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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. On 6/6/2023 at 7:00 PM, tukafan21 said:

    The whole grass vs turf debate is just so dumb.

    For YEARS everyone complained about how torn up the field is late in the season, you can't have it both ways, either the field is going to be torn up for the last month of the season or we have turf.

    It's much easier for a Green Bay or Buffalo to have a grass field because they're pretty small market areas, places that aren't trying to use that stadium for as many events as possible outside of NFL games.  Just playing NFL games in stadiums isn't enough these days to keep most stadiums profitable, they need the concerts, college games, soccer, monster truck, etc events to keep money coming in.

    If we have a grass field, those other events on top of the NFL season give us a terrible and torn up field come December.

    So which is it?

    Do you want grass and a torn up field late in the year or have turf?

    It's one or the other.

    Who cares what we want. What do the players want? We don’t play on it. And we already know the answer.

    And what are you on about profitable? Lol they are PLENTY profitable with just the NFL but let’s be real there is never enough profit for some.

    You can have it both ways it just comes with less profits. Thats the issue and is not one people want to discuss and for good reason. You can’t not look like a complete ass and POS human by arguing for turf for better profit and worse player safety/health.


  2. I’d imagine people talk in the NFL. People know what’s going on here and it’s bad. Coaches and players (Stafford) were already declining coming here. That was before this season.

    Money is the only, single selling point.

    We will not be getting a top candidate, time to accept that now.


    • Pie 1
  3. On 1/10/2024 at 1:53 PM, CRA said:

    end of the day, it just sucks for Ejiro.  Panthers preventing him from being looked at early.  DC jobs that he might want and likely get hired for will fill.  He will be stuck choosing from the leftover gigs. 

    When you sign on to deal with Tepper and the atrocious Panthers, I think it’s safe to say now you either wanted money or your career is on the downswing.

    No one comes here for a chance to win a ring or build anything. It’s sad.

  4. 13 hours ago, jfra78 said:

    99% of us are about our money in whatever field we work in

    Difference is if I take days off because I don’t think I’m paid enough or earned that money last year I’ll be fired. Burns does this and thinks he deserves more money. But I am only a pleb and don’t have it as easy so what do I know.

    I do however wonder how that mindset translates out after a big contact and I’m sure other GMs do too.

  5. 3 hours ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    The fact was, we felt so strongly about the quarterback this year, right?" Fitterer said. "Like, even in our February meetings, where every scout had the same opinion on this guy. It never really changed. It just kind of held strong that way, right? That reinforced that we're doing the right thing."

    Fitterer and the scouts thought a certain way in January. A new staff of coaches rolls in in February, and they initially think the same thing. The more they learned, the more sure they became.

    Tepper specially said almost every guy in the building in his presser, that’s what I am referring to.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    I've worked with lots of people that it's hard not to like them...until you have to evaluate their actual abilities and performance in their job. Then you want the ass hats gone because they are always screwing up or not pulling their weight. 

    Yea and a lot of times these are the promotions. People will literally follow a loud, confident extrovert off a damn cliff if they proclaim it’s the way to go. It’s taken me years to find employment where that is not the case.

    • Pie 3
  7. 11 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    It was reported that literally everyone in the building liked young over stroud.  Everyone.  That tells me 1 of 2 things.  A)Teppers preferred Young and everyone fell in line or B)our scouting dept is from top to bottom filled with absolute morons and every person in there is wasting oxygen and needs to be replace asap

    Actually it was report *almost* everyone in the building. I’d really like to know who wasn’t on board. I’m guessing McCown. Maybe Reich.

    • Beer 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, NAS said:

    I would give Dan a chance, he's got enough experience at this point and my sources say he's the only one in the room with balls to disagree with Tepper.

    I know Morgan and his wife pretty well. Morgan (or his wife) is not the type to not say what they think. They are great people. I highly respect and admire them both.

    That said, it’s always hard for be to believe the best possible candidate is already in the building as this franchise has tried to sell for a while now and it never works out.


  9. 1 hour ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    If this QB is as good as you think why are they looking for a HC?


    If the Chargers are the most talented team in the league why have they underachieved?


    I mean names look good on paper, but that team isn't great as everyone thinks. Also you have to factor in that LA is a Rams town. That Chargers fanbase might be worst than ours. Their home games are basically away games. A lot to factor in if he's going to LA.


    1 hour ago, Wolfcop said:

    LA is cheap and they’ve had a QB, which hasn’t done anything for them. Also, most folks with common sense realize that Bryce had zero chance to succeed in the given circumstances. They realize that he is likely to do very well if protected and allowed viable NFL caliber WR weapons. 

    I find it very, very odd to start listing issues with other teams as an argument as to why Carolina is more appealing. 

    Carolina is probably the worst landing spot not just of available teams today, but for the past two decades. And coaches know it.

    But if we were just talking about teams with HC openings this season, the Chargers, by far and away, have the most appealing opening.




  10. 1 hour ago, Mage said:

    SOOOO many people on this site were adamant he wasn't a #1 WR lol

    I mean Moore really struggles to score and that imo takes him out of the #1 conversation. But a lot of people think there are 32 #1 WRs just because technically there are but I feel the standards should be higher.

    You absolutely cannot have or call a WR a #1 if they cannot make something happen in the end zone imo.

    If you take away one game vs. the god awful Commaders, he had 5 TDs all season. Theilen had 4 and a few hundred less yards. 

    That said he still was still was not overpaid and is a solid offensive peice. It was stupid to trade him, unless we got Stroud.

    Now the CMC trade and this franchise’s dumbass ability to use properly, along with the majority of the huddle saying he was just a running back that could be replaced by Foreman, and before that, Mike Davis (lol) was a millions times more baffeling.


  11. 38 minutes ago, WelshPanther said:

    So the consulting firm we are using for GM and coach is the one that put in place the current 49ers structure.

    So my offseason optimism begins 

    Correct, and ironically it was because the 49ers owner was failing miserably with a micromanaging, hands on approach. Tepper literally looked at a lesson taught and repeated the mistake almost perfectly all the way up to hiring the same people to fix it. That is the definition of a dumbass.

    Tepper appears to be one of the slowest people you can meet outside of his hedge fund management and has a shitty attitude to boot.

    • Pie 1
  12. Herbert was doing well before breaking his finger…right on the verge of beating some of the best teams. aside from getting their ass manhandled by the Raiders

    Burrow hasn’t even been playing…

    Lawrence is injured too but this is the only one I’ll agree with mainly due to hype. It’s a shame because I thought he’d do much better than he has coming in the league


  13. 14 hours ago, Panthercougar68 said:

    That’s a lot of words for someone saying both parties are wrong

    Do you suggest charging people for talking? That makes zero sense. People talk poo all day long to everyone everywhere. People who don’t have self control to not take action are a bigger issue.

    • The D 1
  14. People are missing the point. It’s not the seriousness of the action. I wouldn’t sue Tepper, I’d press charges. Don’t want a dime but Tepper will have a record. 

    That would address the real problem and that is that people like Tepper think they’re immune to real word problems and consequences from their actions see: Tepper’s track record.

    He won’t get anything serious, and it likely won’t bother people like Tepper, but he will have a blemish for all to see.

    The problem is further exacerbated and point further proven when the average person would probably face consequences where as Tepper would not. That’s a much, much bigger problem to exemplify than just a drink thrown at someone.

    We don’t need to condone being a shitty person as ok because of status. Just fuging awful for society.

  15. There really aren't any…that are realistic at least. Used to be someone to help make right moves but Tepper is spiraling…he would never stop meddling and let anyone do their job.

    So that means a hire like Harbaugh would need to happen. But we all know it won’t.

    I’m over it to be honest. I’ll just google scores. Haven’t been to games in years. What a damn shame.

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