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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Me: Coming down to a SEA/NE finish? Uh oh.
  2. Are the Rams ever going to throw it to Kupp again?
  3. Maybe the Bengals will trade up for our pick since they need O-Line as bad as we do, lol.
  4. Ok, man. What happened to you in Ohio. This is a safe place. Let us know.
  5. As tradition for the past 10+ years, I pause the start of the game for like 15 min so I can FFWD through the half time show. All caught up. A few ok commercials. Most have been trash. The game has been meh. Let's go Burrows! EDIT: As I was typing this post, Burrow hits the bomb and Stafford throws an INT, lol.
  6. At 6 ... no to any QB in this Draft. Later rounds? Pickett - Nah Corral - How later are we talking? Willis - HELL NO
  7. Other than the time difference, I don't see an issue with it. I wouldn't be going to a SB anyway, why do I care where it is?
  8. I went to Germany and then Austria as a kid. So I didn't appreciate it. All I remember is "watching" an episode of Night Court dubbed in German.
  9. Just think of how well he'll connect with the young guys on the roster!
  10. He deserves whatever punishment the LA (Rams and Dodgers) fans get when they assault people outside stadiums.
  11. I like Lovie's Santa Claus beard.
  12. All all star pro bowl games suck as do skills challenges. Scrap all of it in all sports. The players don't care, management doesn't want them to get hurt, the top stars don't do skills (dunk), and it's all pointless garbage. You don't need an off week, players. Man up, keep playing, then enjoy your off season.
  13. I both miss and don't miss owning a car. Zipping around ... miss. This sort of crap? Don't miss.
  14. I'm curious as to why people think Watson can save a franchise. He's great no doubt. But um ... the Texans weren't exactly world beaters with him and we're no better than that franchise.
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