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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Such a close shade to NYCFC. Weird MLS allowed that.
  2. I'd guess pure strength is also key. When you have a savage manbeast trying to bulldoze you to smash your QB, it'd help if you can match his ferocity.
  3. That's pretty sad if it's not a common thing to do. Having to have refs come hold your hand in practice? Wow.
  4. What are Manute Bol and Tacko Fall up to these days? I heard they had long arms.
  5. The Panthers took a gamble ... and lost.
  6. And if he danced, strutted his stuff, showboated, and clowned around you'd love him. See? I can make dumb statements like yours too.
  7. Jones hasn't looked horrible as a rookie. A rookie, guys. With Bill, their philosophy, their recent history, etc., if this kid can improve (as other elite QBs did in their early years), looks like nothing is going to change in the NFL lol. Hate them all you want, but I'm glad I got to witness the dynasty in person instead of reading about "that great team" on Wiki.
  8. Start Cam, let him have his fun when/if he has a good game, let the fans have their fun when/if that happens. Start fresh next season with Sam as the backup, Cam and PJ gone, and lord knows who has our starter as we once again have a losing season.
  9. Normal hair here. Not some shaved down fade + bowlcut.
  10. Pretty sure we make fun of how every coach/GM we've ever had looks.
  11. Take you're little wack haircut and go coach a high school, dude. Win a few titles, then get on as Passing Game Coordinator (lol) in college somewhere, flounder a year or three, move up to OC, make the CFP, then after those 10 years are up ... come back to the NFL. Looking fwd to us running it more, lol. We're going to get blow out by everyone but the Falcons.
  12. Has the TB not told you yet that the vax doesn't prevent you from possibly getting it? Just prevents serious illness if you do? You're not too bright.
  13. I love how PhillyB tries to debate with intelligence some of the time, but then results to childish insults the rest of the time. Takes any credibility he may have away.
  14. I'd believe that if they gave a damn about the kid. He's not a league star. He's a media star because of his father, and a star in Charlotte. The NBA couldn't care less about the future of this kid. He's a dime a dozen great talent.
  15. Wait ... is rippadon accusing the NBA of trying to screw the CHARLOTTE hornets? The NBA barely even knows they exist. Why would they go out of their way to try and give them losses?
  16. He cocked the damn hammer back. I bet he thought it did what it didn't do and it slipped. He shouldn't be charged at all. It was an accident. But him saying he doesn't feel guilty or feels at fault is a bit much. Dude is a POS. Verbally abuses his spouse and kids, assaults people on the street, etc. Funny actor or not, he's not immune to criticism.
  17. I'd love to hear some of the excuses for why someone wouldn't want free tickets to Wake/Pitt! - Need to clip my toenails - We're out of milk and the store closes at 11. Don't want to risk it. - I have some paint that needs me to watch as it dries. - The ACC plays football? - A team from a forest and a team in a pit? Too spooky for me. - I dropped a grain of sand in my living room and need to find it. - There's a Jersey Shore marathon on MTV. What are you crazy!?
  18. Here's what this team and franchise is great at ...
  19. Me looking for the day this board stops talking about him.
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