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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Thankful for the Internet, so I can still watch the Panthers (being that I'm out of market) without having to pay some fee to a company for a game other people get for free.
  2. Has this franchise ever had a brand? And if so, why has it been tweaked with every new coach? There should have been a brand from day one. If Rhule and Tepper have a brand in mind, it better stick around otherwise it's more of the same for this sad little franchise.
  3. First round Playoff exit or JUST miss out ... middle of the pack Draft order. The Carolina Panthers are the Charlotte Hornets of the NFL.
  4. Cam is good enough to get us to a first round exit.
  5. To the victor go the spoils. Just seeing some of you riled up already makes his troll job efficient.
  6. Yep, that's on coaching. PLEASE stop with this rigged stuff. The league does not have it out for Charlotte, NC. Imagine Titans fans saying that. We'd laugh at their paranoia. No one cares about the Panthers. If anything, Cam leading a winning drive or balling out would have been on ESPN and trending on social media which only helps the NFL. They have zero desire to push WFT right now. Zero.
  7. That's not negativity that's a fact. Did you read the game day thread? They make me look tame.
  8. LOL, yeah, CMC did his thing. Once a team figures out how to stop him watch out for bad things. It'll be like the old days where Cam was our only weapon.
  9. Cam played very good for coming off the street. But we have to all remember he hasn't mastered the playbook yet. What we saw today was a VERY vanilla offense for Cam to run. Had WFT figured out how to throttle CMC (that may be impossible actually), they would have won by more. Give Cam a game or two more and you'll see different plays ... but of course it's too late for the Playoffs most likely and we'll be drafting in the mids again. The question is, is Cam the future here or not?
  10. You know what would be funny in a very sad way? If Ron intentionally played soft defense on the opening drive just so the fans and Cam could have an amazing moment.
  11. Playoff games, "must win" games, rivalry games, Patriots games, etc. all would be in the running. This one might be in the Top 10 but no way is it #2.
  12. If they allowed you to transfer your ownership to another person (at a price you set), then I could see it.
  13. Guess you didn't read my post carefully enough.
  14. Haven't read thread yet, but I'm here to read all the high and mighty "adopt only" angry people. Let's see if there are any ... Oh, and my answer would be $1001.
  15. BUT ... how many of you would buy a jug of Cammy Cam juice?
  16. Contact Jeremy. Not sure what info he can gather for you from when he signed up though.
  17. Yes, if Raleigh has become a diverse mecca and Durham has tall buildings now ... I stand corrected, lol.
  18. I liked Charlotte best. Durham was small, boring and run down. Raleigh was ok, but it felt like it was all about NCSU and nothing but upper middle class white families. Charlotte at least felt like a city. I lived there 18 years. I've been in Brooklyn since 2011.
  19. I just figure it's going to take time to get your bags and go through the rental process. Anything is possible though. You guys are going to be exhausted. And as a father of a 3 yo ... you already are lol. Have fun though! I used to live in Charlotte and Raleigh and Durham. Haven't been to a game in like 12 years. Used to have PSLs.
  20. You are going to need more time, man. I doubt you even get to Raleigh by noon. You should just make it a Panthers trip and do scouting another time and give yourself 3-4 days.
  21. Like, non-game moment? Like when they used to pose for pictures, or he does his Superman pose? It's up there. But like, an all-time TEAM moment? Nah, man.
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