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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. I can't hate Brady. We are belessed to be able to see someone THAT good in our lifetime.
  2. So Kevin Owens took 'Owens' off his Twitter. Now it just says Kevin. In the editible part of course. He then tweeted and QUICKLY deleted the coord. to Mt. Rushmore ... which was a stable he had with Adam Cole and the YB back in the day. Looks like Kevin STEEN is up next. Even Pete Dunne is thinking about moving on.
  3. Well he did do stuff for Impact recently. And we all know that AEW, Impact, New Japan, MLW, AAA, GCW, and NWA are all lightly doing business. I know you can never slay WWE ... but if that lot really joins forces more ... wow. Not sure why ROH isn't playing ball.
  4. Now THAT was a PPV. Absolutely amazing. And other than the Wight match, every match was GREAT. I figured we'd get one debut, but THREE? AND Suzuki? Unreal. I am totes buying the Adam Cole shirt lol. Sort of bummed no one will debut at Ashe, unless Wyatt??? But yeah ... what a PPV.
  5. I've only watched the first episode. The southern accents are awful and really take me out of the show. The story was pretty decent though.
  6. His winning the MVP has nothing to do with why most people know who Cam is, lol. NFL peers have nothing to do with fans knowing who Cam is. And charity? What are you grasping at, dude? Sorry everyone doesn't love Cam like you do. They're allowed to not like him, you are aware of that, yes? And not like him for reasons other than race, prejudices, politics, etc. It'll be ok though. You can still follow him on Twitter or IG. Nothing will change for your hero. He can still be #1 in your life. And why even bring Darnold up? We're talking about Newton. Are you sure you're even a fan of this team? Or did you just like having a superstar you could brag about as your favorite player?
  7. But the funny thing is, most people outside of the fanbase know "Cam" because of a stolen laptop, dabbing, crazy running plays, and his drama ... not what team he was on, not the record that team had, not how good he made the team, etc. Cam Newton made us the CAMOLINA PANTHERS from day one, and has done nothing but stir up arguments, hate, racism, blind homer loyalty, rage for the team organization, hypocricy from all sides, and all sorts of other crap that takes away from the team. He took us to the Playoffs (as did Jake) and we will go back again. But I for one will be happy to enjoy the CAROLINA Panthers again, enjoy the team again, enjoy this board again. The polarization Newton created can finally end ... one day. Hopefully next season. Go Panthers.
  8. Hoyer also cut. Pats really have a lot of faith in the rookie.
  9. Father Time is the biggest thing going against Newton. His style of play seems to be going out of fashion in the NFL as of late, after enjoying a massive surge the past decade. It can still work out, but you have to be able to do it. He can't anymore. He's no spring chicken. What he's left with is an amazing goal line QB who is average in all other facets of the game. He may have gotten the Pats more wins than the rook, but it's the rook's turn now. Newton just needs to back-up somewhere knowing he can get a team a back-up win. That's his new schtick. 2015 was a long, long time ago, gentlemen.
  10. I may or may not own a Jungle Boy t-shirt.
  11. Blind ballot voting by the team to determine who the backup QB is.
  12. Disney, Apple, and Amazon should just join forces and make us all mindless robots to do their bidding. I posted that whilst my kid watches D+, on a Mac, and I get an Amazon order today.
  13. The Young Bucks heel schtick might be the best thing going in wrestling right now.
  14. So Deshaun threads are the new Cam threads? Great. LOOK ... men have ONE ball sack ... ONE. Women have TWO tit sacks ... TWO. But men have TWO testicles ... TWO. So can you imagine a world where men have TWO sacks ... one for each testicle? I can. And it's not a pretty world.
  15. I think if you watch Okada/Omega, party_animal, your view of Omega will change in that you'll see how amazing he is ... yes he's still a fancy boy ... but holy crap if he's not the best since Benoit. So excited for AEW at Arthur Ashe. Have great seats. Even better seats for GCW. So close I wonder if I'll get hit with light tube wreckage lol.
  16. Omega is a HUGE and I mean HUGE anime nerd. He's also an avid gamer, speaks fluent Japanese, and spent almost a decade in Japan. He is who he is ... which is also the best wrestler on the planet.
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