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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 1 hour ago, Fox007 said:

    Still laugh at the morons who think our OL is worse than it is, it's middling. Most teams don't get 4+ seconds to throw the ball and compared to the film the Jets OL put up he may as well have the best T/G/C that have ever suited up.

    Well yea, compared to arguably the worst ranked oline in the NFL the past few years no one can deny being ranked on average 18th over that time isn’t better. Doesn’t mean it’s good. And fact is the 18th ranked oline or worse made the playoffs a few times in two decades and the ones that did, had a HOF qb...pretty far from Darnold or really any typical QB.

    Nothing stat wise indicates the line has been even average for the past few years...

    18: 17

    19: 18

    20: 18

    Take away Moton and you’re competing for the Jets. One player in a 5 man squad. That’s context to two things. 1. How good Moton is 2. How awful the rest of the line is.

    More context pertaining to last year, when the oline played above average quarter 1-2 and probably played the worst in the league quarters 3-4. Take what you want from that.

    More context, Cam’s average oline over his career ranked better than last year, with almost a half second longer release time/qb rushing... Lol

    And some more context, out of starting QBs who had at least 400 pass attempts, which is 21 QBs (TB 492), TB ranked third in time to release at 2.6 seconds and still got sacked 36 times. That is laughable, no QB with around that release time got sacked even near that amount.

    Finally, Cam and TB were injured due to a horrid line.

    Unless one thinks the oline is the absolute worst in the NFL, it’s damn near impossible to think our oline is worse than it is.

    I still laugh at the morons who think the line is fine, and we will be one of the few teams in 20 years to go anywhere without making changes, just breaking those NFL records and trends. Granted there are only a few...for a reason. The oline blows.

  2. I think Curtis is irrelevant given the talent Darnold has.

    But the fact the oline is still straight trash for the most part and the Panthers did pass up players and traded down, I see not problem with this article...as someone already said only time will tell.

    Problem is all you homers only concur with any article saying everything was a masterpiece without actually see the results. That’s what’s going to flood the forums with knee jerk doomsday threads when poo hits the fan and it becomes apparent one offseason won’t fix issues like 36 sacks allowed in a season.

    • Pie 1
  3. On 4/30/2021 at 6:23 AM, d-dave said:

    What an interesting thread.  I kept meaning to read it, but work and being pithy in other forums =P

    I have been amazing at the market in Harrisburg (NC, not PA).  We get 2-3 cold calls a week asking if we want to sell.  We get weekly Opendoor emails and letters trying to entice us as well.

    It's nuts.  Talking to my realtor friend, The 'Burg is just red hot right now.  We have no intention of moving.  Been there five years this month.  So happy with our home.  Managed to get new roof, windows and a tankless hot water heater with some help from a storm right after we moved in.  Finally got the grass looking good...

    But someone offering $120k over what we paid, in some cases over $400,000...sheesh.  That's tempting, except we couldn't afford a new place near where we are.  

    Same. I got offer for $125k over what I paid for my house exactly one year ago lol. Only out about 5k worth of repairs in it. Course I am not in NC.

    But just like you said I’d have no where to go where my profit wouldn’t really matter.

    Seriously debating taking it and just living in an apartment for 1-2 years until this settles and have 100k+ in the bank.

    My realtor said to hang tight, he’s thinking it’ll cap during that time around another 25%ish increase.

  4. 5 hours ago, jayflip said:

    I hope he plays out this year. Hope he does well with actual weapons and an actual defense. 

    I hope we win this one though. 

    Patriots 2020 defense:

    Points per game: 22.1 (7th)

    Total yards allowed: 5660 (15th)

    They weren’t the best but the Patriots sucked because of shitty weapons and shitty QB play. 

    Everything else (oline (ranked 4th in the NFL), special teams (ranked 1st in the NFL), coaching, defense) was playoff caliber.

    • Pie 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    We'll just be revisiting the same hole we have had since Gross left. 

    We just don't prioritize it or make smart decisions. It's amazing.

    It really is. Have the Panthers ever made the playoffs without decent LT play?

    I know they’ve never made it without a top oline.

    Yet here we are.

    I like Christianson but he played garbage competition and had top oline coaching. And Erving? Really? Lol

    It‘ll be patchwork with Scott and the rookie’s learning curve and it will be ugly. Moton at LT seems like blasphemy to this organization for some reason.

  6. As someone a few hours outside of Vegas this is the only time I get to see my Panthers and not drive 12+ hours. I looked it up soon as I moved here.

    I really hope this bullshit goes down...I assume it will, I mean we’re talking years away.

    When I went to the Falcon game in Atlanta in 2017 at the end of of the season I believe that was the first year it opened and I got two club seats on the 40 for $300 ish.

    • Pie 1
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  7. I should think our 4 year vet Qb can outmatch a rookie on a worse team full of rookies and first year coaching staff. If the Panthers win I wouldn’t even blame the Jets, they’re at stage 1 rebuilding....on the other hand...

    I feel like a loss will be a really really bad sign for the rest of the season for the Panthers.

  8. I’m not in Charlotte anymore but plan on moving back in the future.

    I would much rather have a pro MLB team than this soccer crap.

    That said baseball on the TV is pure torture. Maybe it’s nostalgia but I love actually going to the games so this sounds good to me. Really wish they’d cut down the number of teams and ridiculous number of games and up the stakes/talent/quality to make it more enjoyable...but revenue.

  9. Bucs 12-5

    Falcons 9-8

    Saints 10-7

    Panthers 8-9

    Sorry I’m not ranking Darnold above Winston or Ryan just yet. And the oline ...is child’s play to the Saints’. Defense is just too young.

    Going to be like any other team Rhule has built, second year still a learning curve. And next year we see a playoff birth.

    • Pie 1
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  10. All you people who say we will be instant contenders just getting Rodgers, I am wondering how that is calculated (?)

    Because Super Bowl and legit playoff teams for the last 20 years, great QB or not, have a top 10 oline and top 10 defense if not better, where as ours (defense and oline) was ranked around 18-20. I can only think of 3-4 cases over 20 years where that was not the case.

    So...do people think we will just be breaking NFL records left and right or do people think we will jump 10 spots in both those areas due to some rookies coming in, or maybe think Rhule having a year of experience...or what exactly? Genuinely curious because logically it just doesn’t make sense.

    Don't get me wrong I’d be pretty impressed and very surprised if the (pretty shotty) oline the Panthers put together this year is one of the best and, albeit less surprised, the defense jumps 10+ spots because we now have Horn.

    IMO the Panthers couldn’t do much with Rodgers and the Bucs are a perfect example...this team just isn’t there yet.

    • Pie 2
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  11. 7 minutes ago, electro's horse said:

    This place was absolutely not optimistic this time last year

    You have to separate the people who only followed/were ‘fans’ of this team because of Cam (which let’s be real was at least 50% of the fanbase) and the butthurt that followed releasing him vs. long time fans of the team.

    I will agree last season was probably the least optimistic that I’ve ever seen but I kind of voided that for the reason above.

    • Pie 1
  12. This place is always optimistic in April/May. We usually have our best record, 0-0 around this time.

    We are undefeated in draft, FA and offseason workouts Super Bowls since inception.

    Come on man all those knee jerk doomsday threads when the season actually hits aren’t a result of being pessimistic around this time.

    I have learned to just wait and see. Especially draft wise, we just don’t know enough to be excited. Just because Hurney didn’t make the picks and just because TB isn’t QB isn’t a reason to get excited. Actually SEEING it be better on the field is exciting. So wait and see.

    It gets tiring being let down. But I think there are two valid things going on that deserve optimism.

    1. Hurney is finally gone and Tepper has taken the time to get the business side of things down before moving on to making changes we as fans really want to see which leads to...

    2. Quick reactions. Long gone are the days under JR when this team will literally suffer for the almighty dollar and fav favorites. Under JR (and Hurney) you knew you were getting a retirement/sunset ending at the expense of the team. You knew a contract basically meant your work was done and there wasn’t a snowflake’s chance in hell you’d be cut if JR had to pay money - coach or player.

    Now it’s different. The FO will cut your ass and pay to see you leave in the name of finding the answer for the betterment of the team, whether you have a contract or not. It’s yet to be seen if the ability to actually find that answer and make the right moves exist, but the mere fact the FO is willing to make moves is very exciting.

    • Pie 2
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  13. 35 minutes ago, Moo Daeng said:

    I don't disagree about the heat but dog's shouldn't live outside? That's some strange human logic to suggest one animal shouldn't live outside because thy like us for food.

    The debate is always ‘but they naturally came from living outside so why can’t they’. Dogs have been bred for hundreds of years and your typical dog has had any natural characteristics to fight the elements bred out of them. Not just weather, temperatures, immune systems, allergies etc.

    Instead let’s look at it from evidence/fact point of view. Dogs who spend their whole life outside have a significantly shorter life span when controlling for things like run aways, hit by car etc. They’re also more prone to diseases and more prone to parasites. Then there are other factors like not fixing your dog, and not being able to control unwanted litters come from roaming around.

    Those are facts. So yes with that in mind, barring a pure bred, genetically bred dog, specifically bred for its environment/ working purposes, (which actually take A LOT more care than a common house dog) which 99% of us do not have or own, it’s is ignorant to think a dog can live outside. There are always exceptions, well modern lines bred top, highly maintained (groomed properly, medicated properly) in an area that never has extreme temperatures. Again that’s maybe 1% of us. And from my vast experiences working with animals the typical person who has the mindset of thinking it’s ok does not fix their dog, or fall into any of the above. What they want is a low maintenance buddy for the yard, and research shows the negative results.

    Feel free to look into it further and educate yourself. Or don’t, that’s typical.

    31 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    That's a big accusation with no evidence.

    I’m not trying to ‘convince’ anyone.

    It’s not an accusation it’s my experience. Take it as you will. I could provide all the evidence you want but that would affect more people than just myself or TD, and would be careless on my part. That’s a pretty weird thing to just up and say about someone just for the hell of it, wouldn’t you think? I’m too old and don’t have time for that. 

    So take it or leave it that’s up to you.

  14. 2 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Wait, what? Tell me more about this. Got any links?

    I figured you’d be curious as a Rott lover. Not much more I’m willing to share and no there are no links. It was never in the media, for a lot of reasons. It happened many many years ago. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, FearThePanthers said:

    btw poo me all you want but Rodgers makes this team a superbowl contender.

    No it doesn’t. Feel free to go back 20 years and looks at all the super bowl contenders. Nothing on our team ranks as such.

    • Pie 1
  16. If Fields or Jones balls out all 31 teams who did not draft them or trade up for them mortgaged their futures picking a player who is not valued as highly as a franchise QB because the opportunity was there.

    Hell all the teams that didn’t pick Rodgers or Jackson at the bottom of the first or Wilson in the third mortgaged their futures too because they missed the opportunity. 

    All these mortgages of the future happening!

    Yea. No. Not what it means. Darnold, if failed, is simply a wasted pick. And the opportunity will be there again because we didn’t mortgage that opportunity by trading them away, except round 2 next year. And that opportunity doesn’t have to be a top 8 pick and may not even be a rookie.

    Something like the 49ers and Lance or hell even the Rams move qualifies for mortgaging the future.

    • Pie 3
  17. Lol they didn’t mortgage the future what a dumb idea

    you can’t mortgage a risk and unknown like fields and Jones who you don’t know will work out and/or where you’ll be drafting - that’s not what a ‘future’  and mortgage means

    it means set in store, something inherently given to you, that benefits you, was given up like draft picks or possibly player trades included

    with this idea everyone in the top half of the draft ‘mortgaged their futures’ if their pick doesn’t work out lol really dumb way to put it


    • Pie 2
  18. Competition is always good. For cheap and short terms deal, not sure anyone would have an issue with that.

    That said I could live without it.

    I truly believe the oline is the only thing holding the team back given Darnold plays at least a notch above Teddy. And if the oline doesn’t get better history shows playoffs are a no go no matter what the rest of the team does. 

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