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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. The problem isn’t the experts it’s the player (see Cam). Players will bend the truth, they’re competitors and not going to side on the error of caution.

    Medical professionals are not some magical superior beings, they’re humans. They cannot transform themselves to be other people. They base a lot of what they do on the responses the patient gives them. Exactly like our own doctors.

  2. Why does the Huddle want any a FA just because TB sucks, or give up assets? The blueprint we are probably, and should be following is the Chiefs, Bills, Browns, Ravens, Cardinals blueprint. Because it is the best for long term success. A FA is not and neither is giving everything a way.

    Unfortunately, the results are not quick and some instant gratification fans can’t comprehend that. It may take more than one draft, or longer than a year to develop a QB/team but it has a better chance of long term success.

    TB is a bridge QB, as we all know, as the coaches and FO know looking at his contract. Let’s use him as such as the bridge to the new long term answer at QB then spend years going through FAs or spend an eternity of assets get squeak in the playoffs every years only to fail as an incomplete team.

  3. 4 minutes ago, t96 said:

    Depends how Rhule wants to bring along a rookie QB. Teddy could start next year and then whichever QB we draft could take over in 2022. Or the rookie could start from day 1 next year. My preference is the former and I feel very strongly about that, but we have no idea what Rhule wants to do.

    I like the idea of sitting until game 5 or mid season, gives oline time to gel and mentoring time from TB but yea

    i think Rhule would do great with a rookie qb

    • Beer 1
  4. 48 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    This is one of the most powerfully stupid takes I've ever read on anything in my entire life.

    he’s obviously trolling...or from Utah

    • Beer 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, SmokinwithWilly said:

    Common sense can triumph. Simple truthful information is what people need and understand most. Shutdowns need to be controlled by counties/cities rather than a blanket code for an entire state. Too bad we didn't do this from the beginning.

    Nope. That’s how it was in Utah. They did it different like that. Some counties just didn’t give a fug. As of today, the mayor came in and said fug it, masks are mandatory everywhere except your personal house. Thank god.


    Common sense absolutely cannot triumph for the simple fact for some people it does not exist.


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  6. 26 minutes ago, philp said:

    I’m in Salt Lake City and the mask wearing near where I’m at is hit or miss. I’m lucky that I work from home, so I really don’t get out much other than to walk the dogs. We’re seeing in increase for sure, but it’s not like what’s happening in Charlotte.....yet.

    You weren’t that dude wearing panther gear at the liquor store in Draper a few weeks ago? Was shocked to see it almost said go Panthers.

    Utah seems...we were doing really well when this first hit but poo is hitting the fan, today was the first day in months I spent time outside the house getting poo done, take my advice stay in. I work from home too and other than food I don’t think I’ll be going out for a while, it honestly made me nervous.

  7. Here is Utah the virus is exploding. 1k cases in two days, healthcare officials making the national headlines begging Utah to go back to more restrictions 

    went shopping All around the city today today, if I’m being generous 25% of people wear masks, and it was very very busy

    including employees of big chain stores, mom and pop, and businesses all over dealing with mass crowds

    what the the holy hell is wrong with people

    it’s come time to accept the virus is never going away or will be under control. People don’t want government invading their liberties yet they’re too fuging stupid to responsibility do it themselves lol starting to really lose faith I mean at what point do I need to refuse to interact with anyone not wearing a mask as if that’s even possible

    • Pie 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, electro's horse said:

    it's not just nfl players; it's the coaches, trainers, owners, support staff, families, etc

    sports aren't gonna happen this year

    I agree, just no way the NFL finds a way and if by some miracle it does all it will take is one instance to shut it all down. Kind of hard not seeing that instance not happen in training camp.

    But what about next year? Do you people really believe in 12 months Coronavirus will be less hazardous than it is now? Or cease to exist? Be less contagious? Have a probable vaccine? Because if not...what’s the difference other than years without sports.

    I’m asking these questions in sincerity...I really have no idea.

  9. I never trusted the flu vaccines and have personally know two people who have had horrendous side effects. If I have the flu, my ass stays home. But I haven’t had the flu in 20 years.

    I wouldn’t get the COVID initially vaccine either. I’d wait and let others be the Guinea pigs first. After that I’d still have to think about it.

    • Pie 1
  10. 9 hours ago, TheRumGone said:

    I didn’t know black and brown people being murdered by cops in broad daylight was political. Maybe if this country actually fuging did something about police brutality leftists wouldn’t have to take to the streets during a fuging pandemic. Comparing one side who refuses to wear masks and protests because they can’t get a haircut to the left protesting police brutality after another black dude was murdered is really fuging stupid.

    meanwhile you’re in this thread bragging  to a bunch of strangers on the internet about being able to buy a half a million dollar home during a pandemic when 40 million people are out of work.

    It’s a humanitarian issue sure but it involves police therefore it is political, just like every other human rights protests in history that geared toward politics.  

    Why do you think protestors are targeting political buildings and people? Because changing the way a government entity works and reform is politics. And law enforcement is government and reform of that government entity is going to involve politics, a lot of them.

    The single most important thing that will support a reform (that is actually going to work) after a government has acknowledged the need for change is money. And here’s is a hint...all that money isn’t going to come from protestors. It’s taxes. Thus politics.

  11. My gym opened up 3 weeks ago, and the only difference is they shut down the refillable water fountains so no one could use them...

    I was dedicated, went 5x a week for the past 4 years. No way in hell am I going in there. If I wanted to purposely try and get COVID the gym would be first on the list of places I’d go.

    • Pie 2
  12. What is the breaking point between a destroyed economy and virus exposure? This is getting pretty bad...lots of foreclosures and unemployment and a second wave causing ‘closing back ups is predicted to have a really bad outcome.

    But our state is doing a soft reopening of everything with limited ours and our cases are going up, fast.

    People just don’t listen, they don’t care. It’s like the Michigan virus protestors saying they should be able to decide what to do and no one has to tell them to social distance because that was obvious and they could handle it on their own.

    In reality, people can’t handle it on their own. Is it just Americans? People are doing some real stupid poo right now. People can’t seem to fathom their choice affects other people.

  13. 3 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Median home value in my CO town is $612k.

    But how are wages? I know in my field CO pays much much more. Median house price in Co is 397k and Utah is 338k. Both are skyrocketing though.

    But again CO has much more to offer than SLC so it make sense to me. I’d never compare SLC to Denver or Portland, Seattle etc. SLC is comparable to Boise...or De Moines...from all those cities I’ve been to. And they’re much cheaper.

    It’s why I’ve kept saying I lived in Charlotte for a long time and if I wasn’t a west coast kind of person you really get GREAT value for your money there. Excellent city. Don’t know how good those guys know they have it compared to us Midwest/west coasters.

  14. 41 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    If it wasn't for Utah's fuged up politics, I'd probably live there instead of CO. With that said, without the fuged up politics, Utah's cost of living would be just as high as CO's. 

    I’d have to agree. Politics here are confusing because they are religious. But they’re not too bad. I mean medical marijuana, the gay/lesbian community’s, strong support and acceptance of different ethnicities are much more progressive things going on here that I feel will take the South years and years.

    I came from Charlotte and the south in general is just as religious, politics too. It’s just by religions that are most socially acceptable/popular. And there is more than just one, unlike Utah.  It’s deemed the Bible Belt for a reason. I hated it. In my personal experience the south is much more religiously oppressive and general politics aren’t any better, not sure about CO. So yea politics aren’t the greatest, plenty of states I’d prefer politic wise but they’re far from the worst.

    Utah, Silicon Slopes, is not far behind CO in cost of living. It’s very expensive to live here. And people say yea but it’s not Seattle or NY or CA or even CO...and I just laugh. UT does not offer what those places have, not even close...why do people compare them? Other than the tech companies SLC is much more comparable Boise. And Boise is cheap as fug.

    Comparatively speaking UT is very expensive place to live for what you get. You won’t find a decent house here for less than $350k and even then your well in the low range. I still wonder what exactly I’m paying for. All in all though it’s not a bad place to live at all.

    I liked CO as well. I lived there for a bit too, it’s a little more grimy than SLC, more crime issues. But it’s a bigger city, prettier and has much more to offer. More expensive though but at least there’s a reason for it.

    Overall I think CO and UT are decent states to live and better than the majority.

    • Pie 1
  15. 18 hours ago, Brooklyn 3.0 said:


    I’m in SLC Utah. One of the few states without stay at home order. Overall I’m pretty impressed with the numbers here and don’t agree that it’s supposedly is the worst states due to that fact. 2,400 cases and 19 deaths. For a city of this size it could be much worse. It’s amazing to see everyone helping each other here. We have local neighborhoods designate someone to buy essentials every week for others and leave it on the doorstep, Grocery stores isles are one way only, etc.

    There is no stay at home order but you wouldn’t know it. Everything non essential is shut down and this city is a ghost town. The whole Park City area is very restricted since people come from all over the world to Ski there. Tourists not allowed.

    While I’m impressed about some things others baffle me. Generally people have been smart and compliant and work together  here in the Beehive (Utah) state...except Mormons, well some Mormons.

    The churches and temples have ‘closed’ yet I still see 60 cars in the parking lot, missionaries came home and they were  bombarded by hundreds of people in the middle of a pandemic:


    Idiots. Political leaders who identify as Mormons also call them idiots. The main people dying here are those doing religious poo. But for all these things and as big as a city this is, I still have to say I’m generally impressed.

    Anyways, just thought I’d ramble about what’s going on here for those interested.

    • Pie 1
  16. 2 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I honestly have no idea how science ever became a political issue.

    Actually, yeah I do. A lot of people are really, REALLY fuging stupid.

    I don’t mind science being in politics.

    Why not? Religion has fueled politics for decades.

    people can’t fathom a black president or female when it happens...they think that shows progression, but it doesn’t. 

    is progression not hating/discriminating someone for the way they entered the world? Sounds like common sense.

    Now an American president that isn’t Christian? Won’t be see it in my lifetime, bet on it. Why? because that’s not how someone was born, that’s a choice.

    Not hating/discrimination someone for a choice they make? Much much harder. Especially when involves ‘eternity’. Faith make people do some fuging crazy poo. Science For the most part doesn’t. So yea I’m ok with science.




  17. 4 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Yep, the root cause of the big outbreak in the Colorado ski resort towns was traced back to a group of Australian tourists who tested positive here and were ordered to isolate themselves while efforts were made to get them back home. Instead of following that order, they instead went skiing and bar hopping as previously planned.

    Honestly, people like that should be facing criminal charges. How is it not reckless endangerment? 

    My girlfriend’s job let the higher ups work from home but insisted they were essential. Their entire company has been set up to telework long before this all happened. Her co worker came in contact with a person who she had to visit as a part of her work. Now she is infected along with part of the office. And oh look, after this the company decided to let everyone telework not just the company favorites. Talk about reactive and not being proactive. The governor said no more than ten people yet her office has 50 with hundreds walking in and out.

    If she came down with the virus and then affected me you can bet your ass I’ll be taking to legal counsel when this is all over. Without going into the nature and details of the job I can tell you this is the definition of negligence.

    It’s reasons like this the quarantine won’t work for Americans. People don’t listen some don’t have a choice because companies won’t listen. And the. There’s unemployment for people who can’t work from him. Just a big mess.

    • Beer 1
  18. 1 minute ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Part of not freaking out is understanding and accepting what is coming. We still have a TON of people who seem to think that this is no big deal and will all blow over in a week or two. That's wildly inaccurate and that's what I'm concerned might cause a real panic - when the actions that everyone who has been paying attention fully expect get implemented and the head in the sand crew freaks the fug out because they weren't paying attention or were willfully ignorant.

    I can agree with that completely. But people also panicked for Y2K. I’m not comparing situations, but there is a fine line. That line is urgency with a level head vs. panicking. Panicking does absolutely no good and I can promise you the people making the biggest impact in solving this are level headed individuals acting in a sense of urgency not people panicking. And these people understand, more than anyone the full scope of this thing.

    When people panicking they don’t act rationally, think clearly and spread mis information. Panicking then spreads and people start making decisions based on the individual. In combat for example, or stampedes where people die because of panicking. 

    The solution to this comes from working together as a collective and people who panic make that so much harder to do. 

    • Beer 1
  19. 8 minutes ago, Real1zOnly said:

    My man people are dying from this, it doesn't matter if they are older people. What if one of those older people are someone in your family? Also infants are at high risk as well.

    This isn't about protecting the elderly, it's about protecting everyone of all age groups. The virus spreads rapidly. This is just not another flu.

    Just because no one is freaking out doesn’t mean they don’t take it seriously. It has been proven throughout history the people that freak out are the absolute worst during a crisis or panic. Level headed people with a sense of humor can take it just as seriously and actual have more of a positive influence in situations like this. Feel free to freak out but it doesn’t do any good and people who don’t freak out aren’t the problem, quite the contrary.

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  20. Stuck at home teleworking not getting poo done. I know some people love it but I am the type who likes going into the office at 0600 everyday and get poo done. I work for the federal government and we are not allowed whatsoever to go into work. Yea this is just me bitching there are bigger and more important things going on and I understand why. I can’t imagine 60 days of this.

    But damn I hope they get this vaccine out quick and administer it effectively and efficiently. I was having a good year too. I think that will be more the end of it than telling people to just stay inside and not spread it.

    Luckily my liquor store down the mountain hasn’t closed yet so everything is still good around here.

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