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Everything posted by 1of10Charnatives

  1. McDermott might have come up as a DC, but he built a staff able to develop their QB into one of the best in the league, built a solid OL for that QB, and then went out and got a top flight FA WR, so he's done a lot of the things offensive minded head coaches do.
  2. I get the same impression. When people on these boards talk about Tepper as a meddler, i get confused because their doesn't seem much evidence for it, just a bunch of conjecture. Tepper as a poor decision maker sure, abundant evidence for that, but meddler? My take on Tepper is he makes poor hiring decisions but then gives those people time and room to operate. That's halfway to the Steelers formula for sustained success, unfortunately in this case, halfway is worse than none at all. If he can shore up hiring decisions, we might go someplace. I'm hoping, but I ain't holding my breathe on that.
  3. I sure as hell hope you're right, but let me be clear, even if he doesn't come, but is offered the job, that would say something unaceptable to me about Tepper's moral compass, and i'd be out. I think you're likely right, but one of the tiresome things about sports talk, no offense, is the tendency of fans to state opinions as fact. I'm not privy to any interviews or intenal discussions, and I'd be very surprised if you are. It reflects better on you long term when you make clear your opinion is only your opinion, and not to pretend you have some omniscient knowledge or insight that you don't have. I very much think it's unlikely he comes here, but I don't KNOW that, so I chose to make my view clear in advance.
  4. Nope. People say a lot of poo here, most of it unconsidered knee jerk crap. I usually don't, but have chosen to state my position strongly for a reason in this instance. If others don't consider Bountygate any big deal, that's their perogative, but I do, and the passage of time does not simply make grossly unacceptable things okay. So, no, sorry but not gonna "rein in it."
  5. I hate you for even bringing this topic up. No, No, it's fine. Just pour salt in the wound of 25 years of mediocrity at best. I don't mind.
  6. Yeah, sorry. I don't support football teams in any way shape or form that hire head coaches who previously ran bounty programs where they paid their players to hurt other teams players. Maybe you can look yourself in the mirror and be okay with that, but I can't.
  7. If Payton is offered the job, I will never watch another game, pay for anything Panthers logo'd, or even post here as long as Tepper is still owner. Everything Panthers related I own will be burned. The Green Bay Packers will become my team of record, but i don't know how closely I would follow them. I will NEVER support a Sean Payton coached team, and any owner who hires him has permanently killed any desire to support their team. Even considering Payton would demonstrate a severe and unacceptable lack of moral judgement or outright indifference. Anyone who stands for anything meaningful has their uncrossable line. This is mine.
  8. why would you assume that a cokehead wouldn't do coke in the morning? Retaining boundaries of self control are not exactly their strong suit. let's just say that making decisions are not his strong suit and be done with it. fair enough?
  9. Playing devil's advocate: It's possible to realize you need a QB, realize your best bet is through the draft, and at the same time genuinely not believe any of the qb's in the current draft are the answer. Whether this is what's happening is anyone's guess, but them saying they don't like the current qb crop doesn't automatically mean they want to keep going after garbage FA options. they could have finally realized they need to draft one, then looked at this draft class and made a face. historically there have been entire drafts with no franchise qb in them, even when that fact wasn't recognized at the time.
  10. That column failed to improve my opinion of Scott Fowler's football accumen.
  11. Living in some of the most rural areas of the country, where there are no big buildings with escalators in your hometown, and you don't travel far enough to go anywhere that has them, isn't as wildly implausible as it first seems, but still...
  12. Damn I know Hill had a great year, but expecting him to make All Pro first team DEFENSE is kinda crazy.
  13. Keep in mind that, under our system of government, this man can vote.
  14. I don't know what half this means, but it clearly exceeds the legal limit of sciencey stuff for a football forum. Especially if Wolf's law is anything other than how many wolves you can bring to an NFL game.
  15. Everyone stop picking on the OP. He's clearly just still upset over the Challenger space shuttle explosion.
  16. Name one professional athlete who has been giving a huge guaranteed contract and then changed his behavior to become MORE disciplined.
  17. Are you implying we don't know more than paid experts? I'm offended.
  18. Sort of like the limitations of the point system for evaluating girls at a bar when you're drunk.
  19. Honestly never heard of the dude before this thread, but based on what's posted here, I like him already. Awesome.
  20. Agreed. It was pretty obvious to the eye test that Bozeman was the far superior player. I'd challenge PFF to support their grade for Elflein relative to Bozeman with specific evidence and if they can't, ignore it as garbage. This sort of thing simply destroys their credibility to anyone who's actually paid attention to this team this year.
  21. I am with you that one of the most crucial areas that needs improvement in our D is ability to generate pressure. when you watch games, Burns alone is not enough. Even with Luvu generating a half dozen sacks from non pass rushing lb, and Haynes throwing in another handful as a situational pass rusher, we just don't consistently generate pressure. Forget playoffs, there were plenty of times this year it got us killed against otherwise not impressive offenses.
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