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Posts posted by onmyown

  1. 1 minute ago, Proudiddy said:

    Expect this same poo show every week until the defense finally falls off a cliff from exhaustion of trying to carry the offense every week.  poo is pathetic snd I have ZERO patience...  

    Fitt, Reich, and the entire staff associated with the offense and picking Bryce outside of maybe Brown need to be canned.  So tired of this fuging team not being able to get tf out of their own way.  Bryce doesn't even look like an undrafted free agent, let alone a fuging #1. poo is garbage.

    Fit and Reich definitely, but the coordinators are well prepared to take over

    but you can expect this every year so long as Tepper has his hand in things 

    • Pie 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

    This has always been a dumb narrative.

    Multiple strong candidates came in and interviewed (total of 14 if I remember). More than one has since become a GM somewhere else.

    The only guys who pulled out of the search were Adam Peters (got a huge raise and new title) and Ed Dodds (insisted on full control for himself).

    yea I don’t really care who interviewed, the yes man got the job and took the job for a reason.

    do you consider Fitt to be a strong candidate? I mean for us of course since no one else interviewed him that I know of.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Sean Payton's Vicodin said:

    The Curse of Cam

    Having him get destroyed for years and drafting WNBA players like Kelvin Benjamin and not O-linemen put a karma hex on this franchise.

    Cam’s oline actually ranked average his whole career. And at one point he had almost two 1k rushers and two 1k receivers (considering TE).

    Cam was wasted due to dumb coaching that’s the argument.

    • Pie 2
  4. 1 minute ago, DrowsyJungle said:

    Seems liked you want to cash those checks already one week into a season with a new coach. I'd like to say yes Rhule had control of the roster and Fitt was a glorified scout for those years. That's an ownership problem. 

    Won’t disagree with that general point at all, but I still don’t think Fit is a legit GM. In fact I don’t think Tep would hire a legit GM until he’s ready to be challenged on his dumbassery - which is to your point.

  5. 1 hour ago, DrowsyJungle said:

    It's hard to tell what was Fitt and what was Rhule. I think I put more on Rhule considering on all those panthers confidentials for the drafts Rhule was the one seemingly calling shots. 

    Why does this matter? You’re saying either  Fit wasn’t real GM material where a first time Baylor coach called shots or you’re saying he is partly to blame. This argument holds no water and either way Fit is a yes man to Tepper and that’s it.

    Tep talks a big game about people disagreeing with him for a reason, and that reason is it’s not true. He wants a yes man at the end of the day because he wants credit for turning the ship around he fuged up in the first place.

    It’s BS and until he lets go and realizes this isn’t a toy and he isn’t qualified to determine it’s success we are doomed until then.

    • Beer 1
  6. Chinn WAS severely misused under the idiot Rhule. I think he’ll get better as he finally is back where he needs to be but people should stop expecting instant results. Not worried about him long term as long as competent coaches keep him where he is and he can actually learn to be a beast there.

    This just goes to show how too many huddlers on here think the coaches and FO can do no wrong. I got lots of poo for saying Chinn in the backfield was the dumbest move ever, especially when he was moved just right after his impactful year. But huddlers at the time raved the move was genius. But now he has ‘regressed’ lol.

    Inept coaching and ownership comes through in many ways.

    • Pie 1
    • Beer 1
  7. 1 hour ago, ForJimmy said:

    It’s more like Burns dominated them the first half so they had to completely change their game plan. They basically shutdown their passing game because of Burns, doubled him on runs and got away with it because our offense kept shooting itself in the foot. A player than can change the opponents game plan than much had a hell of a game.

    He is basically on pace for 25.5 sacks and people are critiquing his 2nd half. Bosa meanwhile had 0 sacks and the Steelers were trailing most of the game so there were more opportunities.

    Most of what I was saying was based more on their careers thus far, not just one game.

  8. 11 hours ago, Wundrbread33 said:

    Dude had 7 tackles, 4 TFL, 1.5 sacks, and 1 forced fumble…against a dinky dunk passing game plan…


    If you are angry/dissatisfied after his week 1 performance, well; he ain’t the problem.

    Just wish it wasn’t before the Falcons adjusted and later in the game when it matters most. Also would like to see him stop whiffing and catch runners on the edge.

    I know these may be nit picking when we are just looking at numbers but you have to remember this guy wants Bosa elite money. You cannot pay someone a ridiculous amount of money and not get the whole package.

    A rushing specialist who makes 30 million a year and disappears at halftime and/or can’t produce even when the opposing team is adjusting to take him out isn’t elite. Elite means they aren’t stopping him and just have to do their best to hold him off.

    That said, I say pay him too, but I also see the hesitation. Especially if he wants a record breaking salary. And I will also say it never should’ve taken this long. But Fit isn’t a real GM so not sure what y’all expect.

    • Pie 1
    • Beer 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Waldo said:

    Owners do not care because it's all about the money. If Arizona can roll out a grass field in a dome in the desert then they could figure it out anywhere else but they won't because it would be very expansive and they can just replace the hurt players with rookies next year while they throw lame concerts for even more money on that garbage turf. It cold be done but the price would be very expensive at some locations due to geographical location and stadiums designs. The Romans flooded the colosseum 2 thousand years ago and had navel battles so lol to people saying they couldn't put grass in NFL stadiums if they wanted to make it happen. 

    I wish the players would force the issue but even they are about their money first or they would make it an issue. That is the NFL at it's most stripped down. 

    Exactly. Now days, grass is possible. It will just cost money. Not an unreasonable amount but still money. Turf eliminates the need for said money. But players don’t mean much when you have emotional fans. The fact the Panthers are still highly profitable after half a decade of poo spells it out. The owners can do whatever the want.

    Owners are businessmen first - I don’t think fans fully comprehend what that means.

    • Beer 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, TheCasillas said:

    thanks for elaborating. I hope I didnt come off offensive... I was just curious of your perspective

    Not at all. Some of what I posted is actually already happening. Some might not quite be possible. But some of it is. I am weary of the NFL taking out the human element though.

    One can only hope one day in our lifetimes we will see a very limited human involvement in the officiating of games.

    https://huddleup.substack.com/p/why-the-nfl-puts-computer-chips-in#:~:text=The ball's chip can accurately,accurate offside calls within seconds.

  11. 1 hour ago, TheCasillas said:

    do you mind elaborating this? Im curious how any sport would look without some sort of mechanism in place to keep the game fair and by the rules...

    I said they are obsolete in MOST situations. Refs were needed before the advancements we have today.

    Imagine something like a technologically laser-gridded field and computer chips in the ball and player equipment (helmets/pads) to easily assess things like fumbles, crossing the goal lines, stepping out of bounds, offside, false starts, even late hits, maybe even holding etc. I mean the majority of things refs spot, we don’t need 70 year old eyes spotting these things.

    Now as I said it’s just most because things like some instances of (not all some could still be determined with technology) PI can’t really be called without eyes on the field but…let’s even take it down a notch. Eyes on the field can simply be upgraded cameras. Refs sitting in a booth calling plays using simple technology.

    I mean as it stands now, think about it - when the refs don’t know or are challenged they LITERALLY waddle over to a video replay lol. And there is this big challenge thing from coaches. Then some announcement of what the video showed them. For what? Why? Just have refs in a booth watching and calling those. What’s wrong with that? Less commercials? It’s for ‘entertainment’ and it’s lame.

    Owners have already spoke about this and admitted technological advances could basically eliminate a lot of ways games are officiated but said something to the effect of what I posted. ‘A human element (along with error) is kept in the game to make it more unpredictable/fun. I think were the words they used. Like how fuging stupid. I care about accuracy.

    I mean there are always flaws in technology and I’m not saying implementations are perfect but I’d bet money they’d be more accurate that 70 year old eyes and human error. Just look at this poo show officiating year after year.

    I’d be very curious how games would look with these implementations along working with some human element like refs in booths analyzing things with superior cameras and a gridded field.


    • Pie 1
  12. On 9/10/2023 at 3:54 PM, KillerKat said:

    - Reviewing a catch that shouldve been incomplete and ruling it a completion.

    - Reviewing a TD that shouldnt have been as the runner stepped out of bounds before the goal line.

    - Keeping the ball at the 1 yard line after penalties on both sides on the punt return. This one should definitely be sent into the league. Never seen this before ever since I started watching football in the early 90s.

    - Calling Dpi on us after the receiver was all over our own defender.

    Yes I know these arent the main reason why we lost, but each one was significant. I expected us to not look like where we should be in game 1 with new everything, but this sh!t right here is what turns me off from football. Ive already stopped watching other games after the head hunting to Cam in the Super Bowl and game 1 the following season. If these types of significant calls continue through out the season, I may be done with football all together.

    I know you’re looking at it as a Panthers fan going by your list but there were also a lot of dumb calls on the Falcons as well - which is to your main point.

    Refs are an outdated and unneeded part of the game that keeps the old ass owners happy stating it basically keeps some ‘uknown/randomness’ in the game. In other words they are aware of and like the element of human error as if it creates some excitement.

    This is just a business to them after all. Don’t think for a second an owner’s first thought after appearing happy after a win or success isn’t how much better the money is going to be.

    In reality this day an age refs are completely obsolete in most situations.


  13. On 9/10/2023 at 5:25 PM, Camp Fodder said:

    I wish we would have fired him with rhule and hired the gm the same time as our coach.  Tepper doesn’t understand a lot of teams do this

    Tepper doesn’t understand how a lot of this works and he’ll learn on his time if at all. Did the same thing with Hurney. Then tried to interview another GM and was denied due to the rule.

    Tepper just wants to see if he can figure it out himself and if he can’t or it takes two decades, so be it, no biggie. It’s why he was so easily gullible over Rhule and his 7 year plan lol like what even somewhat NFL aware owner accepts that lol.

    I don’t think people know just how awful this franchise is going to continue to be when half the round table making football decisions consists of Tepper, his wife, and a customer service rep. And who here thinks the football people in the room that Tepper hand selected (Fit, HC, Morgan) are going to adamantly go against Tepper or especially his wife? Yea.

    Just a dumbass doing dumbassery things.

    • Flames 5
  14. I agree with most but to clarify - the pass rush (and backfield cover for that matter) means nothing if you can’t stop the run and the screens. It’s a one dimensional defense that simply is not going to work. At all.

    The numbers were a bit off since the screens didn’t count as rush yards, though I feel they kind of are but the Panthers are absolutely atrocious at stopping yards from the LOS or behind. I don’t know exact numbers but you can’t give up 200+ yards from those plays.

    That along with stretching the field is what’s going to hurt this team the most.

    Also Burns shows why he is not on Bosa level for three reasons. He won’t catch anyone coming at him or up behind them (besides the one slow developing play TFL where no one blocked him), he disappears as the games goes on (a known trend), and finally as you pointed out, which isn’t all on Burns, but if he can be taken out or exposed the defense won’t be competitive.

    Awful FO management relying on just one guy despite Luvu and Brown doing well. At the same time it is on Burns if he wants Bosa money because he needs to come through in crunch time and take over a game when it matters despite being the sole playmaker. That’s what elite money pays for.

    • Beer 1
  15. Going to be really telling how many young first round top 10 picks this team can rack up on and still can’t win. Really is a sign of being the new Browns with a dysfunctional FO.  How many other teams have …is it 4 top 10 picks under 25 years old? Don’t have one next year but that’d be 5 if this year doesn’t pan out and on our way to 6. 

    At one point I think the Browns had like almost 10+ lol. Just throwing around numbers here too lazy to look up but you get the point.

    I despise Tepper.

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