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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. As someone who has been to a NYCFC game, and just know what other soccer fans know, you WANT to be in the Supporter Section. NYCFC has two actually, but only one is "official". I wonder of CFC has that planned out yet.
  2. "GUYS. GUYS. CMC is toast. He's done. He's washed. So ... let's TRADES HIMS! Yeah, another team will totes magoats want a guy who is toast, done, and warshed!" "Then let's trade for a QB and use Teddy as part of the deal! Genius!"
  3. Stop including players we as a fanbase don't like. That's not how it works. Stop putting Jackson, Teddy, etc. in your dream trade. Houston won't want them either. You need to first find a position Houston needs, then give up someone you don't want to lose. Brown, Chinn, Curtis, etc.
  4. NEWS FLASH! Houston doesn't need CMC. No one wants Teddy. This isn't Madden.
  5. Other than QB ... what position does Houston actually need? You can say you'd give them this guy or that guy but they may not need this guy or that guy.
  6. And this WHOLE THREAD is based off an opinion of Rap, lol. He just went ... um ... family ... um ... Clemson ... OH! He has no inside scoop on what Watson wants. You guys need to let your hate for Teddy go. NO TEAM will want him. He's stuck here unless we eat the cap money and let him walk. Actually, he was quoted as saying he wants a WINNING CULTURE. Not a troll line by me. He was quoted as saying that. That all said, how many of you big shots who would give up anything (including our best offensive player) would give up ... Chinn?
  7. How can she get pregnant from an android? Unless she did it herself. SWORD or AIM is the beekeeper. Not sure if they have her captive and are monitoring her reality warping for their own greed, or she's doing it to protect herself from them.
  8. Yes, it is wrong. Perhaps the writer misquoted them, but there is zero ways a fabric over your face is worse than no fabric. My issue is with that one sentence. Thus why I quoted it.
  9. If Duke really came up with that, it may as well close shop and everyone there go work at the mall.
  10. Just curious, what are YOU GUYS who keep bringing up that the death count isn't accurate trying to prove? What are YOU GUYS who say masks are totally ineffective trying to prove? What are YOU GUYS who think this whole thing is BS trying to prove? Really, do tell. What is your main point?
  11. Just ignore ripp, 45cat, and CatTower and your board life will be much simpler.
  12. Wow. We're in here arguing about masks. Sad.
  13. I wonder how many people CatTower has/will kill?
  14. https://youdontneedamask.com/
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