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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Anyone else doing this? It may have launched today. It's simple, just fill out the first round. If you get it right (which no one will), you win $15 million dollar bucks. https://www.budlight.com/perfectdraft/ It doesn't have any option for trades though, so I'm not too sure how they'll deal with that. Maybe you just focus on the player that gets drafted in that spot?
  2. When I was in 7th grade our choir had a competition in Biloxi. That was before the days of water casinos I think. There was nothing in Jackson. One AA baseball team ... and yep. That's it. I did go to school with Othella Harrington though. God bball player who went on to star at Georgetown before floppingin the NBA.
  3. Hope BK can steal one tonight. Almost had the win in game 1. Where in Mississippi did you live, Aggie? I lived in Jackson for 6 years.
  4. Just build it in Charlotte. If I were a player I wouldn't want to have to drive all the time to get to practice. I know RH is like ... right there, but if you can't go there or Fort Mill you may as well just keep it near BOA. Or by the lake. No clue where most players have their season house. Put it next to Carowinds. Turn it into an attraction like Orlando does.
  5. Here's the thing ... there are only 32 teams in the NFL and you get a new crop of QBs in the Draft every single year. That amount just piles up for options when teams find their guy. Just because we haven't found our guy shouldn't mean we HAVE to get a QB this season. There will always be QBs. When the right one is there, that's when you go get him. We are used to sucking. Waiting until the right one comes along won't matter one bit. What ... you thought we'd go all the way this season? Ok, lol. The day WILL come, Panthers fans. Just be patient. And just say no to Howell, Willis, Pickett, Corral, Strong, Mayfield, JG, and MInshew.
  6. Don't know why you guys would want Westbrook. If he's not THE man he gets unhappy and Ball is your team's man.
  7. Sam it up and ham it up. We'll be drafting around the same spot next year, Rhule will get the axe, Sam will get the boot, and the LT we draft this season will have a solid year under his belt to protect our future QB starting in 2023. We've been losers almost every season we've been a team. You can stomach another easily. Don't panic and draft crap. Don't mess up the cap and bring in yet another QB. You're NOT good enough of a team to win it all anyway ... so don't try to convince yourself that you are.
  8. Baker is NOT elite ... but he's better than Sam, PJ, an unhealthy JG, Cam, Willis, Pickett, Corall, the Nevada statue, and the Huddle's love fest Minshew. He could give us 9 wins. But him being an a-hole d-bag? Uh ... Brady, A-Rod, Cam, Jameis, Big Ben, Watson, Favre, Rivers, Vick, Namath, Kaep, McNabb, and Jay Cutler all have had their moments. Just win, baby?
  9. I'd like to see Zod's server malfunction if in a hypothetical world, Robby actually praised Sam.
  10. Why do people take offense to disses on Robby? No one defends Sam, no one defended Teddy, no one defended Clausen, no one defended the no name RBs and LBs who didn't do jack, etc. Why are some of you all, ohhh poor Robby! ?
  11. We all know the real reason behind what Robby wants.
  12. We should just stop these threads. ONE side wants a pocket passer, the OTHER side wants a flashy cannon arm hot rod. Neither side will bend. It will be the same back and forth kind debate until the pick is made. Yawn city.
  13. Just saw an article that said Willis and Corral will be the only QBs actually at the Draft. Haven't seen you guys talk about that but it's interesting Pickett won't be there.
  14. I get that places like to have an identity. But is it really THAT bad to lose Keep Pounding? Sure, the drum was cool and all. And the chant was cute. But in 20 years the youngins will have zero clue who Mills was/is. They will probably have the same mindset Tepper does. It's like the song they sing when the Eagles score. No one now probably knows why it was started, or what it's about. They just want to yell spell the team name. Life will go on without Keep Pounding, and just like J-E-T-S guy, nothing is stopping the crowd from chanting it anyway.
  15. Caaaaan't run, lollllllllll ... game has changed, lollllllll ... pocket passers are for your dad, lollllllllll.
  16. Man, CMC sure dresses poorly. What an ugly outfit. Yes, I know it's not him.
  17. Shouldn't a team have that right though? NFL teams rest starters all the time. Yeah, they wanted an easier 1st round foe ... but if you're given the chance to do it you should be able to. As a Nets fan, I'd much rather face Boston anyway.
  18. Looks like we're winning tonight and will get Boston. If you guys beat Atlanta, then the Cavs ... you think you can beat Miami? I forget, is it Miami or Chicago that's been playing average lately?
  19. All of social media is AIDS ... and yes I realize this is a form of said AIDS. But I wear a condom when I ... come in here.
  20. There are some NBA owners who make Tepper look homeless.
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