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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. But that's why he IS so compelling. We're watching history. He's our Jordan. We may never get a chance to see something like this again before we all croak. I don't care he beat us in the Super Bowl. That was a LONG time ago. I don't care if their cheating helped that. I don't care if he was a "system QB" in NE. I don't care that he's a dork. I don't care that he's married to a model. All I know is we are witness to something amazing. He'll retire one day, don't worry. But look at your last sentence ... just the idea that one guy can control an entire league ... wow. If you can't enjoy Brady as a fan of football, you're just a hater.
  2. Have you been away the past 24 hours? Cam has been two threads, and mentioned in many others. I keep bringing him up trying to get more people to join me in getting others to stop talking about him. It's a crusade I can't do alone.
  3. Pin this thread until whatever happens happens. Meanwhile Jets grab Flacco and not Cam, so he's still out there too, Cam fans.
  4. He needs a team. Our team needs to be fixed. Picks help with that. It's just not in the cards, man.
  5. Don't yall know? Watson would take us to the promise land with no O-linemen, actual dogs for WRs, a brick for RB, and the cast of Golden Girls as the coaching staff. THAT'S HOW GOOD HE IS! We don't need picks to spruce up this team! Trade all the picks! Trade all the stars! We just need HIM! Question ... are some of you who want him so bad Clemson fans? Or do you think you really know football?
  6. Cam can't get THIS team to the Playoffs. Cam is 32. 2015 was a LONG time ago. The magic he once had can't be recreated with THIS team. A LOT of stuff would have to happen to provide him a team he could take to the Playoffs in his last years as a QB. So ... why in the hell would you want him? Because you like him? Ok. Because you want to dab again? Ok. Because you love his energy? Ok. Me? I want to see a winning team. This organization can't give us that it seems. Cam isn't the answer to the puzzle. Keep your memories of 2015 golden. Him coming back would just sour his legacy.
  7. He's a puss playing in a new world puss game. Smitty would've never done that.
  8. You guys want another "it" QB so bad you don't care if we never have a winning season again during his time here ... as long as you can rock his jersey and talk him up to your friends.
  10. Rhule actually thought bringing in "his guys" and his way was somehow going to shake things up in the NFL lol. Welcome to the big time, dude.
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