. They just aired that special on Christmas Day too.
  10. The closest thing we've seen is actual college teams playing actual NFL teams. See my quote earlier, and someones response and video. NFL dominated mostly ... but did lose here and there. I'll assume they didn't play starters.
  11. Thinly veiled anti-Sam thread? Not that he deserves praise, but OP said the same team would win with Cam as the QB. That said ... how many Bama starters are going to end up in the NFL? That right there tells you why Bama just doesn't have enough to get it done against am NFL team. They'd score though. Also ... Interesting. Never heard of this.
  12. Nah. There's a list of other gents we've hated in the past just as much as Rhule. He's just the it guy right now.
  13. Such thin skin. Question is ... am I talking about Robby or the Huddle?
  14. Bucs will play hard because they want a home playoff game. I hope Cam plays the entire game so this place self-destructs on itself because it wants to lose to get a better draft spot, but wants Cam to ball out and win ... for whatever reason you'd want that, lol.
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