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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. Nah

    Something happens and he gets on the list and/or suspended or worse...and you’re left with your dick in your hands and no draft for 3 years...that situation will 100% set you back close to a decade.

    It just isn’t worth that kind of risk.

    The people who want to make a move like this do it based off what they will believe will happen because of their personal opinion of the case, rather than what’s factually unknown.

    That’s called emotions. And business decisions on emotions is dumb. 

    • Pie 1
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  2. 9 minutes ago, Bronn said:

    How do you know he didn't ask for glute work and then accidentally fart in her face when she was doing the requested work?

    What you're taking out of the context says more about you than it does Deshaun Watson.

    Come on man lol...how many people do you know accidentally let one loose and later say something like sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.

    Most people don’t even say anything and at most, in the moment say sorry about that or excuse me.

  3. 8 minutes ago, TheRumGone said:

    this lawyer is dumb as hell

    Guess he missed the whole ‘confidential’ in bold letters at the top lol.

    Although as someone who routines works with confidential information just putting it at the top has no bases, as is there is nothing about this letter, information or otherwise that would make it ‘confidential’. ‘The League’ are no law enforcement, a government entity, judges, or healthcare.

    I am assuming that stamp is for internal employees/policy.

  4. 2 minutes ago, ImaginaryKev said:

    On this board folks were poo pooing the idea of trading for him at all before any of this mess even happened. Now those same folks immediately believe this is a deal breaker and more reason not to pursue Watson at all. They're aren't fooling anyone at this point

    I mean it sounds logical. Not only Panther fans, but if you read any other fan board who thought about getting Watson they were hesitant about their favorite team selling the future as well.

    It’s an unprecedented trade for a QB this young and this successful. So no one really knows or has anything to compare it to, but the price is intimidating and I don’t see an issue with anyone hesitant for those reasons.

    It is also logical to see it as a deal breaker. There are a plethora of things that could happen. More victims come forward. Could actually end up guilty. Could end up suspended. Or yea, absolutely nothing will come of it. But logic would say the situation is concerning. Not whether you thinks it’s true or not. The situation. The list goes on, I also don’t see any issue for hesitation for these reasons.

    Valid concerns all around. What’s not logical is to say none of those drafts picks will matter anyway and Watson will be completely cleared of all these charges and nothing will come of them and anyone who says otherwise has an agenda. Trying to see something that isn’t there.

    • Pie 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, SizzleBuzz said:


    If Russell Wilson was the focus of Buzbee's efforts think reactions would be different?!?

    Ehhh probably. Reactions are probably based on the timing. As I said it is suspicious. Wilson has a better relationship with his city and team. 

    I think any high profile player who is disgruntled and has a public, dramatic beef with their franchise who all of a sudden has things like this conveniently come up at this time would get the some responses.

    I would not classify Wilson in that category.

    But there is a chance that despite the bad timing there isn’t anything related about it.

    Bottom line is the details and outcome are more important and are what reactions should be based on more than the timing IMO.

    I think it’s completely fine to say the timing is suspicious, but doesn’t mean I’ll completely disregard the situation. Just have to wait and see, and people absolutely hate that notion.

    • Beer 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, CanePantherHornet said:

    Its sad how so many people have become obsessed with the idea of trading for Watson that they're throwing all integrity out the window and coming up with dumb conspiracy theories trying to defend him.

    It’s quite strange. I remember when Rothlisburger caught his first charge, he was flamed everywhere as being a dumbass. And that was only when the first incident occurred where the victim bragged sleeping with him the day after it happened.

    Second incident had more merit but was withdrawn immediately for some reason (probably money).

    Maybe it’s the timing, and it is no doubt suspicious it’s just strange reading all these responses and Twitter replies, a ton of people dismissing the issue without process and ‘fully supporting Watson’ without waiting to see what happens. 

    • Beer 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, TheCasillas said:

    The thing that sucks about this for ALL parties is that its just going to end up his word vs her's. The truth will never come out, and career(s) will be destroyed.


    What will happen, is most likely the same thing with Rothlisburger, a settlement with no details and Watson will continue playing.

    His reputation may be a bit tarnished with snarky comments but probably not on the same scale as Ben.

    Unless either a victim or Watson is true about really not caring about money - the details will never come out or matter in court.

    But in reality, that almost never happens.

    • Beer 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Shotgun said:

     yep and a mediocre oline with an elite qb will be better than mediocre oline with a crappy qb.  

    Not according to the last 20 years of playoff contenders. Mediocre olines have made the super bowl only 3-4 times in two decades - all had a HOF qb.

    You need both. 

    Who is to say the new GM and coach cannot prioritize investing in quality prospects through the draft? They certainley can’t even try if they don’t have the picks.

    You’re just assuming the new staff will continue run things like Hurney...and in which case nothing will help us.

    • Pie 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Mother Grabber said:

    after a 5 year recovery from the trade we'll be golden.

    Lol you know that’s not how the huddle works

    we could literally trade every starter we have and they’d expect playoffs next season and then when it failed they’d make excuses they didn’t give Watson a worthy team

    • Pie 2
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  10. 2 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    The writing has been on the wall for months. Some people have just performed Olympics level mental gymanstics to deny it.

    That’s pee wee league, the real olympic level gymnastics is to articulate how the Panthers field a competitive team giving up something like 3 first/seconds and/or Brown/Chinn/Burns. 

    • Pie 1
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  11. 11 minutes ago, MVPccaffrey said:

    Ya'll thought the Penn State Panther fan traveling contingent was big during the Collins years, just wait until half the population of Death Valley shoots up 85N to support their favorite player ever on Sundays!

    It’ll be the second biggest movement of white trash rednecks of the year!

    (first being bicycle week at Myrtle obviously)

  12. On 3/15/2021 at 8:52 PM, TrevorLaurenceTime22 said:

    To say the least, Two sub par offensive linemen and cutting Kerr..... So were does that leave us?

    Well the two contracts have a combined cap hit this season of about 3.5M dollars.


    Cutting Kerr reportedly saved 1.1M.

    Based off ST and OTC we started the day with between 29 and 31m in cap space...


    I'll use 30 as average...



    -3 5m for signings 

    -10m for draft picks

    +1.1 for cutting Kerr


    This should leave roughly 18.5M dollars in available cap to spend....



    So big Kahana or restarted rebuild?

    I am by no means a cap wizard...but it’s sounds like a good amount to rollover with the 89% rule in mind. Course this is over a 4 year period which I believe started this year. Maybe that explains TB? Then of course I think the rest of the league has to spend a certain amount.

    Maybe someone with more cap knowledge can confirm but this is basically how teams like the Browns were some ridiculous 80 million extra in cap space one year...

    Always good to take advantage of the rollover in a  rebuilding time so the money is there when the players worth spending on are also there. Take all this as a grain though I’m not sure how it’s work tbh.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Hoenheim said:

    False accusers need to get punishment as well in my opinion.  Even if it's eventually proven that the accused did nothing wrong the whirling poo storm caused by those types of accusations doesn't just poof into non-existence . 

    It’s kind of flipped. False accusers aren’t punished if no one presses charges. That makes sense because you don’t want to discourage anyone, false accusers are just casualties in that type of system. I’ll take it.

    But they can most certainly be sued and punished if their victim does something about it. So yea, wish that would happen more.

    But it’s extremely difficult if not impossible for the justice system to prosecute these kinds of cases without a compliant complainant though.

    • Beer 1
  14. Meh I wish high profile people would stop settling stuff like this and I wish victims would stop taking/demanding a settlement.

    I understand there is a lot of legal and personal stuff that goes into decisions like that. But I feel issues - legal/justice system or otherwise would possibly come to light if all of a sudden things couldn’t be fixed with money. 

    But in the end everyone just learns what the price tag was and not actually what happened or what we can learn from it in any aspect. It’s sad.

    • Pie 2
  15. 36 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    Seems like one guy "reports" or floats something into the ether and then 3 to 4 more people regurgitate it on Twitter and voila!  It becomes gospel.


    37 minutes ago, Proudiddy said:

    two months ago, we were his preferred destination.

    Both of these can’t be true.

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