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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. No, correct. They just use it weird, so that being #1 in "points allowed" is actually a BAD thing.
  2. ESPN is correct. They just have the Defense numbers "reversed".
  3. Yeah, from what I've read, AEW is simply doing the NJPW model which means a lot of factions. If they wanted to make it mean something though, why not create a "faction title" or "belt" or "cup". That way factions could compete. Don't know the logitics, but it could be cool. So ... I'm pretty sure my seats are hard camera all night. I'm second row behind floor. Floor is usually just 2-3 rows which may be even less at Ashe. So I'll be on camera all night. I'll tell you dorks what wrestling shirt I'm in so you can laugh at me. BUT ... should I bring a small sign? Carolina Huddle 4 Life Zod Clickbaits Tommy Jone Still talkin' about Cam! Stay out of the Tinderbox But can he play LT? I'd rather be in China ... wait David Tepper just bought AEW KEEP POUNDING ... britt baker Miro vs. Google Jim Bob Cooter ... TAKE MY MONEY
  4. Fireman Ed didn't start as a screen prompt though did he? That's all you need. One dedicated super fan to turn around and get his section to start it. Just like the wave. Just need someone as loud, brash, and raged like Fireman Ed. Catman sure isn't the answer. So, which one of you knuckleheads is up to the challenge?
  5. Haven't read the thread but pretty sure Tepper has no idea who/what RR is nor does he care. Pretty sure if the animated Panther thing is season-long, it cost him a lot of money so if he has to replace the chant so be it. He's a billionaire from Pittsburgh. It will take him a decade to get into a Carolina state of mind.
  6. Welp. Looks like I'll be seeing a PPV quality Dynamite next week! Beyond psyched to get to see Danielson and Omega go at it. Wow wow wow. Sort of annoyed they're doing Rampage too. Show won't be over til like 12:30 and the crowd will be dead by then. But it's the only way to get to see Punk. Will def buy an event t-shirt! Then two days later it's GCW. I hope everyone throws trash at Cardona again. I so want to do that.
  7. Urban Meyer, no matter what he just said.
  8. Christ. More back and forth about racism ... I mean Cam. When will this board move on?
  9. So sad. Dude was SO smart at the game of comedy. The moth joke, the pig joke, and so many more. He was one of a kind.
  10. Brooklyn 3.0

    Peyton and Eli

    It was amazing. If I wanted to just watch the game ... I could have. This was an alternative. It provided humor, amazing insight the schills can't give you, game knowledge former players who are in the booth aren't allowed to give, fun guests, and great brother back and forth. It was like watching the game with your buddies ... who just happen to be football genuises. Will actually watch MNF now. Kudos, ESPN.
  11. Hubba Bubba and whomeverheis are not CMC and won't be CMC. It's a risk to give CMC so much, but what else are you going to do? If we ever have a nice lead, then you can let CMC rest.
  12. Love the brothers version. Knew it would be great just by watching him and Cooper on that college trivia show.
  13. Maybe just don't make it 45 min, lol. A one minute presser could have acheived the same thing.
  14. There is no "big deal" or anything "to get" on why people have issues with the video. But when you produce a 45 min video about yourself, filmed on a football field with professional cameras and lighting, and then release it to the public ... which didn't need to be done because no one was even talking about you for longer than a minute ... then prepare to receive feedback. At least he didn't air it nationally like Lebron did, which by the way was panned by people everywhere. Cam could have done a well-written and thoughtful IG post, done a press release, done an article in a newspaper, etc. But he went the Hollywood route for whatever reason and the feedback is natural.
  15. What's interesting is the "two minute drill". You don't usually get a commercial. And if you do, it's only one 30 sec spot. Time outs are usually kept on the field. The TMD is exciting! Fast! Fluid! If the entire game could have the energy of the TMD ... well damn!
  16. I enjoyed last night's game. But not because it was high scoring, or pass-filled, etc. Because it was FLUID. It's weird, as a baseball fan first, I don't mind that game being slow. It's supposed to be. It's relaxing. The NFL should not be relaxing or slow. I've lost interest over the years because the game is just boring. Commercials are the main culprit, but I'd much rather watch baseball than: KICK RETURN action stops RUN PLAY OF 1 YD action stops RUN PLAY OF 5 YDS action stops INCOMPLETE PASS action stops PUNT + RETURN commercial PASS action stops INJURY commercial PASS action stops TD commercial KICKOFF commercial etc The game just doesn't let you stay on the edge of your seat. It's very hard to watch a game these days. Thankfully, Brady and Dax were solid enough where drives were quick last night. That helps. Getting massive chunks of yardage per play keeps the action penned in and away from a LONG drive that may only result in a FG. The difference between that, and baseball, is that you may get 2 commercials during that long NFL drive, where as in MLB you can get a LONG innning without ONE commercial. It works.
  17. Cam gets moved because of the back and forth banter seen in this very thread. That said ... 45 min video, Cam? Wow.
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