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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. 22 states with a rise in numbers. Florida with back to back record days. Arizona fugged. This thing won't die.
  2. I too may have had it in late Dec/Jan. Cough that just lingered for ever, a high temp for a couple days, overall weak feeling, etc.
  3. I wonder what the limit on acceptable death is? WWI and WWII deaths? Society moved on. Bombing of Japan? We didn't bat an eye. Vietnam? No one cares anymore. 9/11? That was such a tragedy ... back in the day we say. All these Covid deaths that aren't even the regular flu deaths? Meh, when does the NFL start? Police brutality? Won't even be a story in a couple weeks until the next death. Cancer? Yep, it happens we say. My guess would have to be an asteroid that kills billions in one shot. Then people would care and flip the hell out and lose their minds. Rightfully so, lol. I mean, if you survived.
  4. I don't get why some people downplay the fact that more tests are being done resulting in bigger numbers. While they might not be "new cases", it still means that many more people have it than previously thought.
  5. The mayor has asked anyone who protested to get tested (I believe for free too). Let's guess how many of these youngsters actully will! 10% is my guess.
  6. Not out of the woods yet. The protests will be an interesting addition soon.
  7. Probably due to the recent holiday. As mentioned here, it'll be interesting to see nationwide spikes (if any) in a week or two from all the protest gatherings.
  8. They all have their issues.
  9. Those Muricans just want to buy cheap crap sea food, buy cheap crap souvenirs, and spend time on a public beach with thousands of others! Let em live, man!
  10. Up to 100 cases in NY state now of this mysterious inflammatory childrens disease (is it Kawasaki? Is it not?) now. Most cases show they either have Covid or have antibodies.
  11. Don't know how many of you are paying attention to the mystery (yes, mystery) illness hitting children in NY, LA, MI, IL, and Louisiana, but if it is connected to corona than it opens up a whole new situation. It resembles Kawasaki disease, but isn't. And it's hitting corona hotspots. Pretty scary.
  12. - Dr. Peter Piot, virologist https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/finally-virus-got-me-scientist-who-fought-ebola-and-hiv-reflects-facing-death-covid-19#
  13. Seoul shutting down all bars and nightclubs after spike in cases due to reopening.
  14. It shocks me not at all that there are some anti-vax people on this board.
  15. Leader of North Carolina Protests Against Stay-at-Home Has Coronavirus https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/leader-of-north-carolina-protests-against-stay-at-home-has-coronavirus/ar-BB13hSx3?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=hplocalnews
  16. All you have to do is look at nursing homes. How did all these homes get infected? Staff and visitors with no symptoms.
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