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  1. Did they give any update on Horn before the game ended?
  2. 6 yards a pop is a touchdown every single drive.
  3. I live in Philly, I always thought Sanders was overrated. He was a product of an amazing O-line. We signed him before the market was set. Chuba has been our lead and alsways done a good job even when he was CMCs back up.
  4. Two year tank plan. Best player in the draft after this season, Manning after next.
  5. It turns into a Steve Smith edit of him throwing people around.
  6. Can we trade him for DJ Moore? Maybe Christian McCaffrey, he’s always hurt anyway.
  7. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFM44D9Y/ This is the type of play we need again.
  8. I don’t think anyone is rejoicing over Andy Dalton. No one has excepted this being in a rebuild. Tepper (first and foremost) Matt rhule, and Scott Fitterer absolutely dismantled this franchise. These last 2 games might have been the worst display of football I have ever seen. Highschool level, not even college. Both sides of the ball.
  9. At this point let’s keep Bryce going, get the number 1 pick. Get some stud player. Still keep young next year get number 1 pick again and draft Manning to change our future. And the league needs to force Tepper to sell.
  10. I know I have made a lot of mistakes in life, but what did I do to deserve the state of this team.?
  11. After watching so many bad panthers games the last few years, this might be the worst. Not a single bright spot anywhere. They are messing up every single spot they can. I didn’t have high expectations but this looks like a highschool team against pros.
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