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Call Me James

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Everything posted by Call Me James

  1. Hahahahhaha I love how upset Cam Newton makes you guys. Y'all seriously need to seek help.
  2. Aren't the caps projected to rise significantly in the future? If so, why the angst of dealing with today's cap reality?
  3. I agree. Teddy needs to be more clutch or blow the roof off early. A big problem for him is that he was already paid and expected to produce as other mentioned and not gunning for a contract. Which is I think Jake is empathetic to based on conversations about his last year here and his time with the browns.
  4. I love Jake, but he had a pretty stacked team on that super bowl run as well. Ironically, we've compared last year's team against that team numerous times as a reason why we SHOULD move on FROM Teddy.
  5. I thought Hurney wanted to move for Herbert? Is this no longer the story?
  6. No. We could have kept Hurney for these types of decisions.
  7. He's right. Look how happy fans were losing Teddy because he wasn't a star and media didn't care to talk about it.
  8. Further proof the team believes they are in win now mode and not a rebuild. I'm guessing they view Teddy as the reason they weren't better in the WL column.
  9. Lol. With as much criticism as we gave cam, even when healthy, I think it's amazing we now have people craving for QBs who were worse than him. Never change huddle.
  10. I can't believe you wasted your time typing this mess.
  11. They took a big gamble. And here we are drafting at 8.
  12. He's currently the best QB on our roster. Why wouldn't the best QB on your roster be the starter? Should we look for an upgrade? Absolutely. Will we succeed? Maybe, but I don't any QB we take in the draft will be starting week 1.
  13. You clearly don't understand how sports work. Or what sunken cost means.
  14. We're not talking about this year's investment. We're talking about the cap hit for Next season. This means he's harder to trade, don't have enough cap room to sign a top veteran, etc. You tried though.
  15. It says hospitalizations are down 38 from the peak of 883, but still up from 797.
  16. Hospitalizations increased by almost 90 in a week. What data are you using.
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