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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. I can agree with that completely. But people also panicked for Y2K. I’m not comparing situations, but there is a fine line. That line is urgency with a level head vs. panicking. Panicking does absolutely no good and I can promise you the people making the biggest impact in solving this are level headed individuals acting in a sense of urgency not people panicking. And these people understand, more than anyone the full scope of this thing. When people panicking they don’t act rationally, think clearly and spread mis information. Panicking then spreads and people start making decisions based on the individual. In combat for example, or stampedes where people die because of panicking. The solution to this comes from working together as a collective and people who panic make that so much harder to do.
  2. Just because no one is freaking out doesn’t mean they don’t take it seriously. It has been proven throughout history the people that freak out are the absolute worst during a crisis or panic. Level headed people with a sense of humor can take it just as seriously and actual have more of a positive influence in situations like this. Feel free to freak out but it doesn’t do any good and people who don’t freak out aren’t the problem, quite the contrary.
  3. Stuck at home teleworking not getting poo done. I know some people love it but I am the type who likes going into the office at 0600 everyday and get poo done. I work for the federal government and we are not allowed whatsoever to go into work. Yea this is just me bitching there are bigger and more important things going on and I understand why. I can’t imagine 60 days of this. But damn I hope they get this vaccine out quick and administer it effectively and efficiently. I was having a good year too. I think that will be more the end of it than telling people to just stay inside and not spread it. Luckily my liquor store down the mountain hasn’t closed yet so everything is still good around here.
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