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Call Me James

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Everything posted by Call Me James

  1. He's just pretending to be upset because that's what he's supposed to do. Yawn.
  2. I think you have to let this season play out. But the defense was heavily depleted and we will likely need to use our top pick there. If Dalton looks good you bring in another vet QB to compete. If he sucks you bring in a vet and draft another.
  3. QB play has been so bad it is hard to see where the team is and what the additions s actually mean.
  4. You could see it building from the stands when we kicked the field goal instead of going for it in 4th and short down 20.
  5. I think he should have spent part of the summer with Antonio brown.
  6. If stroud were here we wouldn’t be in this situation. stop
  7. Do the opposite of whatever the current huddle group think is calling for.
  8. No. We are not. Go fug yourself clown.
  9. They’re just racists defending other racists.
  10. Why would he sell the team. Every off season this forum convinces itself this time will be different. Granted it looks like we've turned the corner earlier in embracing the realities.
  11. Respectfully, he's the worst player on any field.
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