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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Wow. He's not being a deadbeat. When he has 50% custody, everything he does for his child comes out of his own pocket. Just as everything she does should come out of her pocket. Why is she getting extra money when they split custody equally?
  2. IMHO, if you split custody 50/50 (was that court ordered?) then you should both be in charge of supporting your kid yourself. If she had sole custody and you only had visitation, yes you'd owe her support. But if you are both equally taking care of the child, then I don't see why you're giving her money at all. If the roles were reversed and you made a lot more money than her, no one in their right mind would expect her to give you money. Speak to a lawyer if it's a financial issue for you. If not, keep paying.
  3. People will STILL bitch about the call, assuming the tech even works every time.
  4. This. If you idiots want to bring race into it, I'll force it to the TB. He in NO way made ANY negative words toward Haskin's race. Jesus.
  5. That's weird that report doesn't mention a car. Just him walking on the highway.
  6. You always see clips of cop cars getting hit during a stop (dash cam). So you know it happens with regular cars too. I wonder what is behind those accidents? Like, the driver is looking at the accident/stop and isn't even aware they are drifting into it. Rubbernecking I think it's called. Crazy. 24 is way too young to go.
  7. Just make it an attraction inside Carowinds, lol.
  8. I mean, long snappers have rings too. Why are we all so happy for him? What's the feel good story I'm missing? I'll go read his Wiki.
  9. All I know is that Rock Hill sucks. Big time. I saw a wrestling show there once. And I filled up my tank many a times there. Those are the highlights. Fort Mill is where my grandpa's ink corporation is, but the town is about as big as my Brooklyn apartment. They probably couldn't even find a place for the practice field. Columbia is no better, and in all honesty is a dump. I saw many a punk show there though. Memories. You'd think they'd have wanted the Panthers. Charleston, now that's a nice town! Too far south though. And North Litchfield. My family has a beach house there. That's my favorite place in SC ... the NJ of the south. Have fun.
  10. I don't think he'll want to move the team and I don't think the owners will vote in his favor if he did ... however, as long as he'd choose a city that could make just as much profit as the Carolinas did it's a very doable situation. Just don't think it'll happen though. Owners care about money, not respect for an area. They, other than maybe the NFCS owners, couldn't give a rat's ass if the Carolinas had a team. They care that that the 32 make money. Period. If Tepper could convince them that the (insert city here) Panthers would make just as much if not more ... then they'd consider it. But again, I don't see it ever getting to that point. Charlotte will cave to his demands, tax payers will whine and cry that they have to foot some of the bill, and the team will continue to suck but this time in a shiny new arena.
  11. Even a broken clock is right twice a day ... Carl.
  12. Well we now know for certain OP is on the Willis train. Only reason he posted this.
  13. A quick Google search shows that in 2021 the Panthers were the 19th most valuable team, and were not even in the top 12 in profit. So no, I don't think the NFL would cause a fuss if Tepper found a better area. But also no, I don't think Tepper will move the team nor does he want to.
  14. Wait, are Duke fans actually in this thread trying to find something ... anything to grasp at to make up for the tears they had over UNC making them look like fools twice?
  15. St. Louis Panthers Portland Panthers San Antonio Panthers Oklahoma City Panthers San Diego Panthers Oakland Panthers Honolulu Panthers Vancouver Panthers Berlin Panthers London Panthers
  16. THAT'S even better! Seriously though, didn't we have a thread about him leaving and 99% of the posts were happy? Now people are sticking up for him?
  17. He meant the arena is a dump. And it is. The atmosphere? That's what's amazing. But come on, they but the broadcast team in the rafters, the fans are basically on the court, and I've seen church sanctuarys in rural Mississippi that look nicer than Cameron. But yes, you can't beat what the student section gives.
  18. Tell us more, Captain Science! Tell the class how, because of systematic racism and his own culture, it's perfectly fine for him to write in that way and not be forced to use the gammar of the white man. IBTB
  19. Not getting my hopes up yet, but HOW MANY WEEKS WERE WE UNRANKED THIS YEAR? That disrespect was insane.
  20. I lived in Durham for 2 years, Raleigh for 6, Greensboro for 1, Charlotte for 18, and visited CH many times for shows. They ALL suck. The mountains or the coast are the only good parts of NC.
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