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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. Meh, Burns will be completely wasted without anyone to take attention off him. If he has a down game or is taken out by the opposing team, the defense has already lost. Same story with CMC and the offense. And we remember comments that no that we have Young we can focus on defense lol. He has little to no weapons.

    Panthers love replying on one player/dimensions all the time for some reason. Signs of a poor franchise. Would be nice to have to competency to get out of that pattern.

  2. 4 hours ago, 4Corners said:

    Here is a little more background:

    corrall blows and the moron who traded up to get him and passed on Howell is gone. 

    But the moron who hired that moron and  paid him like a moron and gave a college coach that kind of control like a moron is still calling the shots. 

    It’s weird how this doesn’t bother people as much as Rhule being here did.

    Personally, I see the issue/plague still here until I see otherwise.

  3. 27 minutes ago, pantherclaw said:

    How is this his fault? Never mind, I don't want to even understand that level of stupidity.  

    The idiots he hired wasted resources. He is a hands on owner and wants the credit and doesn’t understand he’s incapable. Everything comes back to him as such. Are you dumb?

    You’re a the owner can do no wrong poster and just insult other posters when they call out their BS. 

    Why don’t you ignore people who disagree with you in that the FO is always making the best decisions and never to blame? This question doesn’t need and answer.

    • The D 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, mrcompletely11 said:

    Optimism is completely different than realism.    Fitterer just told you but yet you still don’t listen

    every year we have the same sunshine crowd coming in here pumped up expecting playoffs, claiming everything the panthers do is gold, and telling people they’re so negative and to be optimistic fans if they’re fans at all

    and yet every year we have the same exact sunshine crowd disappearing in early October when the team isn’t doing so well and/or not on track to the playoffs.

    typical casual fans - only understanding wins vs a team needing to be built and the positives/optimism won’t come in the form of a w/l record this year

    now is their season, let them have their moments. Tepper better watch out though, that crowd is getting smaller and smaller as the years go by and that’s where the money is

  5. 1 hour ago, Ricky Prickles said:

    PJ Walker may be better in the long run who knows. Neither have proven much in their careers to this date. PJ though does not have a first round draft choice to live up to and expectations much lower so less pressure.

    I’ll disagree. Darnold has superior talent and plays much better. We’ve seen it. Granted we are arguing top of the poo pile, but still there is a reason PJ was on practice squads and XFL instead of on a team until Rhule came in with his Temple favoritism BS.

    Honestly though, and hence the dinosaur comment, Wilks probably doesn’t give a poo who is QB. We wants to win games 10-7. It’s why he can be a HC in todays league and neither can Rivera.

    Personally I have no faith in Reich either. People want to complain about a round peg in a square hole mentality and that’s Reich offensively. However he has surrounded himself with excellent, young coordinator and coaching talent. Part of me feels he knows he needs it. Which in and of itself is why he is a at least a slightly better dinosaur to me. We shall see.

  6. On 8/29/2023 at 6:53 AM, Move the Panthers to Raleigh said:

    Nah, he is still here

    Along with the person who hired him. And hired Rhule. And kept Rivera. And kept Hurney. And tried to interview a GM candidate from the Eagles while already having a GM in Hurney (which isn’t allowed and he got laughed at).


    can’t make this poo up.

    I get it we have to be optimistic because we are stuck with him, but god damn I don’t get being mad about certain inept staff but not criticizing or deflect blame from the mofo that hired their dumbasses.

    im not mad at the idiot employees trying to do their best, it’s the boss who should’ve known better and at least realized when they don’t know better and are incapable

    lord help us

    • Pie 2
  7. Hopkins wanted to go to a contender. That’s not the Panthers and hasn’t been for over a half decade and won’t for a couple years despite the casual fan homerism here thinking we are a SB candidate every year.

    All part of the cost of Tepper running his clown show.

    He also wanted to go to coaches he was familiar with. The Panthers really had nothing to offer. You can’t just buy vets who would rather win and the ones after solely money are usually washed.

    Panthers did what they could considering what was available and what they had to give up to get their QB. WR is going to be a position to build along with dline. If they can’t get someone across from Burns, he will be wasted.

  8. meh give it time. That includes QBs from last draft as well. And people should be paying attention. It’s not about the player it’s about the organization.

    If you are noticing - we are stacking up a very young team full of top ten picks. This ain’t good. It’s basically the Browns model.

    A franchise who can’t win with that kind of talent, or pick the right players is doomed. Tepper has really got to open his eyes and take his hands off.

    I don’t believe in Fit, Reich or Tepper. I’ve seen enough of them. However we have great assistant coaches/coordinators and I do believe in Young.

    But it means jack poo when the guys at the top are trash. This is true for pretty much every profession and I know everyone has experience with it.

  9. 10 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Saints weren't even dominating this division when they had Peyton and Brees. Now all of a sudden they are the superior team with David freakin Carr!


    Stop it!

    It’s not that. He’s a vet. He knows the game and put up respectable numbers with a complete poo FO and franchise. Albeit he had some talent there. He’s not great but he’s good. That’s rare enough in the NFL.

    A rookie QB/coach are not coming in here and beating that, it just isn’t happening.

    And Peyton and Brees had formidable teams to play against. Care doesn’t. And as I said their FO is above average.

    • Pie 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Newtcase said:

    The NFL has provided plenty of examples of quick turn arounds and a few teams surprise every year.  Nothing wrong with believing we could be one of those teams this year.  

    There’s enough talent on the team to compete.  How well the coaching staff extracts that talent and how quickly our young players progress will have a lot of influence on how the season progresses.

    Theory crafting wins/losses is an exercise in futility.  Even with perfect logic the better team often loses in the NFL.

    I simply hope we see a team improving with each game this season.  That’s the standard I’d like to see from a new staff and our rookie QB.  Just continue to improve, converting experience into progress.

    Define quick turnaround and which teams? Which FOs? What was already in place? Take out anomalies, take out above average FOs and take out teams that that are more or less built from those FOs. Pick comparable teams, coming off multiple losing seasons and cleaning house. What’s left?

    What’s left is the typical 3 year mark. That’s the norm. Sometimes 2 years. Think Burrow and Allen…and even go back further Brady, Manning, Brees. Even our own Cam.

    Quick turnarounds almost always involve an above average FO/owner that have a built team. Ala San Fran. But even for them it was until the owner stepped back and let the football people preside. Our owner refuses, he wants the credit.

    It takes TIME. This team is not built yet. To say we will be an anomaly, Tepper finally learned, and Reich/Young really are just that special to join the few in history is ehhh kind of pushing it for me. Deep playoffs in year 3 will already be impressive. People need to just wait.

    • Pie 1
  11. 2 hours ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    People focused on win totals.


    Just win more games than the Bucs/Saints/Falcons and we make the playoffs. There is no powerhouse team in this division. It's up for grabs literally any team can win it. 


    Does that not seem like a realistic goal this season? 


    It’s not. The Saints are the best team in the NFCS thanks to a superior FO and it’s not close. But Carr is on the downside of his career and so it will be short lived. Of course we aren’t trying to lose now but we are building for being the team after that.

  12. The ceiling is 8. Slightly better than last year but considering we’ve averaged like barley 6 wins in the past half decade - people need to realize this IS optimistic. 

    It’s the reason behind 8 wins that’s what should be looked at. Is it a learning curve as it should be? Or more bullshit from this franchise looking like they’ll never learn.

    People say we are improved from last year because we have a better team, but don’t account for the learning curve. It’s a casual fan take, or patience wearing thin. But it overlooks the facts, how football/team building general works in NFL history.

    Because even 6 wins due to the curve will make me happy. I just want a bright future and as I’ve said the record means very little this year.

    • Pie 4
  13. No he isn’t. No worthwhile GM signs up to just so the paperwork for a college coach and in general has more than one team looking at them. Fit is simply gets the players his coach wants which is more fine if you have a proven coach. But how many people want to work for Tepper? He’s not a football guy. Half his round table includes his wife and a customer relations person.

    This board is full of people optimistic every year and the Panthers can do no wrong. And just pointing this out makes you a doom and gloomer, sometimes a fake fan. The irony is these overly optimistic posters all disappear come the beginning/mid October. 

    They come in with high expectations because their football experience is three hours on Sunday but only if the Panthers are winning.

    But to those who follow the NFL in general for years know this team is still building and have realistic expectations. But we aren’t real fans because we say the Panthers aren’t going to the playoffs this year. We also know Fit should been canned with Rhule, Hurney with Rivera. and Tepper is a god awful owner that won’t find success until luck strikes or he hires help.

    The best thing about this year imo are our assistant and coordinator coaches. They have the talent to eventually be a good HC. Like McDermott. I don’t believe Reich is all that great but I’m willing to give it time.

  14. Yep. Already been saying this. People don’t want to hear it but it’s true. Young needs experience and there are more holes to fill and building needed. Care is a good QB. Maybe not SB caliber but he’ll be better than Young for a bit.

    Saints will have the next couple of years and then it will either be Falcons or Panther time depending on who does it right. They have hell of a nice cap room to work with. We shall see.

    • Pie 1
    • Poo 5
  15. Fasting is a lazy, short term way to lose weight and you learn absolutely nothing from it. That’s why people who fast can never keep it off. And keeping it off is 100x harder than losing weight.

    You’d be far better off learning to  feed your body not your appetite, leaning how to do that, and then learning portion control. That will help you more long term, with less emphasis on instant results. The time you lose weight is NOT the highlight. Even the OP is filled with referencing time frames. It means nothing. You are trying to recreate a lifestyle not kill a habit.

    Let me ask you this, why eat nothing at all when you can eat foods rich in vitamins and macronutrients that will support your body and build a healthy system/physique?

    There is no good answer for that and reality is, is because you lack discipline or would literally rather starve yourselves than eat a fully healthy meal.

    Fasting is only a tool for morbidly obese imo. Also, some people thinks not eating for a couple meals or a day is fasting. It’s not. That shows a lack of understanding of just how much calories/food your body actually needs. It’s FAR lower than what most people thinks and are used to. Americans anyway.

  16. 7 minutes ago, TLGPanthersFan said:

    Panthers have always struggled with depth for pretty much their entire existence. 
    All of our struggling years have been due to injury for the most part. 
    Our best year were almost always when the team remained healthy so we didn’t need to rely on backups. 
    Looks like that trend is continuing. 

    That not the trend, the trend is an inept front office. There are plenty of modern day teams that understand depth and talent evaluation (KC, Eagles, Patriots). Their next man up is a slight drop off and when they want $ they either give it to them and trade the first guy, trade them, or just flat out cut them because they’ll just find another guy that can fill in with little drop off.

    There is a reason the Panthers have been the worst team in the league aside from a couple outlier teams that never win anything and it’s from the top.

    Tepper sure as poo isn’t changing that so we really need to just hope lightning strikes and everyone stays perfectly healthy to win anything. There are other teams like this as well. You seen them do well until just a single player gets hurt and they look like hot trash.

  17. was about to start a same sentiment type post, except I believe this will be a mediocre season. Next season might as well. After that it better be a winning season or Tepper needs to hire help (though he should’ve done that this year).

    we are building a team of top 10 picks ala the Browns…and it’s getting sad. starting to be the place players/top talent come to die. I hope Young can turn it all around. 

    On the plus side mediocre is the bottom with these coaches. Problem is if one shines they may be plucked. Also I have more faith in the assistants than Reich. I know he gets a lot of love on here but his past is riddled with god awful decisions.

    anyways back to point, people are drastically overreacting over a preseason game. Especially with young…so like four series? Not even a full preseason game. Looks like this place is set up quite nicely for knee jerk threads from the same casual fans claiming he’s the next manning when we lose games and he makes mistakes which he will.

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