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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. It's not about a lifestyle of having certain things. It's about the lifestyle of Atlanta the city. Norfleet is 100% correct. Some on here would argue how Cam would fly down to Atlanta. Sure. But why not LIVE in Atlanta that also has the plus of your family there too? DW is young and still like to have his fun. Atlanta is THE city for him since he can't play in Houston. Now it's up to the Falcons to trade Ryan to bring him home.
  2. Why does everyone want a QB this season? We will NOT make the Playoffs with ANYONE. The draft prospects are better next season. What's the point of a one season rental? Let Sam suck, get a high draft pick, Rhule gets shown the door. Win win win. You can suffer through a terrible season. Hell, you've done it many, many times.
  3. It's over? For serious? That's it? Ballgame? The end? No more?
  4. Why? He's a very good QB. Getting up there in age but good while we find the future QB. Just because he's a Falcon doesn't mean he sucks. He has very impressive stats, an MVP, and has been to a SB. Same as you know who. He does cost way too much though.
  5. I kind of want to see Ryan sign here for a year or two just to see 85% of this board have to talk nicer about him instead of make fun of him.
  6. It'd be funny if DW said he picked whomever over us because they "wanted me more" and "they showed they cared more". Tepp made his offer and they haven't done jack since (per se). Stubborn. Meanwhile ATL and NO maybe have gone out of their way to show they want him. I would rather Watson not come here, so no worries. I also think ATL's culture is what ultimately sells Watson on them if he picks them.
  7. I wonder if Quick went to journalism school.
  8. Chief Operations Officer & Producer @SportsTalkATL . World Series & National Champion. Owner of the Green Bay Packers. UGA 2023.
  9. You gots to looooove Twitter "reporters" who think they have a scoop no reputable reporters have yet.
  10. I check the thread every 5-10 min or so and it's always like View First New 12 Posts, etc. Looking forward to checking back in at some point and it says View First New 250 posts.
  11. OR it's tomorrow. If time was up on ATL they'd report it. Take your tin foil hat off.
  12. We were going to give them THREE first round picks!
  13. Are we? DJ Moore and an oft injured CMC. That's all we have.
  14. Cole Beasley cut. No one wanted him, lol.
  15. LOLS ... just another "Twitter Journalist" for you guys to add to your chaos.
  16. If we don't get him, I hope a handful of you who care more about one superstar than the team get so pissy you go root for another team this year.
  17. That's the thing though ... while he is worth more than double what Arthur Blank is, Blank is still worth 7.5 billion. His wang swing is just as mighty as Tepper's. Tepper might not be able to do anything.
  18. Are people THAT lazy to google Ad Blocker for mobile?
  19. IMHO it'll come down to culture for Watson. ATL wins easily if so.
  20. You act like he'll be forced to stay here those 9.67 years, lol. He may want out after one season.
  21. Being one of the VERY few on here that understand Watson is an elite QB ... but the deal would hurt the franchise ... I'm on pins and needles to post my animated gif for when the final bell rings on this. Hurry up, Watson.
  22. Maybe he's just a cuck. That's right, I said it. GARRY is a cuck.
  23. See, Tepper's mistake was bringing his wife to the meeting ... instead of a handful of cheerleaders.
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