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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 5 hours ago, electro's horse said:

    it's amazing how fast things have changed re: burns and brown

    i would like to remind all you fugers that i was on the brown train before ANYONE! 

    (actually not really even in that thread I started I just thought he was pretty good. Dude has taken the next step this year and is living up to his draft spot.) 

    Brown was absolute trash up until last year and only half the year at that. Part of me always is always skeptical seeing ‘things click’ in a contract year for players. But Brown has no doubt done a 180 and is a beast. Maybe he was just figuring things out unlike Burns who hit his ceiling early and hasn’t evolved worth a poo.

    • Pie 1
    • Poo 2
  2. 47 minutes ago, pantherclaw said:

    Not my money.  

    Why don't you wait and see instead of assuming exactly what's happening?  

    I know what's been printed.  I know what's been said.  I was always raised to wait to see the cold hard facts. At this point it'd nothing but conjecture.  

    Burns said last June he wanted to be paid as a ‘top pass rusher’. Which according to cold hard facts is roughly 30 million a year. That’s not conjecture. Conjecture would be thinking it’s anything else. 

    • Pie 1
  3. 5 hours ago, CRA said:

    I'd argue the opposite.  An established team needs someone to put them over the top with great Xs and Os, playing calling, etc.   Which is what we needed coming off Ron/Fox. 

    A dumpster fire needs a leader of men to right the ship.  Build a respectable culture/locker room. 

    We have gone backwards under Tepper. 

    So Rivera and Fox were ‘leaders of men’. It’s why they preferred vets, they did well with talent already established. They sure as poo weren’t fostering, growing and developing any talent. Losing their way is better than losing trying something else. 

    They don’t scheme according to strengths but try and fit players into their scheme. I will even quote I believe it was Fox (paraphrase) in regards to creating mismatches and scheme ‘our guys line up 1v1 and the better player wins, it’s us vs them’. That is a leader of men mindset. You see to these coaches it’s all about principal, whether it makes sense or not. And to the saavy vet who doesn’t need to be taught but led, you can see it being enticing. And thus they are ‘players coaches’. It’s exactly why Fox was such a great fit for the 2014/15 Broncos.

    But that mindset is short lived. Eventually the vets phase out.

    You don’t develop a young disorganized team like that. Sure a bit is required for any coach to establish a culture and expectations, not arguing that. But young players need teachers and the very best coaches, are teachers and leaders of men but I’d argue more of the former than the latter (Reid, Belicheck etc).

    • Pie 1
    • Beer 1
  4. 7 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I've seen the results of Tepper hiring "leaders of men". Rhule was a "leader of men". Reich was a "leader of men". Wilks was the best of his "leaders of men".

    I feel like when you have to hang your hat on a guy being a "leader of men" to justify your hire it's because you're fresh out of football justifications. Watch clips of Mike McDaniel. Does that guy strike you as a "leader of men"? He seems like an 19 year old TikToker. But it doesn't matter because the guy knows fuging football and that's what actually gets the respect of NFL players over the long haul. "Leaders of men" might pull the wool over their eyes in the short term but ultimately these guys want successful careers with wins, legacies, and fat ass bank accounts and "leaders of men" can only do so much. Football savants can do a lot more. I don't know that that's what Ben Johnson is but I definitely know that I don't give a fug whether or not he's a "leader of men".

    We don’t need a leader of men coach. That’s what an established team needs.

    We need teachers. The best teams always have them. The whole leader of men BS is really short lived type coaches who never evolve or adjust and only do well with teams loaded with veteran talent.

    • Pie 3
  5. anyone who understands and has watched football for a while will know you need two years to form any thought on a rookie qb, even if they were drafted high 

    and that’s pretty short …generally WRs and Dlineman need three years ish and some olineman bloom even after that 

    there are always exceptions but if they were easy to find they wouldn’t be exceptions, yes mind blowing

    lot of things to consider too, personality type, coaching, being able to sit for a year etc

    • Pie 3
  6. 5 hours ago, electro's horse said:

    But yeah, Brown has that at times. He's also in better shape than Jenkins. Jenkins was a freak athlete to be fair, but diet as above. Brown is huge and solid; he doesn't jiggle. I agree with the sentiment that if it comes down to him and Burns...bye Brian. Of course there's no reason not to extend them both; the Panthers don't have many players worth resigning. 

    There is definitely reason to not sign both. Money. No way they should tie up 30-35 mil a year for Burns, that’s batshit crazy. That will severely handicap this team. Dude can’t even have good games with Brown eating up 2-3 lineman lol

    Not having players worth resigning is a GM and scouting issue, not a let’s just blow money on poo that may bite us in the ass if we get someone competent in here who can get FAs or draft properly. I say fix the source of the issue.

    And for those that say that the trading him ship has sailed, yes it was fuging stupid to not trade him for those picks but that’s the only thing that’s sailed. You still try and get a first and cut ties, and fire your GM while you’re at it. It stings but it’s the right thing to do.

    Now if he wants Reddick money or a bit more? Of course, sign him ASAP. But for what he wants we could have two Reddicks. I’d take two Reddicks over Burns any fuging day of the week.


    • Pie 3
  7. yall are talking about wins and super bowls lol

    we just need someone to come in change the poo culture, one of the most embarrassing, historically bad teams the nfl has ever seen….someone to convince more than 10 people to come watch home games…someone who can put up with Tepper’s dumbass

    like seriously if he would come here I’d be glad to have him

    • Pie 1
    • Flames 2
  8. For everyone saying $, it’s already been the strategy and how has that worked so far?

    newsflash - some coaches don’t want their career to die and actually want to go somewhere were they have a chance to win and don’t have to have weekly meetings with someone who has no clue about football nor do they want to have three way votes with his wife on what happens next lol

  9. 19 hours ago, ickmule said:

    I understand that last part. 30+ years of throwing iron around the gym wears on a body.  Squats and leg presses these days makes my hips hurt for 2 days. The older guys warned me when I was in my 20’s and 30’s but I was convinced I was different.  That worked out well.  lol.  

    Just a tip - that should not be happening, two things are likely the culprit - balance/stability meaning poo shoes and shifting during squats will kill your hips (that’s why some go barefoot). You should be in a solid stance like a statue and not be shifting. This is assuming your knees are going out properly. Shoes or lack thereof make a huge difference.

    And two, poor core strength. Which just means putting in more core work.

    When done with proper form and NON egotistical weight, natural lifting does NOT wear down the body.

    And I’m not trying to be on a soap box here I’ve done plenty of ego lifting and have recovered from bad hips, knees, elbows and shoulders over the years through a lot of money (trainers/doctors).

    I lift more weight than I ever did and am 20 years older and I am not sore where I shouldn’t be. Granted it takes more time to build up correctly (weight, stretching etc) and that seems to be the step everyone wants to skip.

    Gym bros always give the god awful advice of one aspect of progressive overload (adding weight) at a ridiculous pace that naturals will never be able to properly build from.

    But yea those older guys always saying it’s a marathon to the younger guys thinking it a sprint were right and now I find myself as one of them.

    • Beer 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Frank9999 said:

    What happens when Tepper finally hires competent football people? This all just goes away and people shut up about it. 6 years is not a long time for a new owner tbh. He can still get it right


    2 hours ago, Frank9999 said:

    Yall need to calm down. Teams in NFL can change drastically in short periods of time

    bringing in the right football people can drastically change everything quick. 

    I still dont buy that Tepper is unwilling to listen to anyone i think thats a load of bs 

    6 years isn’t that long but teams can drastically change in short periods of time? Which is it? 

    Tepper is fuging awful.

  11. 31 minutes ago, Shocker said:

    The only 2 players that have actually played hard and tried are Theilan and Young. 

    The rest of this team have taken half the season off with effort 

    I have been a Brown doubter thus far but dude has a incredible motor that lasts all game and gets double, sometimes triple team. He's been an absolute monster and clearly put in a ton of work this offseason. He will literally throw anyone on the field 1v1 around like a damn ragdoll. Even decent olineman.

    If he wasn’t surrounding by absolute trash he’d get noticed more. Hell if we anyone on the edge worth a damn they’d be racking up sacks. 

    I hope to god they put their money on him and not Burns.

    • Flames 1
  12. 20 hours ago, 4Corners said:

    I’d fire his ass first thing tomorrow. His wife basically saying he is just there stealing paychecks. 

    Brown is horrible. 

    Thats everyone working for Tep. They saw what happened with Wilks. Why even try? What do you want him to do exactly with Young and a 1-11 team? I actually liked Young out there (trying) to throw bombs downfield. At the very least they have a better idea of what he is and isn’t.

  13. 4 hours ago, 4Corners said:

    I’m not even kidding. She should have consulted with me first. It’s a waste of money and I don’t want my kids to get picked on for wearing those. Might as well just bought a white tee and wrote “kick me” on the back. 

    I wear a Panthers lanyard to hold my security clearance card for work. The amount of poo I get on the daily, especially Monday, is draining, albeit warranted.

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