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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. I want them to take Willis. JUST so the team is garbage, as usual, for at least the next three years. JUST so the fan base can divide over the QB ... again. JUST so anything negative said about him will be turned into an argument over race. JUST so any bad game he has will be blamed on Rhule, WRs dropping passes, the Oline, or the OC. NEVER CHANGE! Let's keep this place the exact same foreverrrrrrrrrrrr. DRAFT A DAMN LT. Get your franchise QB next season.
  2. But guys, he can't throw it 100 yds and run circles around NFL defenses! Say no to Kenny!
  3. The NFL is requiring ALL teams to hire a minority (race, ethnicity, or woman) offensive assistant coach for the 2022 season. The NFL will pay the coach but they must be an actively involved member of the staff. If a team already has that, they're good. Do the Panthers? In addition, women now added to Rooney Rule and can count toward it.
  4. San Francisco 49ers GM John Lynch says no scenario in which QB Jimmy Garoppolo is released
  5. Nah. Arians, Arthur Smith, McDermott, McCarthy, Andy Reid, Belichick, Mike McDaniel, and Daboll are all ugly MFers.
  6. Just when you think threads on here can't get any dumber.
  7. Should be good for him. Less stress and still get to do what you love.
  8. Nope! The Huddle has spoken! Either Willis or Cam or whoooOoOOo caaaaaaares.
  9. Whichever's knees won't be an issue after a few games.
  10. I can't support the team of the city I've lived in for the past 11 years? Hmm. Ok.
  11. 11 years ago, yes. I was never a huge Hornets fan nor an NBA fan. Started to follow the Nets because I was given season tickets. Anything else?
  12. Allen 132 (17 games) Jackson 133 (12 games) Hurts 139 (15 games)
  13. I love it. Unranked for such a long stretch this season. Feels so good. I've liked the Heels since I was 6 ... but part of me would be ok if St. Pete pulled the upset. Either way a good one is going to the Final Four. But what a joy it would be to send Coach K off with a loss again! But ... Arkansas upsets Duke ... St. Peters upsets UNC ... then they upset the Hogs. Jesus what a story. ARGH!
  14. Yeah! Go Peacocks! This is what the country needs right now. They're only like seven miles away from me too. So weird. They can totally upset UNC. Not sure about UCLA.
  15. Here's how much of a non issue this is. Ok, when I used to live in CLT I went to every game and knew every player. Since I moved up here, no games and less and less do I know every player. So, when I saw this thread. You know what I said? ... who?
  16. It must be hell for you living in a world where everything is about race.
  17. Didn't listen to the PC but didn't see this in the thread? This is from an ESPN article.
  18. QBs who run it 50+ yds a game: Jalen Hurts, Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen. That's it. There are three. And you can be elite and be a running QB btw. A running QB will win it all one day, just due to probability. I just don't like the wear and tear their bodies take. Jackson is already seeing breakdown. Hurts won't be far off as much as they run him. Bills would be morons if they don't dial Allen back. If they don't, he will be brittle too. Same thing with our RUNNING BACK ... CMC. He's too small to run it all the time. Vick's body wore down. Even Big Ben (not a running QB) and Cam (up for debate if he is) show wore after being abused. I know QBs who run are fun to watch ... but it's just not smart. Give me a Mahomes or a Prescott ... who can run if needed but are much more about the passing. The crazy thing is we know Lamar Jackson can throw it, but they still have him run too much. Insane.
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