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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. This. To get fired over a differing opinion is the nice way to cover for young Mills did something pretty bad.
  2. IB 200 rippadonn posts in this thread.
  3. Tepper is just salty he's not the richest NFL owner anymore ... and by a lot. He's taking his ball and going home and we all suffer.
  4. I want to know why Trevor Penning got in fights three days in a row. He was known to be wild, but surely he's not pissing off vets enough to where they react. And booted off the field? Kid must be nuts.
  5. 6 seems about right. Serve your time and let's all move on ... until the next player does something dumb and everyone has an opinion. I just want to watch football.
  6. I don't think Chicago has a population large enough for two NFL teams. Sure they have two MLB teams but no one cares about the White Sox. They'll never have another NBA, NHL, or MLS team. Only NY and LA can pull off multiple double teams.
  7. Brady made Brown and Moss have great seasons so I have no problem saying Jones will have a decent season there.
  8. Who the hell is Matt Heard?
  9. Why would he want to even come here unless Tepper paid him more than anyone ever? He'd be the best coach we've ever had while coaching the team ... but it's not even a discussion. Miami, San Diego, the "most famous" NFL team ever ... or Charlotte, lol.
  10. That Bengals helmet is neat.
  11. Why though? Baker is better than all of them. Matt might one day be lightyears better ... but right now he's not ... at all. Sam and PJ aren't even close to Baker's level (which isn't that high sadly).
  12. Baker is our best QB ... you start him. If he craps the bed, put Sam in until Matt is ready. Matt starts next year.
  13. I still can't wrap my head around it sometimes. Like, a sound travels. We see this when you see an explosion from far off then later hear the boom. Light works the same way, but obviously much faster. But I still can't understand it sometimes. My mind wants to think that we should be able to see light as it is, as it is often constant and not really "traveling" like a sound does. But that's not the case at all. But these stars we're seeing in these photos ... that's not now ... that's hundreds of thousands of years ago from what I understand. It's crazy.
  14. These are wild. The ones yesterday were crazy too. And when you realize how long ago the photo you're looking at actually represents ... your brain breaks.
  15. You can always let players wear famous numbers (Yankees have done it numerous times) then eventually retire that number and for the player it's meant to be tied to. Not saying anyone will or should wear #1, but it could easily be worn by someone else, then after they part ways you can retire it "for Cam".
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