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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. US cities were announced today for the World Cup in 2026. Assuming I still live here I'll def try and catch a game or two.
  2. He's a WWE announcer for a reason.
  3. Thanks, rayzor. Glad it's on record.
  4. Data is up, homey. Troll yourself out.
  5. For the 50billionmillionth time, Franklin ... I don't like Cam's personality ... I've never been against him playing and winning as a QB. I do think he's no longer 2015 Cam though ... but never have I said he's garbage at the position, etc. I'm talking about backing the QB ... not backing his character. We already have people crapping on Mayfield's personality.
  6. Someone make a poll thread as I am too lazy to do so, thanks: Who do you want as the starting QB Week 1 - - Cam Newton - Baker Mayfield - Sam Darnold - Matt Corral - Other (post who) And make the poll public.
  7. I know the forum wasn't around in the old days, but I'd imagine it's always been this way. Every QB before Jake would probably have had his haters on here. And since Jake (who had his haters) it's just been a trainwreck on here (even with Cam). It'd be nice to see everyone on board with the QB just once. I guess that takes someone elite though, who wins year after year after year.
  8. Well if he does end up here ... looks like another full season of QB talk ruining every gameday thread and the season itself.
  9. I'm just excited for a tweet of him with a blunt and some lean.
  10. If he just stayed off social media it wouldn't be as bad. If I were an owner I'd ban my players from using it. I know it's 2022 and young folk be like, oMG yOu CaN'T taKe My SociAl MedIas, but no one really needs it. Just go back to simpler times, when you rarely knew how dumb your players were.
  11. Sometimes you just have to go with what a player gives you in terms of scrutiny. Blame doofus Darnold all you want, but hardly any (if any) team has an elite QB, an elite line, an elite coaching staff, and elite WRs and TEs. And if they do, their WRs better not drop anything. So, did Robbie make the best out of what he was given ... or would a better WR have been able to do better in the same spot? Drops are drops, man.
  12. WHO CARES. This board needs to stop living in the past. It's getting near "Cowboys got five rings!" territory.
  13. Ahh ... I can feel it now. The end is finally drawing near.
  14. That's not even NEWS. That means nothing. Pre-season games and some goofy 30 min locker room shows only the metro area can watch? Um, neat.
  15. You know how some college teams have colored turf? We're going to have Carolina Blue turf!
  16. College football, NFL, and World Cup!? Yes please.
  17. I actually think a late Fall World Cup is going to be awesome.
  18. Someone should deep dive into Tepper's past business dealings/mergers/buyouts, etc. I bet he's got some stuff he'd rather no one know about.
  19. In my experience there is no "one" screen type that will blow away another. You get what you pay for though. But there's no secret product out there or everyone would own it. 4k, 8k, blah blah blah. It's all roughly the same. Not to mention, the human eye plays a great deal to do with what we can even get out of this tech.
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