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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Maybe he'll wear #1 ...
  2. Fact: Baker > Corral at the current moment. Also Fact: Starting Corral next year will be better for him and the team. Not a Fact: Starting Corral this season will be positive. Also Not A Fact: We MUST have a high draft pick next season (which starting Baker will end up hurting) because this team is straight trash.
  3. I mean ... as long as he's not out all night getting multiple women pregnant that aren't his wife/gf ... I say good on him.
  4. We should come up with a nickname for the six Baker Haters on here that have posted 1987129387192837 times in the past two days.
  5. hepcat makes me laugh bc he's so angry over something Baker did when he was in college ... hell ... even in HS picking a college! Dude was an immature little kid. All he did was say dumb crap ... it's not like he stole a laptop!
  6. It's pretty simple ... Baker is WAY better than Corral is (right now). If you run Corral out there and you damage him ... that's it for him. He's toast. Everyone who wanted Malik here wanted him to sit ... so what's so bad about Corral sitting? You start a rookie when you have NO other option. We have one in Sam ... but oddly enough, he IS almost like no option, lol. So Corral could've started and hopefully not been damaged. But the team didn't want the year to go down like that. So they bring in a guy for ONE YEAR who is better than Sam is. He could give us about 9 wins, or he could give us worse. But the thing is, it lets Corral sit for ONE YEAR and at least build up some "damage protection", and it's better than seeing Sam again. So what if Baker is great? That's a problem EVERY GM in the league would LOVE to have. A great QB with a promising rookie QB behind him. You hold all the cards in that situation. What if Baker sucks? Uh, we're the Panthers ... we always suck. Corral would've been no better, and Sam would've been worse than Baker. It's just one season. It's just a 5th Rounder. It's hardly any money. Corral IS STILL HERE. Baker gets people talking, gets the media talking, gives us a fire under center not seen since Cam, and is our best QB on the roster (right now). The chicken littles on here are freaking out for no reason. Either Corral will be your starter next year ... or Baker will play good enough to earn that spot too. It's a win win.
  7. Why would they do that? He's no better than Brissett at this point.
  8. Been saying this to the crybabies all day. Corral isn't going anywhere. He's our future if he's legit. A year learning will help him more than harm him. The team wasn't going to the Playoffs anyway so it won't harm us either.
  9. My point is that it's OK for a QB to change cities. ANY GM would pick Watson over Baker. That's a no brainer. We were going to bring Watson in ourselves lol. Their only option was to trade Baker. I mean props to the five of you Baker haters if he bombs. You can be smug. Me? I think Baker can be a good rental and i look forward to the season. You can be salty and blue every Sunday.
  10. Beats me. Pats didn't bring Brady back, we let Cam go, the Lions couldn't keep Stafford, Montana left the 9ers, Matty Ice is no longer in ATL ... it happens. Just seems like it's more personal to you.
  11. I think that if they knew for a fact Corral was ready and wouldn't get damaged ... this wouldn't even be a thread. Rhule conspiracy aside, they drafted Baker for a reason. Again, Corral is a BABY. He has a LONG career left. He'll be here next season and he'll know the plays, hopefully have some time under center, and will learn from Baker and Sam (yes ... neither are elite but both know WAY more than him about the NFL).
  12. Stop bringing up his grade, lol. Not every drafted QB starts. Facts. I'm asking you that if he's not ready ... would you just want to roll with Sam? You'll keep some cash and a 5th. Neat?
  13. What would your plan be if professionals think Corral is not ready yet? If your plan is to roll with Sam ... fine. End of discussion. We'll all move on.
  14. Who else wants to bop his fat braids like a cat? Just me?
  15. That's on them. If your starting QB is trying to lead ... you follow until it falls apart. Right now ... if Baker is trying to run the show ... let the man lead. If you've already written him off as a player, the team has no hope.
  16. Favre also had not so amazing stats his first three seasons as a starter. Not saying Baker will turn into a Favre ... but I def see him in that same way as well as like Jake.
  17. That isn't an answer to why it's SO bad to watch Baker for one season. He doesn't cripple us financially, we lost a 5th Rounder in 2024, and we have Corral on the roster. The only possible reason I can think of is that you think we can throw Corral to the wolves and next season he'll take us to the playoffs hopefully.
  18. So if Corral is seen to be "not ready" by professionals ... you'd rather watch Sam again this season? Baker is only here one season, then we can run with Corral if he's ready. What's SO bad about watching Baker for a year?
  19. I know, right? It's weird. We didn't cripple the team in ANY way by doing this. Corral will be here next season, it may lead to the end of Sam and Rhule, he has a fire we haven't seen since Cam, and he'll give the team attention. There is ZERO chance Corral or Sam or PJ takes us to the Playoffs this season ... so there is zero reason to be mad about Baker.
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