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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 9 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    To be clear, I had no issues with extending Short. My meltdown on Short came when Hurney "restructured" him creating a lot more guaranteed money in his contract. That's a classic Hurney move - restructuring aging vets creating more guaranteed money to get immediate cap relief. Guys Hurney restructured almost always are guys who should be being released instead. He takes a problem and makes it even worse.

    Yea I used the wrong wording. I meant restructure.

    And isn’t have a problem with the extension at the time either.

    Though if we used hindsight in this scenario, we would’ve been better off not never resigning him. We got one good year after his massive contract for 80 million or whatever.

    But again I understand resigning him at the time, though I think his decline was evident after his peak in 2015, and 80 million was way way too much when you consider what company he was in ranking salaries over that contract. I believe he was even slated to be the top paid DT in the NFL for 1 or 2 of those years.

    Had we never signed him we would’ve been better off. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    We were mad because we had Norman tagged and then rescinded it after any and all good FA options had already signed elsewhere leaving us forced to do exactly what we did - just spam picks at CBs out of desperation. 

    Not only that but wasn’t it coming off a super bowl team/year? He fit very well with our defense and scheme. 

    Hindsight isn’t 20/20 when the huddle breaks down due to these idiot moves (the Armanti edwards/Chandler Bell/Brown/Armini ‘experiments’, extending Short, signing Kalil, drafting Little, signing Jake, letting peppers walk for nothing, having the two highest paid HBs on the same team... lol....etc etc) the moment it happens. Armchair GMs should never be able to predict dumb moves like the huddle has.

    Not saying this place is right or wrong all the time, just scary to watch your favorite team make blatant, dumbass moves.

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  3. But how many were worth actually keeping around? Norman? Bradberry? Norwell? Perhaps they went on to be overpaid.

    But then again, overpaid or not, you have to consider where did their money actually go? To players like M Kalil....Shaq took BBs...Gano...fuging Short. Would you rather overpay a young draft pick or sign M Kalil? I think we all know where more money was wasted, overpaid or not.

    Not to mention being cap strapped later on when Gettle took over after Hurney went full on idiot in 2010 which was slightly a result of JR being a dumbass ‘businessman’ putting his money first.

    Just bad management overall. Bad moves everywhere, constantly. Success often came as a result of luck. But this is what happens when you have Hurney and then fuging rehire him as ‘interim’ for 4 years. This is what happens when you reward old players like Olsen and Kalil with farewell contracts instead of moving on. This is what happens when you are too stubborn to move on from vets and progress (Rivera mindset).

    You end up paying the wrong, old players and never have any talent to come in and take their place. Build through the draft my ass, always made me laugh when FO/fans said this. We paid aging plays and let draft picks go. It’s the exact blueprint for having a good season every 3-4 years, then resetting, as the Panthers have had since inception. It’s the recipe of mediocrity and the anti perennial winner.


    • Beer 4
  4. 17 hours ago, kungfoodude said:


    They have actually had 11 winning seasons since 1995(last in 2015 at 10-6) and 7 playoff appearances. 

    Sooooooo........that statement kind of applies to us too, right?

    It’s funny how this fanbase has no self awareness, always nagging on the Jets and jags...lol but but the Panther lost 2 Super Bowls!! And the Jets lost two conference games...does one game REALLY matter with no SB wins? Not really.

    Panthers can only look deep into the bottom of the barrel for any relief.

    Going into my 26th year as a fan just hoping for two winning seasons in a row.

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  5. 12 hours ago, glenwo2 said:

    I'm not a USC fan.

    In fact, I'm 43 years old and can count on one hand throughout my entire life the number of times I've watched a College Football Game.


    And I can direct you to the Jets website (a website called The Hampur; New York Jets Hampur, that is) where I have over 18,000+ posts under the name vin (with a Vinny avatar).    So don't assume what I am or am not based on post-count on this board when I just started. 

    I told you and everyone else that I came here because I believed the Jets did Sam dirty and decided to finally leave that franchise for good because of it.  It's not so much I'm a Darnold fan as it is that I want Sam to succeed here and then stomp a mudhole in the Jets by doing so in Week 1 and by being successful here in Carolina also the rest of the way. 

    It's basically SPITE that drives me.  FK THE JETS!

    You left the Jets for the Panthers? Lol

    • Flames 1
  6. Ehhh...the Panthers defense ranked at the top of the bottom third of the NFL, with pass defense average and running defense really fuging bad. 

    In fact other than WRs, any unit that had a Panther’s uniform on ranked in the bottom of the league as well. Whether Terrance becomes the best rookie ever wouldn’t really matter as it’s the strongest position on the team.

    I’m not going all doomsday, I get the reasons why, but some of you are way too homer about things. The entire team as a whole will need a huge improvement to contend.

    I expect an average season to be happy, anything more will be a welcome surprise. Rhule will need more than 1 year to build a winning team, as ‘doomsday’ as that may sound to some.

    • Beer 1
  7. No body cares about TMZ drama bullshit. Rodgers, Brady, both Mannings, Brees, Jackson, Allen, Herbert, Mahomes are all pretty damn boring. Some of you might be too young to know, but ALL of the older ones were vanilla too at age 23. No reason to be talking poo if you haven’t done poo or ever really. Cam was boring as hell aside from his dumbass remarks and goofy, attention hoarding clothing.

    No one cares the GOAT talks more poo than a dude who just grew hair on his nuts.

    • Pie 2
  8. I’ll never forget Norwell sitting on the bench and not even given a chance until injury. Then went on to be the top paid guard in the NFL lol...that’s a serious issue IMO. Shouldn’t take a decade.

    But hey, least he’s owning up to it. That, adjustments and time management were his biggest issues. If he is willing to learn and do better he could be a great coach.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, micnificent28 said:

    Playoff caliber team? You are high. They shredded everyone from Logan mankins to opt-outs that team was not a playoff caliber team with or without Newton.

    As I said besides shitty weapons and shitty qb play, yes, stats, history and ranks compared to the rest of the NFL say otherwise.

  10. 18 minutes ago, OneBadCat said:

    Depends on what you mean as better. Carolinas weapons were absolutely better last year.

    Just because TB can check down and pad his stats to look competent doesn’t mean better. If he can’t lead the team and play clutch football then it’s all pointless. He put up phantom stats to suckass with the game on the line. Big deal.



    TB was checking down under a much worse oline and a defense who always made him play catch up without a HB to make a difference. No doubt TB sucks, no one is disputing that. 

    But Cam was simply throwing balls in the dirt with great protection, decent HB play, whether his shitty weapons were finally open or he was checking down or not. And a defense/ST that rarely  put him behind.

    Difference is Cam has way more potential than TB if he can get over his injury, no one is disputing that either. In fact Cam has so much potential, you’ll see it even if his weapons suck. 2015 obviously. 


  11. 1 hour ago, Car123 said:

    Yes, he is. He was better than Bridgewater.

    Lol no, he wasn’t.

    Other than weapons Cam was given a playoff caliber team and coaching easy. One of the best olines in the NFL, too 10 defense 7th in points allowed...best special teams in the NFL.

    TB preformed better with better weapons sure (aside from RB), but also with a god awful team all around and a back up RB compared to Cam and a new college coach.

    Yea, no, sorry.

    As much as you patriot cam fans don’t want to admit it, cam was just as much of a problem in NE as his shitty receivers.


    • Beer 1
  12. A good post, unfortunately our oline isn’t much to post about.

    Paradis admitted late last year his injury is still hindering him. Big mean don’t heal - especially at his age. 

    Fact is the line is looking pretty bad. Panthers have neglected it for so long. Well maybe not neglect, but have made horrible moves there. That’s probably worse. As important as the line is, I see it still a couple years away from being playoff caliber. 

    Given the top teams to make the playoffs every year also so happen to have the top olines...it’s not looking good.

    My main issue with the line last year was consistency. Easily the worst 3/4 quarter oline in the NFL. Except the Jets. The oline can be average but will have to be average for an entire game.

  13. 10 hours ago, joemac said:

    Our free agency efforts?  What does that mean?  They did great in free agency.  They also knocked the draft out of the park.  How can anybody objectively look at the roster today and somehow say it is worse than the end of the season last year?

    Objectively would technically mean actually seeing results. That’s why it’s speculation.

    What quantifiable results from playing in the NFL do you have to say they knocked the draft out of the park? None.

    It really isn’t that complicated. Please don’t be the one making ‘Fire everyone!’ threads during the season when in fact the draft may not turn out to be the best of all time ever.


  14. With the amount of drafts picks Rhule likes, his style is just to weed them out. Unlike past regime who would gives years and years to show something I have no doubt Rhule will be quick to cut slackers and inadequates. Anyone that doesn’t work out will be an accumulated pick next year via Fit. The whole ‘the more players/picks you have to choose from the better’ mantra Rhule has.

    Which is a good and bad thing. It’s good because you’re not wasting time, if you’re good at it, it will be very effective in a very short amount of time.

    The bad, if you keep on passing up superior talent to feeding your ego thinking 2-3 picks turning out to be duds will be better than picking a better possible stud it’s going to get old real quick.

    Only time will tell.

    • Pie 1
  15. 2 hours ago, XClown1986 said:

    I just want one square to put in my yard. 

    My neighbor literally has .30 acres of straight turf no joke, even in the front.

    He is disabled so I get it and it does look great in winter lol.

    But as a whole...no bueno.

  16. that one receiver from the giants that didn’t do poo for a whole fuging season except make an unbelievable catch that won the home prime time game against the Patriots and I got to see Brady run off the field literally crying which made me cry

    think it started with an H


  17. 23 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

    STFB from 16? Nice. Overseas pickup, in that case.

    Have a few of those in the cabinet.

    Yes sir. Went on a cruise, got one gold and one STFB. $110.00 for both.

    Been savoring them ever since can’t seem to find any in stores now that they’re ‘legal’, but I think there is still a cap on proof depending on where you live.

    Time for another cruise soon as it’s feasible.

    Keep em in the cabinet if they’re newish, I find about the 3 year mark from dump they are so much better...of course they’re already great.

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