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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 4 hours ago, WarPanthers89 said:

    What are you talking about? Dude was the best center we have ever had and so what if Injuries caught up to him in his 30’s....that happenS to about 99 percent of all players at some point. He may of recommended his brother but he wasn’t the fugging GM. That’s on Gettleman not him as a player. What would you expect? Him to say his brother was terrible? 

    You missed the point, I’m not talking about his prime, he siphoned 2 teams for farewell money he knew full well he wasn’t going to earn - the writing is on the damn wall. Look at his history comments, they’re along the lines of his brother, pretending to be 100% for money. Bullshit. And it hurt my favorite team.

    And yea that was on the GM but it was still stupid/shady of him to do and his recommendation for his brother was stupid too, regardless of what he was suppose to do or not. Him and his brother siphoned money from teams. 

    A player like how CJ went out is much more respectable in my option. Just because he is a fan favorite doesn’t give him a pass. Yea great watching him in his prime but he fleeced the team in different ways and with that, his opinion are BS.

    • Poo 2
  2. R Kalil is a joke. Whined about a retirement deal after injury then played some games but couldn’t finish because of said injuries, then all of a sudden become 100% to sign with the Jets for some more big money and wouldn’t ya know it was all of a sudden was too injured to play that year. And lobbied for his garbage brother to do the exact thing to the Panthers.

    He’s an idiot.

    • Poo 3
  3. 1 minute ago, bobowilson said:

    I'm not sure there are any QBs who started like Darnold who ever had good careers in the NFL.

    He might have to pull off a first in NFL history.

    Panther fans love the idea of breaking records.

    For instance the notion we would’ve made the playoffs with a good QB las year, would have set records because of how atrocious our entire team was. Just hasn’t happened.

    Not a fan of Darnold but he does have a record, and that’s being the youngest qb to start in the modern nfl. Had crappy coaching.

  4. 1 hour ago, Toomers said:

     Jonah Williams is only in his 3rd year. And played solid. It’s one of the few positions they don’t have a huge hole. 

      Burrow is probably campaigning for Chase, as you said. It’s as much as a need as they have. Doesn’t hurt to sleep him happy. 

       Now, I’m taking Sewell, or trading back. But those are reasons not to. Take Sewell and move Williams to RT/G. Which is where I still think his long term value is. 

    Jonah Williams is made of glass though. Big olineman just don’t heal. Sat out his draft year in 2019 because he was already injured/surgery coming in to the NFL and then couldn’t finish last year due to more (different) injuries. First his shoulder and now his knee.

    He appears to me as more of a reason they pick Sewell than not. He could always be moved to RT.

    Guess it looks depends on how they see Williams coming along with his knee rehab but if I was a Bengals fan no way I’d pass on Sewell for Chase.

  5. Can someone please explain to me any reasonable 1 point argument Cincy would not be taking Sewell?

    And a player of lobbying for another player is not reasonable.

  6. 4th is reasonable since/if the Panthers eat most of his cap.

    Also if you plan on saying or looking at it like we got Darnold minus what we got for TB, I feel like you’d have to ADD the money we will pay TB to not be on the roster. Can’t have the best of both worlds.

    In which case Darnold will cost what? 19/20 mil average for two years?

    Though I’d say ya can’t really look at it like that anyways.

    I think the biggest plus in compensation for TB won’t be a pick it will be getting rid of some of the money he’d be owed if he stayed. Not sure what that is.

  7. 11 hours ago, chknwing said:

    Will Ferrell Reaction GIF

    Darnold had no protection, no play makers.  He made bad decisions because he was under pressure literally the entire game every game.  If I was picking my ass off the turf after every down my confidence level in my team mates would dwindle too.,

    The Jets defense and oline make the Panthers look like all pros...and that’s says a lot. And I do not like Darnold.

    I think he’ll be a great back up just like TB.

  8. I don’t think it’s a dynasty in comparison. 3 winning seasons in a decade vs. 1.

    I think the Jets (and Jags) are much more similar to the Panthers since inception than Panther fans are willing to admit as far as games won and winning season. In fact I’d argue they’re closer than any other team in the NFL since 95.

    I suppose the super bowl appearances are the differences but the Jets made the conference 2 times and the Jags 3 times...

    And the wins losses differences are marginal. So are amount of winning seasons. Panthers are almost always competitive every 4 years and then flop since existence. Jags and Jets have spurts. It’s odd to me how much our fanbase laughs at these two other teams...it’s really ironic.

    I sidetracked but my point is to say he’ll do better here because the Jets were trash...compared to the Panthers you’re talking about trash that smells like poo and trash that is only moderately offending.

  9. 2 hours ago, Trainwreck said:

    Definitely. Spending $60 mil for one bad quarterback and then the very next year spending a future 2nd rounder for another bad quarterback should get you fired immediately. 

    It’s 40 million.

    And TB ranked where he is paid in 2020, respectively. 

    In 2021 he more than likely wouldn’t have or will not likely rank where he was paid.

    So you’re essentially complaining about 1 year overpaid bad contract.

    If Donald doesn’t work out, yea it’s shitty to waste a second rounder.

    But I can see how not acknowledging the details makes an agenda sound more melodramatic. 

    Ultimtley though, he hasn’t made a devastating move yet, which is good. But he/they will need to make a progressive move and the inability to do that would for me be the ‘hot seat’.

    Teams go years without franchise QBs. There are so many examples I don’t even know where to begin. It’s going to take time. As others have posted I think a competitive team and playoffs need to be a given in 2023.

  10. 5th year option is fully guaranteed.

    That said is a top qb falls I fully expect the Panthers to take him. 

    As the GM said this simply gives the Panthers options. They’re not betting one falls but they have a back up plan with more potential than TB in case one doesn’t.

    That’s all it is really, wouldn’t read into it much further.

    • Pie 8
  11. 26 minutes ago, PantherMan89 said:

    This. We’ve neglected solidifying this position for far too long. 

    It’s actually worse than that - they haven’t neglected the oline since the Gross/Kalil era, they’ve just been completely inept at addressing it.

    • Pie 7
  12. 1 hour ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    This is sooooo reminiscent of the hope last year when we signed Teddy and it's largely the same crew getting duped again.


    TB had a LOT more supporters. The best Darnold is getting here is ‘no other options’, or ‘well at least he didn’t cost a lot’.

    TB on the other hand I’d say was 90% optimistic he’d win some games.

  13. 22 minutes ago, Jared Patterson said:

    Seems like we are clueless and just throwing competition together. I wonder how they are selling Tepper on that.

    I am not a fan of Darnold at all but what exactly would you have done? Throwing things hoping one sticks vs. what exactly? Picking a route you know if a sure fire way to get a franchise QB? What would that look like exactly? There is no for sure way.
    I suspect the Panthers felt the Jets out for their pick while in talks and clearly they’re not trading it.

    Falcons aren’t giving it to us either.

    49ers are a team built to be able to give what they did for that pick but even still they’ll break NFL history if it works out:

    2018, Jets traded up to No. 3 for Sam Darnold

    2017, Bears traded up to No. 2 for Mitchell Trubisky

    2016, Rams traded up to No. 1 for Jared Goff

    2016, Eagles traded up to No. 2 for Carson Wentz

    2012, Washington traded up to No. 2 for Robert Griffin III

    Again not really a fan but there isn’t exactly a plethora of options.

    Could've offered more for Stafford I guess but at least they tried, and to be honest, I’m glad more than 8 overall wasn’t offered for Stafford.

    For myself I am debating if they should’ve just put TB out there as a lame duck, the same they should’ve done with Cam, and saved the cap/draft capital.

    But it’s a low risk situation. I hope if for some reason a QB falls they take him.

    • Pie 2
  14. Correct me if I’m wrong but picking up a 5th option makes Darnold 12 mil per year for two years and TB was essentially 20 mil per year for two years.

    It’s not the worst in the world, but these things add up. We’re essentially paying 32 million this year at the QB position and don’t have a solid QB (that we know will work out).

    If we go into 2022 and Darnold doesn’t work out we will still be paying someone else plus no draft picks.

    Its Greta to continually try to find the answer IF the answer is eventually found. But these costs will start to add up. Cap and money may not matter to much but draft picks most certainly do.

    I am thinking they’ll give Darnold MUCH more time (2+ years) to produce than they ever would TB, which makes sense.

    The costs at this time is low and potential is high so it’s not so bad right now and most importantly we are not stuck. And this is what it takes to find the franchise QB.

    Only time will tell.

  15. He did have the 29th ranked oline and 26th defense last year. Darnold’s oline has never been ranked above 24 lol. Even for Panther standards that’s bad (ours in that time was right at 18). Looks like he’ll upgrade a few spots with the Panthers. 

    Good new is he learned how to run away with the Jets.

    In all seriousness I think the biggest take away is the FO’s willingness to move on so quick unlike the past regime.

    Kind of a double edged sword though because the capital lost starts to add up. We are now paying TB and Darnold ...and down some picks.

    If Darnold flops this year and tray and find another answer next year we will start digging a hole.

    Darnold being better than Teddy seems the be the biggest positive people are talking about. But that does make any sense unless you’re butthurt, being better than TB doesn’t mean he’s good enough. And if he’s not good enough as I said the cost to find the right guys will slowly add up.

    Could be that even if Darnold flops this year the Panthers will give him more time than TB. He is young and has had poo coaching. The boneheaded mistakes he made could be chalked up to his atrocious oline and bad coaching later on.

  16. He’ll be running around in Panthers backfield instead of NY unless we fix the line. And we will still need a QB. Difference is we will be in that position after next year without picks and money paying TB AND Darnold we could’ve rolled over lol.

    Alright Mr. Tepper I always said I would be patient and wait and see but your recent moves are fuging mind boggling.

    • Poo 2
  17. Exactly what I’ve been saying all along. BYU oline program is one of the best. They’re proud it it. And they destroy weaker competition. Which allowed Wilson to time which he used to run around and make on the move throws. 

    This is my biggest concern with him. I. The NFL he will definitely have to adjust and learn some technical footwork because he won’t be running from subpar college competition.

  18. 9 hours ago, Tbe said:

    We’re going to pay a ton to keep him.

    Sure would be nice to start paying our draft picks who turned out to be studs instead seeing them walk for nothing. and instead paying shitty valued positions like LB and RB and/or injured olineman and/or washed up fan favorite farewell tours.

    I’d be ok paying a pass rusher.

    I’d be less ok, but still ok, getting some picks for him and not pay him if for some reason him (or a player) wasn’t going to be a fit going forward. 

  19. 23 minutes ago, Asurfaholic said:

    IMO this is the difference between a legit complaint of a sexual assault and blackmail. 

    DW is innocent until proven guilty. How you like them apples, Sean Payton’s Vicodin? 

    That’s sad the courts control your thoughts.

    Innocent until guilty is a proceeding l, a right to due process, not a mentality and excuse to not use your own brain.

    O.J. is and was guilty. People are often innocent and/or guilty despite what courts rule. 

    Also evidence is the primary (but not all encompassing) difference between sexual assault and blackmail not a criminal or civil suit or even if there isn’t at any court filings period.

    Hence the DA being able to take a civil suit criminal by reviewing the evidence which still may happen.

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