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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 7 hours ago, KSpan said:

    People are dumb and reactionary, but Burns has been the exact same player since he came in. 5 years of the exact same film doesn't lie. Again, I'm not in the 'Burns sucks' camp, but rather the 'Burns isn't worth elite money' camp. He is clearly a quality player, just not a game-changer.

    Exactly. He’s a role player like Reddick was. He doesn’t have that ‘dog’ Morgan likes. Even the 28 mil the Panthers offered him was extremely gracious. And that is exactly why a deal hasn’t been worked out yet. Even Fitt knew better. This is a huge test for Morgan. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Luciu5 said:

    Bet you can't find someone who says we should not keep Burns or that he is overvalued.

    I don't mean internet randos. I mean actual quotes from a professional, either media or inside the NFL - the people who's job it is to live and breath NFL football. Bet you can't find anyone who's an actual professional speak about Brian Burns the way the huddle does.

    Fans of 31 teams would raise their hands if asked if they'd like Brian Burns on their team.

    The huddle way undervalues him. I'm not saying he's worth $30MM, don't get it twisted. Y'all act like he's one of the worst players on defense. It's absolute insane to me.

    Those same people said Young would come in and light up the league.

    I’ve literally had three highly regarded dermatologists completely whiff on identifying skin cancerous spots.

    I had well known contractor completely fug up my house. And the highest rated concrete guy pour a god awful patio I had to take out myself.

    Scott Fitter was a NFL GM.

    I could easily continue. 


    • Pie 1
  3. 49 minutes ago, Jon Snow said:

    It's not GM speak. They truly think he's something special. This team is FUBAR.

    Our only hope is either a trade or a contract worth his price. 30 million for 8 sacks and zero run defense is going to cripple this team. Reddick got half for twice as much production lol

    • Beer 1
  4. 15 hours ago, mc52beast said:

    I’m old enough to remember when Panther fans were declaring Brown was a bust. But imagine that, they were wrong and Brown is now one of the best DT’s in the League.

    Because for almost two years he looked like a bust. He was very bad considering where he was drafted. And yes, he was elite this year. And people changed their minds. Seems logical. What’s the issue?

    Don’t know why people on this forum act like they’re a pro scout and have some sort of crystal ball, saying they were right by what criteria? Watching YouTube highlights?

    Albeit people here do need to be more patient.

    • Pie 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, BullCityP said:

    If he would've put himself he would've held out and not played at all. Not once did he say he played not to get hurt he was truthful by saying he was SCARED to get hurt smdh

    I didn’t take it that way.

    So how does playing scared change anything I said though? Is playing scared tough? Playing scared with ‘that dog’ in him…wtf are you on about?…that’s what’s dumb about this comment.

    In fact, only thing your comment added was suggesting Burns played 100% to his abilities. And if that’s true 30 mil a year for last year is asinine.

  6. This whole scenerio will be the tell sign if Morgan is for real imo

    Burns played not get hurt, put himself over the team for money. This will not command respect from the other players and sure as hell won’t send a good message. It will not foster competitiveness like Morgan wants.

    This is not ‘that dog’ mentality Morgan keeps referring to. It’s not passion. Not the toughness he wants. And certainly doesn’t ‘embody what it means to be a Panther’.

    Well Morgan…we full of poo? Or can we move on from this guy and try and get a pick or two.

    • Pie 3
  7. Imagine Luke saying some poo like that. Would never happen. This team desperately needs toughness and leaders. Signing Burns goes directly against that sediment and will leave a bad impression to the other players. Thats not even going into whether his play is objectively worth what he wants.

    • Pie 1
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  8. Burns didn’t have a down year. He purposely played bad. So not only can he not take over a game, he isn’t going to elevate the team and lead teammates if he feel it doesn’t matter or is worth it for him as an individual player. A business decision he says, so what happens when he’s bad? When the team isn’t going to win? It’s a really poor mindset. It’s not really something you pay to be the face of the defense. No thanks.

    If they do end up paying him, it will be a regret mark my words.

    • Pie 2
  9. 3 hours ago, NorthTryon said:

    This the problem with the salaries. Bosa didn't deserve his salary and that will drive up other ones as well including our resident underachiever Mr. Burns. 

    True but at least Bosa has the ability to take over games in prime time. I don’t think Burns has ever done that…maybe once in garbage time? Maybe for a quarter? Idk

  10. 2 hours ago, Basbear said:

    Still blows my mind that young was the consensus #1 pick and now one year later you got all these looky loons coming out with " Told youz guyz he sucks ass!"

    I think about 70% of the huddle was "young is the better player" by draft day. It's still a nightmare for us cj stroud fan boys with young on the team.....

    Honestly I think the consensus was being happy with either and just hoping the FO did their diligence (and had the competence) to pick the right one…or one of because both could’ve worked out. I wanted Stroud but wasn’t mad at the pick at the time.

    A lot of people thought Bryce would get injured as their main reason and well that’s been wrong.

    However, what have noticed is the media now taking a complete 180. Now all of a sudden his size matters lol

    Hitting on a franchise QB living up to number 1 overall is incredible difficult and so it is lazy to say he’ll bust and then want everyone to think you’re right and know what you’re talking about it’s dumb. Like I could said that the past 30 years no matter what and be like 90-95% right.

    Young has hella work ahead of him. For me personally I don’t think his size matters as much as his mental strengths just not translating.

    • Pie 4
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  11. 3 minutes ago, CRA said:

    I mean, he should be a first ballot HOFer.  I think Luke is technically the best football player Carolina has ever had.  Others played more entertaining positions.  Luke technically the best at his craft vs how good others were at theirs. 

    I agree completely, but that’s a testament to Luke imo. Maybe I’m just sour but I feel going to 3-4 did him no favors and possibility contributed to the length of his career or at the least the quality of the tail end. But he’s Luke, he’ll ball out regardless.

    • Pie 1
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  12. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I'm not Wilks' biggest fan but the dude got scapegoated. That D allowed 19 points in regulation to an offense led by Patrick Mahomes and ran by Andy Reid. The offensive wunderkind could t put up enough points. If you'd told him before the game their D would only give up 19 points and force two turnovers he would've very confidently told you what champagne he wanted for the post-game toast.

    I doubt he was fired just for the superbowl, the Lion game defensive plan was putrid. Wilks is just too predictable and considering the talent the 49ers have on defense should’ve done much better. I do think he’s a good coach and would even take him at DC. But he’s predictable, won’t adjust, awful blitz scheming/predictability and he won’t be winning against modern teams that adjust well.

    • Pie 3
  13. 1 minute ago, CRA said:

    I think Luke essentially achieved his full potential in the NFL.  In terms of being a LB.  He was as good as it got.  

    Could probably argue Ron was very good for Luke and Davis.  LB play excelled here.   Which would make sense given our HC was a LB and defensive guy. 

    until he went to 3-4 and had Luke headbutting offensive lineman

  14. 10 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    This year honestly needs to be all about evaluating Bryce. Is he the guy or not. You need an answer by the end of this year. I have a strong inkling to what that answer is gonna be, but Tepper has to GTFO of the way and let the football people make that call.

    Can he do what Mahomes did tonight? Can he put a team on his back on the biggest stage and drag them across the finish line? If no you need to keep looking. Because we just saw a really good game manager on a STACKED team come up short because the other team had a dude. It's really that simply. You have a dude or you need to be looking for a dude.

    You’re not going to find a Mahomes. That talent has been seen only a handful of time in the history of the sport.

    We just need someone competent. Or someone with a ton of potential…you know like Stroud.

  15. 1 minute ago, Clicheking said:

    Lmao at people still trying to downplay Wilks.  He's 10x the coach Reich is.  Tepper made a mistake, let's hope he got it right this time 

    Reich was a garbage hire though. In hindsight and with that logic, we should have kept Rhule. 

    Need to compare him to , Reid, Shanahan, Harbaugh etc.

    No one in their right mind wouldn’t take Wilks as a DC. 

    • Pie 1
  16. 1 minute ago, t96 said:

    I haven't been paying much close attention to her during Chiefs games but it seems like she's very slow to understand what's going and waits to celebrate or get sad based on how others around her react. 

    Which is not surprising dude. She’s just trying to be supportive regardless. That’s how girlfriends/SOs work. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Taylor Swift celebrating while her man is losing the game.




    Dude she probably doesn’t know or care about anything football related. Probably never watched a game before dating him. And how many Swift songs do you think he knows? Lol zero. This is just how these things go. My girl loves to watch football with me but she has no clue what is going on. Ever had a gf?

    • Beer 1
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  18. 4 hours ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Happy for Wilks.


    Cmac sitting out games and faking injuries rubbed me the wrong way. Guy has been an iron man for the 49ers.

     CMC commented on changing his conditioning to include much more rest

    and consider the Panthers have some of the most consistent injuries in the league, id argue that staff in inept too, would also makes sense because everyone else in the building is inept

    speaking of inept, this franchise doesn’t have the brainpower to utilize a modern player like CMC, a trade was due. Unfortunately the franchise also didn’t have the brainpower to get a first for him, not surprisingly

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