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Brooklyn 3.0

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  1. Did no one read the small print? It's fought on land. Poor dolphin.
  2. Don't see it happening but that would pretty much kill my interest in the Panthers (which is hanging on by a thread) and the NFL if we go into next season with Daniel Jones and maybe Young as our QBs.
  3. "We loaded up ... no homo." LOL That's a $100k fine?
  4. Wait, what? The Utah @ Colorado game comes on at noon. Which means 10 AM in Boulder. That's weird, man.
  5. Netflix better hire some more engineers before Christmas lol. They have two exclusive NFL games. They can't botch that like they did the fight.
  6. Meanwhile in the US, clear bags only please! A fan is making noise? Text CHUMP to security to have them removed!
  7. I wish I could put my finger on why sports in the US don't do as many chants. You see it in some fashion: Duke basketball fans at home have their own thing, the Vikings have their Viking clap, J-E-T-S, Fly Eagles Fly, college football student sections, etc. but outside of Cameron none of it is almost all game long. Euro/SouthAmr soccer simply destroys the US in terms of fan participation. Yeah they get to bring in flares and banners which adds to the hype, but still ... you just can't compare. So ... why is it? Are they drunker over there? Less self-concious? I could never see an NBA crowd singing all game long, they are way too into "being seen" in those first few rows. Are US fans "embarrassed" to sing along? I think it may be that. Then again, MLS crowds chant.
  8. You can't use "Charlotte" in an argument when the team is "Carolina". You'll get your ceremony one day, Cam. Be patient.
  9. That's a Zod issue. He's not here anymore and most likely needs to update the Huddle software.
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