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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 9 hours ago, TheMostInterestingMan said:

    Oh you told us. We all feel stupid now. And as for all the A- to A+ grades our draft has consistently gotten, you better go email the likes of CBS etc and tell them to.


    Look, draft grades obviously don’t mean poo but the reality is this draft was objectively good, even if it didn’t fall how you wanted it to. It’s done now regardless. But I suspect our staff is very happy with the results. As they should be. They did great.

    Draft grades are meaningless but I’m not sure where you got that...most people have a B with a few As and some Cs and worse, we’d probably average B- for 10+ sites not just CBS.

    If you’re talking about the huddle, if you’ve been here a while you’ll notice we always seem to have an A or A+ draft. It’s the homerism. It’s the reason we have shitty knee jerk threads when we find ourselves losing yet again. It happens every single year. It’s pretty comical to see the huddle around the draft time every single year  with so much optimism despite it blowing up in their face some year, it never fails.

    I’d agree with the ranks and wouldn’t say just how great it was if everyone flops.  You really can’t say how great it was until years later. The only thing you can say was great is the fact they have more piles of poo to throw at the wall instead of our regular 6/7. And that is good.

    • Beer 1
  2. Dunno. I think it’s quite possible they would’ve taken Lance and that could’ve been the reason for no 5th year option. Or maybe traded if someone wanted Lance - we will probably never know.

    SF have up a ton to get him, and their FO is pretty good, so clearly he was a better prospect than most of us thought.

    But I think the only team ‘tied’ to Jones was possibly SF, not sure what they’re smoking. Clearly that was some smokescreen BS.

  3. Ah yea the draft super bowl thread, we are undefeated, had one for Hurney 2.0 and Gettle too.

    We really don’t know and won’t know what Fitt is all about for a couple years.

    The fancy trades and moves don’t impress me. Building a team and a healthy cap does. So we shall see.

    I like the BYU pick personally. They have a fantastic oline program.

    • Poo 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, CanePantherHornet said:

    After all of the years of seeing Panther fans screeching about trading down this is sort of hilarious.

    Not sure you comprehend what that means or what is going on. Trading down is suppose to mean an increase in value, either this year or next, not equal value while at the same time failing to draft better talent.

    Basically trading down should always benefit the team trading down.

    The only benefit here is quantity, not value, which is fuging stupid. As said, trading a quarter for a dime and a nickel is dumb. 

    This only works if we have superior scouting for talent...which I guess we don’t know but seems like ego to me when your GM is off doing poo no one else does or really ever has, kind of like the Hurney trade ups.

  5. 4 minutes ago, XClown1986 said:

    I personally don't like it and wish we would invest more in the offensive line. However, I also don't want them to reach for a player. I do believe in taking the BPA and filling the holes with depth and competition. It's really too bad that Sewell went one pick before us. Reminds me of when Clady went right before us and we went with JStew.

    Would have been nice to be able to trade down and take one of the 3 OTs taken shortly after us. I have to believe the FO like at LEAST one of them. But perhaps they couldn’t find a trading partner.

    The fact tackle is so hard to find, like a QB, means you need to draft more of them to find your guy, not less. Seems they get that with QB but not tackle. At least spend reasonable draft picks on more than two (Little, Moton) in what? 18 years? Guess there is Otah so that’s 3 in 18 years.

    Couple free agents like Oher and Okung....

    Thats not a lot of activity since Gross was drafted.

    Hope they resign Moton and I’ll feel a bit better but just mine, if they don’t then Paradis leaves I mean that’s 5 positions to fill...it’s going to be comical at that point.

  6. 5 hours ago, Zod said:

    Tepper wanted Justin Fields for business reasons. Instant injection of excitement and jersey sales. Ticket and concession sales galore. Tepper.is a money guy, and Fields is where the money was. 

    Apparently, football reasons trump money reasons in this franchise. Having a true shutdown corner won't sell many jerseys or beers initially, but in the long run may contribute to a winning franchise.  


    I think it will sell plenty of beers when the third QB in a row including cam gets demolished behind Swiss cheese oline.

    With how inept this team is building the oline they need more than one pick at this point.

    I’m not sure why when cam left no one seems to think oline is as much of a problem anymore.

  7. Yea I don’t see my steals in the second lol...the talent is gone.

    FO ignoring the oline yet again.

    It’s weird how last year’s oline ranked below cams entire careers line rank average and yet was easily people’s #2 complaint (out of like 6) only next to shula for the failure of that era yet the complain seemed to have completely disappeared for some reason

    not saying there was an olineman to take that high at 8 but it appears the Panthers will yet again ignore this huge issue 

    • Flames 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Panther'sBigD said:

    Based on the posters upset by this pick, I think it’s fantastic. 

    You shouldn’t be, huddle may be dumb about a lot of things but draft night is pretty on point...like Little, Brow, Clausen....

    Luke is the only single one I can remember being wrong on

    This pick is fuging hardcore stupid, there’s no way around it

    • Pie 3
    • Flames 1
    • Poo 6
  9. 4 hours ago, CRA said:

    Good for Teddy.  Good for us (fans) 

    I think the whole Teddy experiment is a knock on our front office though.   From start to finish.  

    It was a mistake and they’re not perfect. It’s not the mistake so much as the recover. They learned quick this was a no go and moved on as fast as humanly possible, that’s important to remember.

    No way in the deep depths of hell would JR ever of moved on so quick and risk losing a single cent, dragging it on and on for dear life at the expense of the team and fans. We’ve seen it plenty players and coaches.

    The mistake (start) sucked but I disagree, the change of pace (finish) is very nice.

  10. lord some of you babies whine too damn much, whine because they got rid of washed up cam, whine for signing TB for two years, whine TB sucked, whine about not getting Watson for 3 firsts and 2 seconds,  whine it’s taking Tepper longer than one off-season to find a franchise qb and then whine some more because a first and a second pick may be spent on two different prospects with potential to be next franchise qb

    like damn tep burns down beach houses because of people like you

    • Pie 4
    • Beer 1
    • Poo 2
  11. Sewell was never going to make it to us in the first place. He is the obvious first, non qb prospect for really any team that isn’t going to draft a QB. Pitts and Chase are the runner ups but as far as value and talent, Sewell is easily first choice. There are only a few teams with a solidified, high caliber LT in the entire NFL.

    That said, I’ve come to accept a trade down is best possibly scenario or Fields if he drops, I won’t be mad at either.

  12. On 4/20/2021 at 9:13 AM, MHS831 said:

    People just can't see what Jones is bringing to the table because they want this athletic, running QB instead of a field general who can put the ball in the hands of the athletic, running backs, WRs, and TEs.

    Gotta remember that’s the culture Cam created, most our fans came from Cam, and I suspect they never knew much about NFL football to begin with let alone the history of the Panthers. Also why a lot of them had no understanding of why Hurney 2.0 was such a bad idea lol.


  13. I think Jones, Lance and Fields are all in the same realm just with very different knocks on each of them.

    But personally I like Fields better than the other two. I do not like the idea of Fields going to ATL and sitting behind Ryan for a year or so.

  14. 1 hour ago, Aussie Tank said:

    This is no where near a Farve/Rodgers situation and Manning was out the door. 

    The situation wasn’t the point. The point was to not settle for one guy and always being diligent in finding the next. 

    I guess technically Grier was this type of move but was dumb.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    You're talking like everybody was in favor of that idea.

    A lot of us weren't.

    I just said people. If I had to guess...I’d say at least 50% of this forum. And that was before the 49ers trade. People seemed to flip poo about the 49ers trade in the thread when it happened because it wasn’t us.

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