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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 3 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Like I e said numerous times, were caught in a vicious cycle.

    There's a poo show. Tepper steps in to proudly announce a bold decision driven by his involvement. An even worse poo show ensues. Tepper disappears into the background embarrassed to stew. Tepper reemerges to proudly announce a bold decision driven by his involvement. An even worse poo show ensues.

    Bingo. ‘LOoK guys I MaDE ChanGes cause we Suck’!. I won’t stand for ‘mediocrity’, lol. What a clown dumbass. Unless he seeks help outside his wife for the hiring, none of this even matters. He’s a slow learner as an owner though so just maybe…

    if he ever has success he be the first announcing that he was successful and did it his way, even if that means 20 years setting the worst historical records in the history of the sport.

  2. 14 hours ago, AceBoogie said:

    Name an owner not involved. You’re already incorrect if you think Jerry “don’t get any tattoos” Richardson wasn’t involved 

    off the top of my head - ravens, Seahawks, eagles

    san fran owners used to micro manage and then took hands off somewhat recently. Hmm wonder their records difference the past five years to before compares.

    know who is?

    Commanders until recently and the Cowboys (even though Jones knows more than Tep)

    JR is somewhere in the middle, and as much as I despise him, he knew when he was over his head and he also knew football to some degree as do a few other owners

    i think you’re confused with involved and meddling, owners are involved on the simple basis they own the team, but most are not stupid enough to think they need to be involved in day to day operations and have their wives ‘helping’

    i don’t know if you’re trolling or actually think Tepper’s style and meddling is on par with the rest of the league

    can you name an owner with zero football background who meddles and is successful?

  3. 43 minutes ago, AceBoogie said:

    No owner stays out of football decisions. Especially one like Tepper. It’s a fantasy world. 

    Absolutely not true at all. Reich said so himself and he’s a dinosaur. Hell, even JR hired someone to make those decisions. It’s also rare an owner create a round table of personnel making those decisions that includes his wife, who is just an inept as the owner, along with giving a spot to a customer service rep who has no clue about football decisions either. And so 3/6 of that ‘round table’ are already in agreeance. Thats rare. It’s beyond egotistical. It’s NOT how other owners do things. See where I’m going with this ? 1-10. You think a coach will be hired and some in and argue with half the table? Lol

    Why are you acting like Tepper, his operation, and his weekly meetings are happening all over the league? They aren’t.

    • Pie 1
    • The D 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, SaltAndPepper said:

    Does anyone know why DT was so infatuated with Young? Why he liked him over stroud? Its obvious he preferred him but i’m not sure why…

    the better and bigger question is why does it matter what someone with zero football experience ‘prefers’?

    the problem with Tepper isn’t what he prefers it’s that is that he thinks he matters and his opinion has value despite absolutely zero knowledge or experience

    • Pie 1
  5. the Panthers have always sucked. two SB appearances in 30 years isn’t as great as people think. In fact the franchise record in general is closest to the Jets and Jags, and ironically those teams are looked down on around here

     but Tepper brought a new era of suckage. It’s truly and literally historical what he’s doing. Who cares who the coach is, we won’t even be comparable to the jets and jags pretty soon, we will compete for browns and dolphins decades of suckage

    Rhule and Reich sucks but y’all do realize a coach could have a decent plan and do everything right but Tepper is going to interfere? Like no coach is going to that table with Tep and his wife and telling him their ideas won’t work and are irrelevant, nor will they tell him to step aside during his weekly meetings

    because if they are that type coach, the type we need, they won’t be hired here

    It’s weird how some fans still don’t see this and just thinks Tepper does the hiring and that’s it

    • Pie 1
    • Poo 1
  6. 3 hours ago, bigpoppa said:

    Facebook just popped up a picture I took with my son 8 years ago today when we went to the Thanksgiving game here in Dallas. We sat in the endzone Luke ran back that pick 6 into. Even got out of Thanksgiving with my in laws. It was such a great day.

    I fear it will be at least another 8 years before I can feel that good about this team again. 




    Tepper selling it 8 years? Source?

    • Flames 1
  7. why the fug is someone who has never had success or even a role in anything football related having such strong input on what needs to be happening in very impactful football operations? I mean what causes someone to be such a way?

    like me with a career in law waltzing in to a car factory and start demanding engines be built how I feel they should with zero experience…not in a million years would I think to do that even if I bought the damn factory

    thats literally what Tepper is doing and thinking he will be successful lol..like yea Tepper these guys spent their lives at the craft but you’ll walk in and have valuable input doing it for well since never

     this is a toy to him, buckle up Panther fans…there is no future for this team under tepper

    • Pie 4
  8. 26 minutes ago, WhoKnows said:

    Whole lot? Ron, Hurney, Rhule, Fitterer and Reich. Is that our murderer’s row of amazing talent? The GMing itself has been fuging atrocious. How many picks have we trading away the past few years? The huddle has absolutely blown away the “competent” GMs we’ve had. That’s Tepper’s fault but I don’t see Tepper turning guys who’ve proven their amazing talents elsewhere into bad GMs and coaches.

    The indecisiveness at the most crucial juncture of the game sort of proves that Reich isn’t the guy, but somehow you are trying to blame Tepper scaring Reich, a player and coach in the NFL for 30 years, into flailing and kicking a 59 yard FG to lose a game.

    Tepper’s been the biggest problem because he hasn’t made correct moves.  I’m blaming him for picking the wrong guys. I’m not going to say he’s turning marquee guys into flailers.

    See this is where the huddlers get it twisted.

    He isn’t picking the wrong guys. The right guys don’t want to work for him. The right guys know this isn’t a situation they will have success, for the reasons already outlined in this thread.

    Huge difference. And a much more dire situation.

  9. 3 hours ago, Dorian Gray said:

    You can't hire a new GM and force him to keep Frank, that's asinine. You either keep them both, or can them both. It's a shid sandwich of a situation because if you fire them both, you're probably not going to get any good names interested because we don't have a first round pick and it looks like Tepper has no patience and will fire you for one bad year. If you don't fire them both, Fitt will start making desperation trades to save his job which will tank our future even further, while it's clear Frank has no idea how to develop Bryce.

    An absolute mess with Tepper as the garbage architect. 

    If we are on track, Tepper should be learning that order soon, 6 years to learn what everyone already knew…probably another 4 or so before he learns he didn’t know better tho.

  10. Because I can get free or really cheap tickets to seats I normally couldn’t afford. Same with some apparel. And I’m usually out and about anyways, it’s something to do. Yes they suck but lot of good memories for me in that stadium so a certain nostalgia too. Especially for night games.

    That said, I probably won’t sit through an entire game. I used to all the time but going in and having a few beers then walk around downtown. Check out something going on later at the Knights stadium.

    Same can all be said for the Hornets.

    It is what it is. Tepper didn’t buy a business/product, he bought people’s emotions. Thats why he still makes out at the end of the day and his investment continues to grow despite his garbage decisions.

    Over time though I’ve slowly drifted away. In fact if Reich and Fit are kept next year I doubt I’ll even watch games much less go to them. I’ll always be a fan and root for the team but Tepper isn’t going anywhere and this is going to drag out a lot longer than I think most people realize.

  11. 16 hours ago, jb2288 said:

    Line up Ben Johnson. Pay him whatever it takes Dave don’t f this up a third time 

    Why do people post stuff like this? Do y’all not get it?

    It doesn’t work like that. It isn’t money- For players or coaches, this is something Tepper needs to learn. It’s compatibility, no worthwhile coach wants to play for Tepper. Tepper doesn’t want himself or wife to be disagreed and have no say in a job that isn’t his and takes years to do well in if even doing well (football operations).

    How many great candidates turned down teams like the Browns, Dolphins, and Lions over the years? Thats what this franchise has become. Teppers meddling will domino and I truly believe it will come to a point Tepper will just get desperate and finally give in just to get some wins. But we are 5-10 years from that. Just like the aforementioned franchises.

    Some players will but for the money (Samuel) but players and coaches with options see the writing on the wall and that is it is extremely difficult to succeed under an owner like Tepper.

  12. 1 hour ago, CRA said:

    Yep, at this point Tepper will eventually hire a competent HC.   Just math.  I don’t want wasted years anymore.  We know the answer already.  Tepper can afford to eat the money.  It’s the one positive to him

    Nope. It’s not math because coaches who tell Tepper he’s doing things wrong are eliminated. Secondly, good coaches have options, and those coaches actually want to be here and work for Tepper. Thus, if we are relying strictly on math/odds, well that will be a very, very long time.

  13. 2 hours ago, TeppersEgos said:

    I’m seeing a common sentiment, that Tepper is meddling in football decisions too much. What actual evidence is there of Tepper meddling in football decisions and not letting our staff do their jobs?

    Please provide your evidence below, as I’m genuinely curious.

    Are you serious? He has a round table that ‘makes all the football decisions’. Him and his wife, along with a customer service rep, whom all have absolutely no business or qualifications to make those decisions make up half that table with the GM, HC, and Morgan.

    Do you think that the football people are going to push back all that much against Tepper and his wife? Do you notice a trend in the hires? A car salesman, a yes man and an aging pushover all with little to no options? Tepper despises being disagreed with. It’s why a lot of coaches wouldn’t be a fit here, including good ones.

    Look at all the decisions being made for this franchise and how awful they’ve been, do you really believe there is someone on that table pushing back and speaking up about how bad these moves are. The answer is a resounding NO.

    • Pie 5
  14. 3 hours ago, pantherclaw said:

    I have complete confidence that the Burbs deal will get done.  As far as his pr8ce, it'll be fair market value whether anybody else cares to admit it or not. 

    Yea the panthers can do no wrong.

    Fun fact, they already offered him fair market value. And a deal didn’t get done. So wrong on both accounts.

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