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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Tepper is eventually going to learn that while he can indeed buy all these shiny toys (teams) to play with ... he actually has to do something with them.
  2. Our colors are fine. We need a new logo. I don't care that it represents two states, you can still do that. The Panther head is just not impressive at all.
  3. It's this. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just because you're on a coaching staff in the NFL doesn't mean you should be a HC at some point.
  4. Not everyone gets to be a HC. Jesus. How many assistants have there been in the NFL since day one and how many made it to head coach? Year after year there are tons of names who don't get hired for the big role and continue to do their current role. Why was everyone on his jock to begin with? He's had some pretty good players to X and O. You think had he been in the same spot in say ... Carolina or Jacksonville people would've said his name? Hell no. As for McCoy, it's pretty unprofessional and low class to talk smack about someone publically like that. Oh well.
  5. Pretty sure Robbie brings that on himself though. If Sam acted like a dork on Twitter, he'd get ragged. He smartly stays off it. But yes, they both deserve the insults they get for what they do on the field that's for sure.
  6. Yeah, it may need it's own thread but we should put an end to it before it starts to grow. But giving him a nickname after a terrible restaurant is just plain dumb. OK Corral is better, but that has to do with an old west shoot out. Cool, I guess? Why don't we let one grow organically, or come up with something original. I don't care if "golden" is a good adj ... all you think about is that nasty food.
  7. Is hubby1 related to Robbie? The dude underperformed, just like Sam. The Huddle gets on a player's case (except for one) if he underperforms. Not sure what the problem is here.
  8. Well yeah, I work in advertising.
  9. I use a laptop for work. From home. But I'd imagine most in-person large companies still use iMacs.
  10. I've always said paying college kids would open a can of worms. Instead of "paying" them ... they came up with this NIL idea. For those that supported paying athletes were fine with NIL. Good for them, they'd say. I didn't even think of how schools could use NIL to their benefit. All of the alum/backer stuff that people have forever been saying poisons the game ... just became legally possible with NIL. Good job, NCAA ... lol. Good job, people that supported kids making money ... lol. It's going to get dirtier than ever now.
  11. Just play on dirt! Like real men! These damn coddled multi millionaires.
  12. It's not rigged, but yes, they need to do an NFL style of some sort. I mean, come on ... rigged? Orlando got the top pick. No one cares at all about Orlando. As for worries of "tanking", crap teams need better players so they may as well tank. They're not getting any better any other way. Teams not playing their all at the end of the season affecting the Playoffs? Ok, that's something they'll need to combat. Middle of the road teams "tanking" to become elite? Yeah, that needs to be addressed. But ping pong balls ... come on, man.
  13. Jesus. Am I in a time machine? This is a classic 2004 type forum thread. People still use PCs and desktops outside of work? Yeah yeah ... gaming ... I know.
  14. Might have to go to the one here ... though ... that's not "away" for me. It's such a PITA to get there though.
  15. Let the rumors fly! Just came in to say everyone is starting to post he "may" come back.
  16. Suns ... ouch. Sure it's only at the half as I type this ... but damn. Can't wait to see Stephen A. Smith tweet. He is always ragging on Luka.
  17. College football student sections, crazy hockey towns, MLS supporter sections, Red Sox and Yankees fans ... it's just a different breed. Put the knuckleheads from the 500 section down in the 100-300s at BOA and it'd look and sound different on TV I'd imagine. BOA is just too large with too many casuals to always be rocking (outside of a Playoff game). It is what it is. No harm no foul. The day BOA lets fans wave massive flags or banners in their seats, shoot smoke bombs, chant players names, sing, beat drums, slam plexiglass (er ... chairs?), curse, etc. is a day I'd like to see.
  18. Looking forward to that 10 year anniversary of 2015 Cam and people still wanting him to suit up and take us all the way.
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