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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. I just want a three way dance with Omega, Punk, and Bryan.
  2. Punk's debut was great. I'm going to AEW and also GCW in September. Should be fun times.
  3. Nothing would scream petty and childish more than BOA booing him. You boo someone who up and leaves for another team. Not some disgruntled avg joe who couldn't get it done. You feel sorry for that guy and move on with your fan life.
  4. He had a nice game ... for preseason. But if the guys salivating over what Trey and Justin did ... in preseason, then I guess Teddy had a great game.
  5. Yeah, I grossly underestimated how much we had when I hired movers. They could only move what I paid for of course. I also rented bins from them for the small stuff. 20. Turns out I needed 40, lol. So for three days after they moved the large stuff, I rented an SUV and moved everything else. Four floor walk-up too. No elevator. No help. All my fault, yes ... but damn it was a bad time. My wife is too swamped with work so not only did I pack everything, but now I'm unpacking everything myself. But yeah ... I lost weight and got all my muscles rewoken.
  6. Yeah, I just google for a stream 10 min before kickoff each week and never have an issue. It's quite easy to achieve.
  7. Yep. The wife and I had a nice little spat during the move, lol.
  8. Man ... having an almost-three-year-old, recently having moved, and starting a new job makes me be able to say ... WHO? Really. I had to google who this kid was. Life moves quick, man.
  9. I recently changed neighborhoods in BK. I gotta say ... systematic racism, having your peen sliced open by a knife-weilding psycho, the holocaust, Wal-Mart, Trump, having someone pour AIDS in your coffee, wildfires, Coldplay, Drew Brees' mole, Google Jim Bob Cooter, pooping your pants as an adult, TMZ, mumble rap, and maybe even for sure people who vape ... ALL of that has NOTHING on moving.
  10. Fua gets it. If you've ever watched one of those super fatty shows where they hospitalize them and put them on a "controlled diet", you'll notice these people lose a TON of weight. So how is it a hospital can do it while so many people on their own can't? Easy. At the hospital they have no say. At home, they do. Want to shed pounds? Eat right and exercise. That's all. The key is you have to stick to it. Do that, and you lose weight. Have "cheat days", don't do what you're supposed to do, etc. and you won't. It might be one of the most simple things ever. Eating less ... while still eating crap in your other meals won't work. Just like the super fatties who get weight loss surgery thinking that will be the cure ... then eat crap after the surgery and gain weight back.
  11. Celebrity, lol. Followers means NOTHING. The very, very, small handful who make bank are simply rich. To be a celebrity, you have to be known by all ages and all formats of communication. Staying on the Interwebs is jack. Now, the Paul brothers I'll give you ... as they've done PPV boxing matches now, are on ESPN, WWE, etc. They are celebs. That YT dude with the most views who shrugs and shows an easier way to do things? No.
  12. Adams to the Raiders is a strong rumor right now.
  13. She'll be ok, man. Women are TOUGH when it comes to the child inside them. I have a 2.75 year old. My first. The labor was a BLUR. But seeing her for the first time, and when she grabbed my finger minutes later was amazing. You'll be fine, and as said, so will your wife. Doctors and nurses do it all day every day. Just breathe, enjoy the moment, be strong for your wife ... then never get sleep again as your entire world shifts and your kiddo comes first 24/7/365. It's wild, man.
  14. It's actually the Packers, not Aaron or Giannis.
  15. Brooklyn 3.0


    Yep, just a set up series. What a waste of great acting.
  16. Guy who has played on SEVEN teams says one of them was boo boo. Maybe YOU are the problem, guy.
  17. Yep. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/15566778/saka-rashford-sancho-racism-england-italy-euro-2020/
  18. Fun final. I feel bad for the three England guys who missed their PK. They are going to get some hate.
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