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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. No sex, man! It's LOTR! No gore like in GoT, but there is killing. Some violence too. Kids might find it a bit too boring though at times. But they'll love the harfoots and dwarves!
  2. Yet you posted. Tom def has some psychological issues in that he just can't let go. His wife just wants her husband back. The kids probably want him around more. Favre, Peyton, Nolan Ryan, Jordan ... all examples of dudes who just couldn't stop.
  3. Woo lordy! Two episodes down and I AM IN. That was fantastic. Top notch cinematography, great story, great score, actors I've never seen thus I can believe, good cliffhangers, charm, humor, action. I think this is going to be the next GoT.
  4. Aww, poor lil frankw, triggered yet again by me. Tepper did nothing wrong in this instance.
  5. You can't take anything the RR says seriously. He has his own agenda, his own desire to make a profit, and his own plan to supply fans with Pantherdom that has nothing to do with the team offically. He wants to be the star. And there is nothing wrong with that. By all means, go to HIS pre-gamer. I hear it's great. That said, if anyone can prove they will block off EVERY SINGLE way for a fan to now get near a player unless they pay $350 ... ok, we'll all stand corrected. RR implies a "free fan experience" has been taken away. What was that exactly these past decades anyway? Fans behind guardrails clapping? Them begging a player to waste their time and come over to sign something? Maybe Sir Purr was in the area and a cheerleader or two? Was that the "free experience" some feel is no longer a thing? Or was it some big to do? With fans everywhere, players, DJs, food, beverages, etc? Pretty sure it was not that. They simply have a unique fan experience that costs money that you can decide to take part in or not take part in. Just like your tickets cost money and you can either choose to watch the game inside the stadium or not lol. Again, if cops are going to bar all fans from every area around player parking, hit them with batons when they approach the Extra Evil Rich Person Area, and treat true fans like peasants as they shoo them to the RR where the REAL action is ... I'll eat crow.
  6. He's trying to inform you that this is incorrect, Scot. It did not go from free to $350. That's all he's trying to let you know. Accept it and move on.
  7. Meh, business is business. It will have name changes over the decades. It will have many new sponsors. BOA will be juuuust fine lol.
  8. Still thinking 9-8. That was my guess right after we signed Baker and it hasn't budged.
  9. I think episode two was six months from episode one? Looks like episode three will be two years later.
  10. Yeah, didn't pick up until the later bits but set up a lot of plot. There's going to be a second season at the least, so I don't expect it to fly along. Interesting though that before E1 I thought Daemon was fighting the king via previews but now it looks like he's taking on the crab guy instead.
  11. Where ARE good roads? Every state is serious meh. I did a road trip for five weeks around the US in 2009. Major loop with ups/downs/ins/outs. I can't think of one place where I was like ... wow ... this is so smooth and amazing! #weather #money #manpower #supplies #materials
  12. Looking forward to tonight. And The Rings of Power is next week!
  13. I'd much rather have someone else worry about Baker's cap hit if he performs well (as in ... I don't work for the team), than me being bummed watching Corral slowly develop over the next few seasons. IF Baker is legit you gotta run with it.
  14. It's going to be weird in here this season to see some people slowly turn a 180 and start rooting for Baker.
  15. Cam would be a GREAT pick up for us ... four years ago.
  16. What about the four other guys ... that were IN THE ROOM with him? Surely they can be asked a question or two, no?
  17. We all know how this is going to end. It's 2022. Stop wasting everyones time. Punt the kid, sign someone new, let the courts do their thing while we all forget about it and watch football.
  18. What kind of soft bitch pulls a gun in a fist fight? Jesus. Just play the clip from Friday when Craig's dad is talking to him.
  19. Are guys being injured by cut blocks weekly? If so ... ban. If not ... shut up.
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