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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Dude, that's like a puffy cloud compared to the usual vile garbage spewed in here.
  2. But what if I told you he was a MAGA kid?
  3. Brooklyn 3.0


    Having it be Kang would suck, as the whole season whould be a pointless waste just to set him up as the baddie for a movie. Having it not be Kang also sucks, as this short AF season would be over with next to no build up or deep character dive for the man behind the curtain. Oh, it's Old Man Loki? Cool ... he was great ... in his one episode. Neat, he's behind it. Now they are going to beat him. Series over! Meh.
  4. Let's once again count how long ago 2015 was please.
  5. Same as it ever was! Anyone catch the Spelling Bee last night? I watched for like 5 min. At one point a kid from NC had his turn. They showed a hype video package with a special message from CMC. You see, this kid is a HUGE Panthers fan. They mentioned it many times. They even said the team "sponsored him" as well as giving him a special jersey, and in the video package he was on the field. Go Panthers! Right? Yeah ... after all that, he walks up to the mic for his first word ... and gets it wrong. See ya! Classic.
  6. 1 and a half years later and some people STILL don't get it. Can't fix stupid.
  7. "Two States" or not, I've never been impressed with the logo. Our color scheme is ok. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible. No need to change it. The logo though, I think it needs to go.
  8. Anyone done one? It's like one of those Escape Rooms ... except instead of finding clues to leave ... they give you hammers and you smash printers, monitors, and break plates, etc. lol Seems ... healthy? Nuts? One here has a bar. Drunks with hammers? What could go wrong?
  9. My mom loves that place. We used to eat it all the time.
  10. Balls? Men have been cheerleading for ages.
  11. I wonder if he has pre-existing conditions. Hard to think someone in shape like that could just have that happen. It was blazing hot, etc. You see it from time to time on high school and college basketball courts too. I'm more shocked they continued the game.
  12. Trees? I can see plenty of trees.
  13. Brooklyn 3.0


    Great first episode. Only 6 in all, but I agree it could be the best yet.
  14. I'd bet at some point if cable is hurting (it won't be), they could give customers Netflix, etc. for free. Like, my cable (FiOS) has Netflix and YouTube as a channel. Not like an app, an actual channel. It's weird. But if you could tune in to your account that way and they foot the bill that would be something. I also have a Smart TV as I assume will be the norm with most TVs hence forth. It's nice to be able to watch all my subscriptions there and not have to watch on my laptop or push the stream from the laptop to the TV.
  15. I wonder how many cord cutters pay more now with all their subscription services than they did with just cable, lol.
  16. I'm not reading this thread buy holy hell you guys love to live in the past and torture yourselves.
  17. I'd put the eight teams in St. Louis, Portland, San Diego, San Antonio, Memphis, Indianapolis, Orlando, and Boston.
  18. True. It began in Alabama according to the flyer. But I was a BCBS for a long time in NC. I signed up just for fun. Should know how much I get around December. Maybe enough for a donut!
  19. Did anyone get a mailer about the class action lawsuit? I left NC in 2011 but had BCBS to that point for many years. It's a legit mailer and I'm impressed they know where I live now. Payout couldn't be much at all though. Anyone sign up for it?
  20. Just started The Expanse. I can already recommend it six episodes in. As good as BSG.
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