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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 49 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    We knew Ickey was a physical specimen that needed refinement, especially in pass protection.

    But the Panthers drafting players and them not developing a bit is becoming quite a thing. TMJ was better as a rookie than he is now. Ickey was better as a rookie than he is now. Chinn should've been the DROY and we could barely find a way to get him on the field this year. Burns is still a talented pass rusher who is a liability against the run. The list goes on and on. Our rookies tend to be at their best on draft day. That's concerning to say the least.

    This is directly related to god awful coaching (Rhule) who don’t play players to their strengths let alone actually develop them.

    One just needs to look to the Browns and all the ‘talent’ they amassed via top picks year after year and and completely wasted it away away to see an example of pure dysfunctional franchise and shitty morale and an engrained losing culture.

    Bad FO and personnel will devastate a franchise more than people seem to realize.

  2. 5 hours ago, Htarnation4.0 said:

    He should probably shut it down and get into yoga or something. Try and come back next season

    Fun fact, when the 2003 Super Bowl Panther team were asked what they did different that year (besides online roids), they noted the team was heavily involved in yoga/pilates and even some choreography that they added to their workout routines.

  3. It's really simple

    whether they pay burns or not, the team is years away from competing and what he does during his contract won’t even matter 

    future picks however may, so long as Fit and Reich are gone

    this is the collateral damage of all of Tepper dumbassery, you can’t do unbelievably stupid poo like he has done and turn it around in a matter of games or a season 

    he’s dug a hole with his path making, smarter than everyone cheat codes and rebuilding properly like he should’ve done in the first place takes time and is the only way to get out

  4. 45 minutes ago, GhostWhispah said:

    Confused on why anyone would take Sam D over anyone but PJ is very good backup that 




    PJ has beaten the 49ers and Colts already and will beat the Seahawks this Sunday. I liked him MUCH more than your Sam D all day. Wish we had kept him over Dalton as our back up.



    lol PJ beat IND and SF?

    PJ was 15-32, 178 yds and 1 int 0 tds vs the IND and 18-34, 192 yds and 2 ints 0 tds vs SF. That’s atrocious and yes Darnold would’ve done better.

    In fact, when he was put in last year over PJ the team looked day and night.

    As far as on other teams, with the other coaches, and the future of those players  neither is really more than a backup so it’s not that Darnold is ‘my guy’ but he is better than PJ.

    Honestly I’d rather have an unknown low pick rookie showing what he has thrown in than either as a back up but if my hand was forced either or, it’d be Darnold.

  5. I was never sold on Reich and told this forum he would be trash. The rebuttal is he is an offensive mastermind. Colts fans disagreed.

    I desperately wanted Reid and was told on this forum he was poo while coaching McNabb.

    Granted I also wanted McCarthy so not perfect.

    Yes, Wilks is the better coach than our 0-7 HC but he isn’t the future. At the time and still I wouldn’t want to be stuck under his conservative BS. I mean he thought PJ was better than Darnold. Until his hand was forced. Rivera esque decision making.

    However under Tepper we are now stuck with idiodic moves and dumb coaching, and I’d certainly take Wilks over this. I know we wouldn’t have 0 wins.

  6. 1 hour ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    He would be 4-3 with stroud

    prolly 2-5 with Dalton…at least 1-6…

    …at the VERY least more than just one, <1 score losses…

    meh is Reich is 4-3 with Stoud, he’s pulling a cam and fighting against his own coaches/schemes and wins despite them

    reich is trash. As I said when he was hired.


  7. 7 hours ago, KingKucci said:

    This reminds of the Peppers issue in 2009 when we tried to trade him and ultimately he walked for nothing.  



    they never tried to trade peppers despite him saying he was not going to play here, JR thought otherwise and he found out, peppers walked after being tagged and the panthers got absolutely nothing when they could’ve easily got a massive haul

    this is a problem with moronic, egotistical owners. Tepper would rather prove a point to himself than win a dead situation, there are a million examples 

    the difference here is burns hasn’t said he wants out at least publicly. he wants money he isn’t worth, but after turning down the rams offer I mean how stupid do you look getting any less, and Tepper doesn’t want to look stupid not realizes he can’t get lower. again, an ego problem.

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  8. 2 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Harbaugh got ran off from SF after grown men got tired of his act.

    He's a good football coach but his act grows old pretty quick.

    Rhule and Reich grew old quick too. At least we’d win some games before Harbaugh showed himself the door.

    I don’t think there is any good argument a fan can articulate why we shouldn’t try it, as we are literally as we speak setting embarrassing records in a lot of areas as a result of being the worst team in the league for years.

    Harbaugh would be what Tepper needs but will never ever want. So it won’t happen.

  9. 2 hours ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    HC don't count against the cap. Tepper is the 2nd richest owner in the NFL. Pay Harbaugh and give him full control. Things are getting ugly at Michigan and Harbaugh will most likely look to jump back to the pros. This has Pete Carrol leaving USC written all over it.


    Tepper do the right thing give Harbaugh full control and let him turn this franchise around.


    Thoughts on Jim Harbaugh as HC next season?

    Still don’t understand Tepper do you? Some of you just don’t get it.

    I’d love Harbaugh. Yes he’s short lived and annoying as hell. But he knows how to win.

    Problem is, he’s the type that will tell Tepper his ideas are stupid. As is probably the case for a lot of coaches who interview here and come to find out ‘aren’t a good fit’, yet have success elsewhere. Tepper is the problem.

    Know why Tepper’s constantly parades this idea he loves to hire people that disagree with him and provide constructive criticism? Because he’s trying to convince himself.

    Reality is, he cannot stand being disagreed with let alone shown otherwise. It’s why he hasn’t hired help. And he certainly would never allow someone to cross his wife who is a big part of decision making.

    His history of bitterness, grudges, and past hires of yes men prove this point.

    Keep dreaming. Tepper will win his way or not at all. He wants all the credit or no one to have it.

    • Flames 1
  10. bold? meh

    the panthers have become a completely insignificant, perennial irrelevant franchise (like the browns in the past).

    in my bar days were always I went around watching games in hardcore bars there was always that browns fan everyone loved because they might as well have been wearing a tshirt. Dolphins fan as well to a lesser extent.

    even rivals don’t give two shits and can only pity you at most

    this isn’t bold, it’s sad, and you can thank Tepper for that

  11. my expectations were low. I understand a rookie qb and still haven’t given up on young

    but 0-6? Not one win? Tepper has got to remove himself, as an owner he has regressed for over half a decade

    how can someone possibly not be aware enough to notice this about themselves?

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  12. the problem becomes the artificial delusion your team hasn’t earned their draft spot. people just don’t want to admit this team has been garbage for years, so when we have a player or pick of value the idea is to trade him for the piece we’re missing.

    in reality this team is in fact garbage and needs to stay put taking losses and the proper place in the draft.

    trading players/picks or winning meaningless late season games to delude yourself into thinking you’re something else will come back to fug you (fit), and hold you back for years to come. all time great coaches did things appropriately and understood this.

    some fans just refuse to accept it. 


  13. 5 hours ago, NAS said:

    Look at the Broncos. 5 games in, they know they have to rebuild. They’re releasing and trading away assets in order to get the highest picks and best new players possible 

    Even Vikings are doing the same knowing they need to move on from Cousins and start over.

    Only dumb Tepper thinks he can have his cake and eat it too. Never embraced the strategy to go through one terrible season instead of 6 or 7.  Never hit the reset properly, and what do we have to show for it?

    So many on this forum pooed on those of us who wanted to lose last year so we could get the best pick possible without trading away our future. Where are you now?

    Last year? I was saying this after Cam, the NFL doesn’t work like this, and that this team would pay the price for Tepper and his path making cheat codes. Got a lot of poo for it too.

    I’m willing to bet many huddlers actually need to be burned to not touch fire.

    These fans usually check out right about now when the team sucks.

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  14. Just let the dude play. This is typical Reich - tunnel vision, obsession over specific things and zoning in on specific areas of the field, and just over complicating poo. That has been a long time issue with him. It’s why I said this hire was trash along with him having the Colts trade their first round pick because Jesus. Let these guys compete, it’s not like things can get worse.

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