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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. I wonder how many people are putting rippadon on Ignore for the rest of the season?
  2. Yep, that too. They drone shot him plowing her. At least with Ramsay and Sansa they left the horror to mystery.
  3. Funny, all I saw was: Cam didn't have a full off-season, Cam has no WRs, Cam has no time in the pocket due to the O-Line, Cam's playcalling is terrible, Cam's WRs drop the ball too much, Cam is asked to do too much, the NFL hates Cam, etc. I've never seen a player get more excuses than Cam.
  4. Cersei was a woman. This princess could have been anywhere from 14-18. If it's the former, then getting molested by your uncle then showing sideboob later on ... welp ... THAT happened. So yeah, I meant the age thing ... not the incest. That's been done to death.
  5. Another great episode just dropped. Long one too. It's just like watching a movie. So good. Plot is picking up here at the half way point of S1. War is coming. Adar is ... who? MITHRIL! And yeah, still no sign of Sauron.
  6. People asking to replace Rhule with an unproven coach are going to be very disappointed. If you want to replace Rhule with a much better coach ... he needs to be known as a much better coach.
  7. Patriot (Amazon) Perpetual Grace, LTD (Amazon) Two of the best albeit short series of television I've ever seen. Written/produced by the same guy. Patriot is only two seasons and PG is only one. Dark noir comedy drama. They are incredible and more people need to watch them.
  8. We've had a clack coach before We've had a ... clack ... coach. It didn't make any difference. Nor would it. Just give us someone who can f'n win. In fact ... cover them in a tarp and don't tell us who it is. That way their race, religion, physique, college background, face, wife, nationality, ethnicity, gum chewing, and how they dress won't ever be a topic of conversation.
  9. Welp ... THAT happened. I think I need a shower.
  10. There's a difference between did the SCREW US or did they mess up a call. Yes, they messed up a call, maybe two. But there are actually people on this board that truly think the refs and league are out to get us and screw us on purpose lol.
  11. I'm just glad Corral is on IR. Rippadon and mrcompletely11 would be unhinged insane right now. I mean, even more than usual.
  12. Both. It's always both. Look, fans love to either blame lousy players ... or love to blame a coach if a star player has a poor game. No NFL team is without talent. And if you've made it to the position of coach in the NFL, you at least know something about coaching the game of football. But when you have B and C listers as talent AND coaches ... it ain't pretty. Our D is not elite. The best coach in the world couldn't make them be so. And our schemes could be much better, thus letting our guys have a chance here and there. But yeah ... it's both, man. Average is as average does.
  13. He's not a fraud ... but he sure isn't an NFL caliber coach. He's the type that will have success in college only. Like Spurrier, Sabin, Meyer, etc.
  14. Just came back in to check ... nope, the guy with the Ickey AVATAR has not even posted in here, and instead wastes all of our time arguing about Baker.
  15. There is no room for logic on this board, dude.
  16. Hey, mrcompletely, why aren't you defending Ickey in the thread about him being a bust?
  17. He's a baller. And if previous QBs here get to use a poor o-line and poor coaching as an excuse during losses ... welp, so does Baker. He got us the lead. A bad call and a terrible day for the D is why we lost.
  18. My thoughts ... Defense was HORRIBLE. Baker was average. Coaching was below average at best. O-Line was DREADFUL. WRs and RBs were above average at least. The refs missed a huge call but were NOT out to screw is. Just stop. The Browns did what it took to beat us. Congrats.
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