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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 22 minutes ago, Mr Mojo Risin said:

    I mean is this a joke? He was released well into FA when most teams had already committed to their Qb for the year. Most teams don't wait until the end of May or even June to get their starting Qb. Why do people act like this was a "normal" situation Cam was put intocthis years? I mean look at the offense he played in Damiere Byrd was his #1 Wr. If the Pat's had a bonafide #1 and a healthy Edleman Cam's stats would look A LOT better. 

    Its just funny to me that people use that season to determine if Cam can still be a starting QB in the NFL or not. He had a month to learn his offense and was throwing to a bunch of UDFA ST players And he still win more games than the Carolina Panthers with a MUCH MUCH WEAKER supporting cast. If Cam Newton is done then Matt Rhule doesn't deserve to coach another down of football if he couldn't even win more games than a bum Cam Newton with a month to learn a new system with dogsh*t weapons.

    Cam had the 4th ranked oline in the NFL last year. The Panthers were 18.

    Cam had the 7th ranked defense in the NFL last year. The Panthers were 18.

    Cam had the 1st ranked special teams in the NFL last year. The Panthers ranked around 19-20.

    Cam had Belicheck, the GOAT. The Panthers had a first year college coach.

    The entire Planthers team had to learn a new system not just one player.

    Cam is still a free agent even as you said ‘teams do not wait around to get their QB’. FA hasn’t started but teams still have plans in place. No one’s include Cam.

    On the flip side the Panthers had much better weapons.

    There is a reason Cam won more games and it’s not because Rhule is a shitty coach or Cam isn’t done.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Cookie Lyon said:

    LOL you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. You don't have to know someone personally in order to determine if you "like them or not." 

    I'm not about to explain to you why Cam, in this situation, had the right to check that clown of a kid. 

    If you can't figure it out then that's on you.

    actually, personally, I do. 

    you clearly didn’t comprehend when I said I am not against something a grown man decides to do - it means I’m not arguing right or wrong,  I’m saying ignoring the kid would’ve been better for him and the kid

    if you don’t believe me look at all the poo that’s become of this, if he was ignored it wouldn’t even be known and I’m sure the kid would feel stupid


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  3. 6 minutes ago, PandaMan said:

    Seems like sarcasm might’ve surpassed you, but I’ll also say, if Tom Brady or Philip Rivers did the same thing, they’d be praised for their tenacity and and competitive spirit

    I get what you’re saying, but ‘responded to it perfectly’ as people are putting it is way off 

    google cam Newton and this poo is everywhere no matter what you think of it

    had it been handled ‘perfectly’ (ignored) no one would even know and the kid would prolly learn dumbassery won’t earn him any attention

    no, he didn’t go all out and I don’t think what he responded with was anything worth talking about or people should really are but the bottom line is he should know better getting this attention

    for the record Cam isn’t being scrutinized, almost everyone is on his side for telling off and ingrate but imma have to disagree if Brady did this poo he’d be scrutinized more and for me look just as foolish

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Cookie Lyon said:

    You don't even like Cam, so no matter what he would've done, you would've been against it. 

    You are a disrespectful moron just like that kid in the video.

    Image result for I said what I said gif

    Tf are you talking about I watch athletes for entertainment not determining whether I ‘like them’ or not -that’s dumb, I don’t know these people

    I’m not against anything, he’s a grown man, but it’s basic knowledge among adults to just ignore kids, what exactly do you do on the daily when kids talk poo? Fight them? Argue with them? Lol

    I’m genuinely curious as to what the logic is to give them the attention they want when they’re acting like a moron like this...enlighten me.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, Gesualdo said:

    Let's face it, that argument was entertaining.

    As for Cam, he's not getting enough credit for how well he handled that. 

    That said, if he had a chance to do it over, maybe that kid doesn't HAVE a dad. Maybe that's why he's acting like that. But Cam handled that really f*cking well.

    no he didn’t lol

    handling it well would be ignoring him not screaming I’m rich 5x at a kid without hair on his nuts

    kids do this poo all day long, they never feel they’re listened to because they’re not, 99% of the time kids have literally nothing worthwhile to say

    if adults never ignored kids’ stupidity there would be a big problem

    doesn’t matter really because Cam is irrelevant now but people who say he handled it perfectly make me think kids’ dumbassery would actually trigger you people, that’s sad


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  6. 1 hour ago, PhillyB said:

    just click the link great grandpa or did they not teach that in world war one


    34 minutes ago, PhillyB said:

    "old soul"

    lmmfao log off loser


    5 minutes ago, PhillyB said:

    people who call themselves "old souls" are complete fuging douchebags lmao. imagine being proud of being 30 and everyone thinking you're twice as old because of how crotchety and inept you are 

    do you not see the irony?

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  7. 19 minutes ago, TheBigKat said:

    What significant mistakes do you feel he’s made?

    Keeping Marty too long (or at all). This equates to a lot of player/contract mistakes 

    Keeping Rivera too long.

    Keeping Cam too long (but this may fall on Hurney).

    That said he was still learning. People wanted instant gratification and ignored the learning curve. Everyone makes mistakes, it happens. It’s about what you do about them. Franchises like the Browns, Jets, Cowboys to the extent keep making them. That’s the difference. The jury is still out on Tepper.

    It appears to me however he is a quick learner and changes things quickly when a mistake is made. I believe the slow moves in the beginning were part of his earning curve NOT his normal way of handling things.

    I’m ok with it. We’ll see year 5-6 what he’s really about.


  8. 2 minutes ago, MHS831 said:

    OK, here we are on Feb 21--isn't it rather telling that Cam does not seem to be in any conversations--during the offseason of the QB?  I hate that for him---if RR had used him correctly, he could still be playing well.  Great guy (if you ever met him) but I wanted him out because I have never seen a QB take a beating like he took for 8 years here. 

    I would love to see him come to camp here as #81, trying out for TE job---but that won't happen

    It was telling when no one offered poo for him last season and he played for vet min and will probably get another vet min job as a backup this season.

    This is just confirmation.

    He had a great career, I don’t feel bad for him. It’s too bad but plenty of good QBs or ones with potential get fuged by a shitty organizations (or multiple) Luck, Rivers, you could argue Romo, Watson, D. Care, argument for Marino maybe even RG3, maybe Campbell, V. Young, Pennington, A. Smith...list goes on and on.

    Fact is a great, franchise QB simply cannot overhaul a consistently horrible franchise. There is very very few examples of this happening. Cam being one of them.

  9. The oline played great the first half of games. Then checked out at half time. Where is the stats for that? That poo is awful.

    Add in Moton played at a high level and Okung did too when he was in.

    And they still ranked #18 in the NFL.

    It’s a bigger problem than people think. TB sucks yea but it’s just fuging lazy to say the oline isn’t that big of a problem.

    It’s actually worse than people think.


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  10. 33 minutes ago, NanuqoftheNorth said:

    No shame in this.  Happens to every player eventually. 

    How many people can say they reached the highest level in their profession?

    Tre lived the dream.

    Nah no shame in it. The slight isn’t on Tre. It’s on idiot Hurney. He played one year on a 3 year deal and never should’ve been signed. He was never worth a 3 year deal. 

  11. Yea it’s kind of skewed to just look at available space but it’s still not great considering - when looked at overall we are in top 3 worst with Rams and Eagles.

    Not to say the future isn’t bright because it is but you can’t look at this being 5-11 and be happy probably won’t next year either unless were a winning team...then this franchise will look pretty decent. At least 8-8.

    Hurney was fired by his secret elderly lover once...for a reason. It took A LOT for that to happen. You rehire him this is what you get, the same reason.

    At least it’s finally come to an end.

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