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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. What has he ever actually blocked though?
  2. NO. No to Watson, you Clemson dorks. No to Trubisky, you Tar Heel dorks.
  3. WHY would he want to come here? Because he spent a few years in South Carolina? He was born in GA. If anything, he'd prefer the Falcons. Because of Cam? Yeah ... no. Adding Watson would destroy this team beyond recognition and he'd not want to wait for the ship to right.
  4. Watson can't save this team and by the time we get back on track to help him it'll be too late.
  5. Enjoy the worst season of your career if you come here, Kirk.
  6. Hope the ASG is better than the Slam Dunk contest last night. Worst ever.
  7. I dunno, man. Lance, Mahomes, Allen, and Lamar were all more sought after and talked about than Willis. Again, later round? Sure. But gambling a 6th on your future QB who isn't a sure thing ... yikes.
  8. Can anyone here give an actual solid argument for spending our 6th pick on a QB who is not ready to start in the NFL yet? And who may never be ready? If he slid to the 4th, for example, I'm all for it. But our first round pick? What's your logic? Please share.
  9. If you look at this Draft by in terms of BPA ... a LT would go before Willis every time a million times over. Don't reach for a QB this Draft bc Sam is trash. Get the better pick in LT, then get a QB next year. You don't draft with a top pick HOPING he pans out. Call it the Armanti Edwards Principal.
  10. I'd have no issues with trading him for something great in return. He's very very good ... but not one of the best WRs in the game (like when we had 89) so it wouldn't be a dreadful loss. Trade DJ and CMC.
  11. I hope someone signs Watson soon just so this long ass drama finally ends.
  12. It's really not. You guys want 2015 Cam. That will never happen. Cam can do nothing for this team. It's time to get over it. Just like it's time for Cowboys fans to stop bringing up they have won 5 SBs.
  13. No weirder than the people that obsess over him like Cowboys fans do about the number five.
  14. We stop talking about you know who. Nah, look ... this team/FO sucks. We've always sucked minus a handful of seasons. Just embrace that and enjoy watching football on Sundays. Don't get invested. It'll only bring you down. Nothing will make me run to the TV each week ... as I'm already going to be watching. Now, we start having back to back winning seasons and turn into a yearly team to watch? Ok, I'd allow myself to get pumped. But here we are in 2022 and ...
  15. It's not pessimism. It's being realistic. You, on the other hand, are that ONE guy who says we'll go 15-2 every year, go all the way, etc. then vanish after week four.
  16. Yep. This isn't college, where you take freshmen and groom them for four years and win it all. The NFL is forever WIN NOW. People crap on "win now" but it's the way. Meanwhile in Carolina: We're going to be ELITE in three seasons from now!
  17. Bad way to end a fun game. Stafford finally gets a ring.
  18. Alrighty, let's see if Burrow can be the man.
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