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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. He and that Persian prince of a guy should have a "I'm better than you" contest on here.
  2. If we can get something decent for him, go for it. I'd LOVE to see him go somewhere with an elite QB and an elite OC and watch him torch the NFL for insane stats.
  3. Ahh ... "soccer sucks" morons ... it never gets old.
  4. Can the Heels finally get ranked now? Jesus.
  5. And he hasn't even taken on elite competition yet. UFC will not be renewing his contract that's for sure. Too bad, sort of wanted to see one of the top guys blast his head into the front row.
  6. Nope. Willis will not be a star in the NFL, IMHO. His passing was average at best in college and he will not be able to scramble in the NFL. And when he does, he will begin to get battered like Jackson, and well ... like Cam. I don't get why everyone is so into guys like Cam, Jackson, and Hurts. Give me a guy like Mahomes ... who CAN scramble if needed but is more about passing ... you know, what a QB is supposed to do. BTW ... this is all if you're talking pick #6. Want to gamble on the kid with your 4th? Ok. But he won't last that long. He'll go at the end of the 1st.
  7. So what you're saying is that ONE of the QBs out of all the names this draft might be great like Cam? But which one? OR Are you saying whaa whaa whaaaaa Cam get dissed ... booooo I sad?
  8. What are you talking about? Other than Cam, that QB draft class sucked. And Cam never won regularly.
  9. He's a more talented Armanti Edwards. He's a less talented Jalen Hurts. He's not even on Lamar Jackson's level. I expect he goes late 1st. But if we draft this gamble at 6 ... woooo lordy.
  10. Whoever can play injury free the longest.
  11. You can get fined for that? Guys here drive in packs of 10-15 or more and obey zero traffic laws. The cops barely bat an eye. edit: Oh ... Huntersville. Ok, makes sense.
  12. He has a fight coming up. That's probably why Rogan is having him on. And no, the Panthers will not be brought up. They may only even says Cowboys once.
  13. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This thread has gone back in time a year and we're talking about guilt/innocence agian, lol.
  14. Carolina ranks No. 24 out of 32 teams in terms of worth. He paid, what ... 2.3B? That's like buying stock in Best Buy.
  15. Yep, buying an NFL franchise. How's them profits looking, bro? Not only did you spend billions ... but you spent billions on a mid-market team. Oof.
  16. While that is true, you're thinking as if Watson will stay here the entire time. He didn't exactly like Houston.
  17. While no one knows anything, that also means the "news" the other day saying he actually WOULD come here now ... also can't be taken seriously. So let's stop using that crap in these debates. We only need to debate ONE thing: can the Panthers win in the Playoffs with Watson as the QB of this average team. My answer is they can't. They need more ammo. Getting the ammo will not be easy if they add Watson. If you think he can take us to the promise land ... well good on you.
  18. Ok, fair. A question for you now: What is our record this upcoming season with Watson as our QB? What is it the following season possibly without a first round draft pick?
  19. It's painfully obvious those that want Watson here are either: 1. Clemson homers 2. Guys that want to relive that one year wonder that was 2015 3. Guys who like to go to the bar with their jersey (used to be #1) and boast about their QB They are not: People that understand you need more than an elite QB to win it all.
  20. The problem is that, like with Cam, Watson isn't going to take us all the way by himself. No QB can do that for any team. An elite QB needs a solid team around him and it helps if the D is great too. Our team would indeed be better if we added Watson ... at the QB position. It would not be better anywhere else. So ... what you'd argue is well, we have the QB now let's build around him! Good thought. Except we need the draft picks to do that and we'd lose them getting Watson. And this isn't Madden. You can't just sign some FAs and make some trades to put THE team around Watson. It will take years to build an elite team for Watson. So ask yourself this ... will HE want to go through years of avg football to run the show down the road? Will the fans be able to take that? What you're suggesting sounds an awful lot like Rhule's 7 year plan, lol. Yes, Watson is a better QB but it's just not in the cards.
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