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Call Me James

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Everything posted by Call Me James

  1. It's Halloween and I won't be dressing up as a fan, that's for sure.
  2. I'm just thinking back on the play calling during the preseason everyone thought was okay because we weren't trying to tip our hand and just run basic concepts. Turns out, we did tip our hand with those basic concepts.
  3. He has Talent, but he struggles to stay on the field and our staff isn't exactly A1 with keeping folks healthy. I dunno.
  4. It's too late for that. The premise behind that argument was to setup a competition in the off-season. Instead Sam was given the reigns, a contract extension, and the freedom to not play much at all the entire preseason.
  5. Facts. Considering what Minshew went for its crazy we didn't even hedge there. It was clear neither PJ nor Grier looked like NFL starting QBs.
  6. Low risk was the saints picking up Jameis. Low risk was the Pata picking up Cam. Low risk was Denver picking up Teddy. Giving up multiple picks and picking up the fifth year option on a player who had been the worst in their position over the last three years is high risk and poor decision making.
  7. A 2nd round draft pick who shouldn't be on the field doesn't scream low risk.
  8. If you're still defending darnold at this point I'm just going to assume you're a closet racist hoping things will work out or an idiot.
  9. Sam Darnold is playing so poorly that we're all actively considering it should be the takeaway.
  10. If I'm Robbie's agent I make sure he signs a deal knowing Sam is coming in. In particular if he doesn't think they connect very well. Gotta get your money while you can in this league.
  11. The offense is bad because of the poor investments in it by Matt Rhule and Fitterer. They decided to risk it all on Darnold and do nothing to address the oline. CmC got hurt and here we are. Changing coordinators won't yield any major improvement in my opinion.
  12. If the team continues to suck until the end of the season it's probably just best to clean house altogether.
  13. I think if any firing happensto a coordinator it will be because Tepper forces the hand. I haven't been impressed with Brady at all, but what we don't know yet is how much of the team's offensive identity is truly his. It's all speculation. I don't see anyone getting fired this season.
  14. Because it's the area we've put in the largest investments. It's easy to say the offense isn't good because we have a bad OL and a bad QB and CMC is out. If anyone gets fired and that's a big if it will be because the defense doesn't find their early season form. The offense is what it is at this point.
  15. I've always assumed the order of firings (if they were to happen mid-season) would go Snow (due to the investment in D), THEN Rhule, and lastly Brady as that would give them a chance to see how he performs as top dog as a young coach.
  16. I think the problem is we said the same thing last year after the Chiefs game. I'm ready for us to get over the hump and win some of these.
  17. He's already signed and guaranteed. He's here unless Rhule and Co aren't and they will be.
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