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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. While not a board game, I did just buy an all black jigsaw puzzle. Yes, the finished puzzle is going to be a solid black rectangle. Should take me ... oh ... a year to finish lol.
  2. Because if they don't the media rips them apart. As they should. The RR needs serious reworking. But what do you do? I'm all for hiring the best candidate, no matter who they are, but how do you determine who is best? What criteria do you use? If it's experience, well then white men have an unfair advantage. So do you "just do it" and fill coaching spots with talented black men to play "catch up"? Do you set some matching percentage to that of the player/race makeup? And if you do ... what if there are more qualified non POC that are out of a job? Will it go to the Supreme Court like the current AA cases with colleges and Asians? The whole thing is a mess. I don't think it can be fixed because the matter of race will never be "fixed" in our society ... ever. Way out of the realm of possibility idea: hire an independent group to interview candidates and determine who is most qualified. They decide who gets the job. The owner/GM/coach will give them their list of wants beforehand. It'd never hapen, but at least that way it's fair without any franchise funny business like we just saw with the NYG.
  3. Why not both? I used to play two teams in Madden and make trades between the two. You can afford it, Tep!
  4. Flores is a good coach, but come on ... the amount of stress he'll be going through, with media attention, the lawsuit, question after question ... plus getting games ready? No thanks. He would have a very hard season.
  5. Cue "Cum Handlers" taunt from the other NFC East teams.
  6. Not taking Rhule's side but "according to a very close source" means nothing.
  7. Jimmy, yes ... you can be short and win as a QB in the NFL. If that's what you need to hear, ok. But Willis has shown nothing to me that he'll be elite in the NFL. If you want to draft him in a later round as a project, I'm all for it. Taking him at 6 would be suicide.
  8. One of those isn't even in the NFL yet, lol. Another is already so physically damaged he may be on the downside of his career. The third? Yeah, he's good, and way better than Willis. Look, it's obvious lots of the Willis fans just want to relive the days of Cam. I get it. But scrambling isn't everything in the NFL. Give me a QB that CAN scramble (like Mahomes) when he needs to but otherwise plays behind the line. Look at Willis' passing stats. Very tame. You really think he's going to be able to run all over the NFL? Again, Lamar is already abusing his body. Cam was abused. Hurts isn't going to last long playing like he does. But hey, if you think Rhule and company can't develop the kid ... cool. He def will be able to scramble when need be ... but we already have a PJ Walker.
  9. Willis is 6 freakin 1 and will not be able to scramble as much versus NFL defenses. Hard pass. This just isn't the year to draft a QB early. Gamble late or wait until next year.
  10. I'm saying it, Joe Burrow is the next Tom Brady.
  11. I'll go with the Saints. We'll tie with Atlanta at the top, Bucs second. ATL will get the Playoffs nod because of tie breakers because of course.
  12. It's going to be Sam, and we are going to lose.
  13. Glad I got to witness the GOAT during my life.
  14. I might get up to a foot of the snowz. My three year old will love it!
  15. He's not that good. We already have that on this roster.
  16. This. There is zero evidence he has a mental health disorder because he has not been evaluated (as far as we all know). All we have are his inane actions and people acting like they are a doctor saying the huge hit he took caused him to be this way. You can argue his actions must be due to something not right upstairs, but you can also argue he's just a fool.
  17. He's going to go to TV make some cash without the stress then maybe come back in 2023 or 2024 to take over some elite team.
  18. Not sure there's anyone worth trading into 6th for this year. Ask yourself if you'd do it as a GM. Would you swap picks and give up a 2nd for the Miss St OT or aone of the QBs? I wouldn't.
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