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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 19 minutes ago, Call Me James said:

    They took a big gamble. And here we are drafting at 8. 

    lol I can see why an obsessive Cam fan thinks they took a big gamble

    but in reality it’s the contrary, they avoided the big gamble and didn’t pay cam the commitment he wanted to stay, and thank god for that

    they took a small, short term gamble on TB and he has one year left

    having a losing season/high pick is irrelevant and would’ve happened either way, any somewhat coherent fan already knew this, it’s called rebuilding, it’s the blueprint and Rhule’s MO

  2. The team is not ready to compete and a vet QB won’t do poo. Fields and Wilson won’t be the only QBs in the draft and someone else WIlLL work out. It’s about the FO doing their homework and due diligence and making the right choice. This year or the next. That’s what we are set up for and I know this shocks all you Madden players but the Panthers might need more than one season to find their franchise QB and do things right.

    • Pie 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, ladypanther said:

    I want a smart football team but I am going to dumb down the process.  Got it.  Go Eagles.

    Lol honestly this philosophy reminds me a lot of how Rivera/Fox would be

    make it simple, traditional have your man beat the the other guy

    if not, we lose our way, no adjusting no scheming 

    • Pie 1
  4. Lol cam fans still butthurt

    No one blasting Watson how he’s treating the Texans just jumping ship after just getting paid and not getting his way - whether you believe he’s justified or not

    No one blasting players chasing fat contracts or not giving hometown discounts...cause ‘family’

    spare me the bullshit ‘it’s a business’ all players seem to understand this chasing fat contracts but when the FO makes business moves that benefit them all of a sudden players are ‘done wrong’


  5. 1 hour ago, kungfoodude said:

    It's kind of like watching a relationship with one of your buddies and telling him to rid of his GF/spouse because it is plainly obvious where it is all heading. But they double down to try and salvage it, only for more time to pass before the inevitable happens and they split up.

    That's Houston and Watson right now. 

    Your buddy? Lol come on man this has happened to all of us.

  6. 1 hour ago, kungfoodude said:

    If they don't meet his demands, it is the Texans who stand to lose a lot more than Deshaun Watson. Remember, they just gave him a $30 mil signing bonus.

    If they play hardball, all they will achieve is a spot in the dumpster of the NFL for the remainder of time.

    Watson also loses his chance to continue his career. And is value will go down. Playing time non existent. Worst case scenario he could basically just fade out instead of continue to build on a HOF type career.

    In my mind, both have a lot to lose by hard balling each other. No doubt there will be a little of that...but like I said before, it’s going to have to be a good deal and compromise for both of them. Which makes sense because there is no benefit for him staying for either party. 

  7. 1 hour ago, SizzleBuzz said:

    That's funny too 😂

    There is nothing "mutual" about this...Deshaun is acting like a whiny bitch making a demand, will be interesting to see if it is met.

    Well yea the trade itself is not mutual. I’m sure the Texans want to keep him but since the trade of demanded by Watson doubt they want him there disgruntled. Doesn’t mean they won’t have some say in getting as much as they can for him.

    There was a good article I read yesterday that said the specific reasons for Watson wanting the trade have not been stated and any team getting him would have to most likely understand and accept that something was going on and they’ll never know the full scope of it and this was the baggage they’d have to accept and hope they don’t piss him off in some way, which is true.

    If I was a FO looking at Watson I’d want to know as well. Clearly he is this upset about something. Coach hires, trading his friend/best weapon. But NFL is a business and it’s rare you see a franchise QB leave like this. Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll ever know the full details.

  8. 14 minutes ago, SizzleBuzz said:

    The sum of all that is quite funny...

    As for the highlighted text, Watson's no-trade clause specifically restricts the Texans' ability to "pick the highest bidder"...

    ...but, at this point it appears Deshaun wants out at all costs so he will likely accept a trade to the highest bidder even if they are a less than palatable franchise vs. invoking the NTC which he may have done in more normal times.




    The clause restricts him from being traded period. But that is happening because of mutual agreement, and that is the only way it could happen. Watson can say no to a trade because it’s not where he wants to play because of the clause just as the Texans can also say no to a trade because they’re not given what they want.

    Point is, it’s not as simple as Watson choosing a single team where he wants to play and the Texans MUST comply as people seem to think on this forum. That isn’t going to happen. You don’t draft, invest and develop a player and valuable asset only to just give him away to wherever he says so. Even the Texans aren’t that stupid.

    And the end of the day Watson will go to a team he is ok playing for and the Texans are ok with what they’re getting in return. And for that to happen Watson will have to give multiple options. And the Texans will determine what capital each will give. That is what’s happening.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Rockahype said:

    I understand how the clause works. At the end of the day Watson and his agent hold the power. Yes the Texans could decide not to trade him, but realistically what are they going to do? You honestly think there is any way he stays in Houston? Have you ever seen a marque player stay with a team after tensions publicly escalate to this point? It's very realistic that Houston will have no option but to accept the best deal Watson allows or risk having to release him with nothing to show for it. 

    Both sides will have to work together. You think Watson is going to risk sitting on the bench the rest of his career because he didn’t give a reasonable list of teams the Texans can get capital for? He is the one who signed the contract and no he’s the one wanting out. The Texas have leverage in the fact they could keep Watson from continuing is career. Houston does have that option and leverage. Again it’s a two way street, both parties will need to benefit. Watson does not hold all the power if he did he would only give the single team he wants to play for most and the Texans would have to accept it, and that team, being his only choice could basically offer pennies for him but he doesn’t have all the Power because the Texans don’t and probably won’t accept that.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Rockahype said:

    I've been lead to believe Watson has a trade clause that gives him the ultimate say in where he is going. So unless this is false info Miami and NY can offer all they want but if Watson doesn't want to play there it isn't happening. 

    That’s not how a clause works. It must be mutual. That trade clause also gives the Texans the ability to not trade him - period. No matter how much he wants out. Watson must work with the Texans in order to be traded and most likely provide a reasonable list of teams. The Texans aren’t simply going to take one single option and whatever the lowest bidder is willing to give because Watson says so. What’s the point in that? They don’t HAVE to trade him. They’d probably go back to Watson and say they’re not trading him because his ONE team won’t give reasonable capital and he’ll need to provide a list of teams.

    Why is this so hard for people to understand? You think the Texans are seriously just going to say fug what we could get for him let’s let him do whatever he wants for whatever in return lol. 

    • Beer 1
  11. 12 hours ago, SizzleBuzz said:

    Again, if Watson didn't want to be traded the no-trade clause would have meaningful inherent value...

    ...in that he's absolutely pining to get out -- the no-trade clause is virtually worthless. 

    No trade clause has to be mutual, hence the contract. It’s not worthless because the Texas do not have to trade him due to the clause he has. Watson alone cannot break a trade clause agreement.

    Again, the benefit for Watson is getting on with his career and not being stuck and the benefit for the Texans is being able to pick the highest bidder out of a reasonable amount of teams.

    Watson can say oh yea I want to go to Miami and the only Miami and that’s final. Then Miami offers a way below market deal...the Texans do not HAVE to say yes, because of the clause.

    The clause forces both parties to work together for the best of each side. Watson gets the main benefit of not being able to be traded just anywhere sure, but he does not have all the day.

    • Flames 1
  12. Yea Watson does not hold all the power, a contract is a contract if Texas really wanted to they could say no to any trade and force him to stay, play or not

    it’s a two way street, a no trade clause is beneficial for both parties not just Watson. the texans are interested in capital and Watson’s is interested in moving on to continue his career unobstructed 

    what’s most likely happening is the Texans asking for a list of at least 3 realistic teams, that’s what Watson gets

    Then the Texans pick the highest bidder of said teams, with no regard to whether Watson wants to go to one more than the other, that’s what the Texans get

    The Panthers would have to be one of those few teams AND outbid the others- I just don’t see that happening


    • Pie 1
  13. Question isn’t what to do with him, you have no choice he plays. By why do we have no choice? That’s the question we should be asking.

    Questions is what do you do for his position in the future. He’s admitted that his injury is still affecting him.

    The problem is the past FO never kept oline talent coming in, completely neglecting it or should I say they were inept at addressing it...which is worse. So here we are a few million away from the cap with, literally a nonexistent oline.

    This FO needs to figure out how to put together an oline for the future, which is why signing Moton is so important.

    Also 10.5 million for an average to below average C who still has injury issues is quite a bit of money.

    • Pie 1
  14. Just now, LinvilleGorge said:

    Winter golf. That's it. Though I do like Huntington Beach just south of Myrtle but yeah, that's a totally different vibe than Myrtle proper.

    Agreed. Hell even Hilton head. I’d rather go to Kiawah Island myself. Same drive. Much more interesting. Or hell just add another day of driving and go to a real nice beach in Florida like Destin.

    But fact still remains Myrtle consistently ranks as one of the highest rated beaches, it’s baffling. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, thefuzz said:

    I have never gotten the appeal of NYC, ever....and I've been probably 100 times through the years.

    Busy, expensive, and cold....not my cup of tea.

    Each to their own. I never understood people going to Myrtle. Dirty as hell, ugly beach as hell, rednecks galore, trashy.

    But people love it.

    And compared to SF and Miami...Charlotte is a joke...

    And parts of NY are awesome, you’re thinking of the city.

  16. I think people here are forgetting this is to be mutual. The Texans have to agree and get something too. The team Watson will go to is one he wants to AND the Texans can get capital for.

    Miami is probably where he is going. They have everything he and the Texans want.

    SF probably has the Coaching and team but they’re far from where he is from and also they don’t have what the Texans want without breaking the bank. 

    Jets I only see coaching for him by they do have the capital for the Texans as well.

    Colts not going to happen.

    Panthers I see nothing but some key players and not enough capital for the Texans.

    He isn’t coming here that’s all but a fact at this point. 




    Is going to be his list in that order I suspect.

  17. Maybe except TB isn’t their guy. If he was, there wouldn’t be a year 3 opt out. It’s there for a reason and that reason is 2020. Along with sitting a guy if necessary for 2021. Long as it ends in a plan that results in long term success, I do not care the route.

  18. meh...no thanks

    seems like a QB that needs a great team around him. Could be wrong.

    Not a huge fan of Lance but I can see his upside especially if he sits for all of 2021...if fact it’s not a bad idea. I’d rather take the risk.

    • Pie 1
  19. 50 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    I've seen suggestions from more than one source that he's not very good at interviewing.

    There were (unverified) reports that his interview with the Panthers was a disaster.

    Not only this but I believe he has a history with some red flags.

    As far as the job not being appealing due to Watson, I don’t believe this. Getting rid of Watson and possibly Watt gives Texans a ton of capital for a rebuild. We’re talking 4+ first rounders.

    Could be he doesn’t want to be a part of a rebuild but that does appeal to a lot of coaches.

    Could also be he doesn’t want to deal with that FO.

    If he did take himself out of consideration that definitely says something because he’s been wanting this position for a long time, you’d have to think it’d take a hell of a lot for him to forego an opportunity.

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