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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. Winston literally threw 30 INTs lol. The fact they had a record of 7-9 even with that says a lot. Winston has held the Buccas back quite a bit, they’ve been talented in pretty much every position for the pas several years. Just needed a savvy vet at QB.
  2. Nah you’re right about selfish. But he left because he wasn’t wanted back. And for good measure, he isn’t worth the money and hasn’t been since his foot injury, he’s been done. The first, exact second Hurney came back thru the door he and TD went and whined for more money and an extension. Shoulda been obvious then Hurney should not of came back. Olsen played him to his weakness, bloating contracts for fan favorite, injured at that. Then proceeded to sit on the bench with his injury collecting his checks, except his last year when he was somewhat serviceable but still obviously injured. At least TD was warranted. But Greg, while a great player, is for sure a bitch.
  3. He’ll be decent content wise as a commentator but sometimes when he talks he sounds like he just got kicked in the nutz. Aside from Romo and MAYBE Aikman, we do need some serious upgrades.
  4. Dunno. If Texans reboot and get insane capital for Watson and Watts...looks like a pretty good situation for Bien...he’s been waiting so long for this shot, I see him taking that and helping rebuild. Still have to deal with that FO, maybe they learned a lesson in all of this, maybe not.
  5. I don’t understand Watsons need to be so involved in all the FO and coaching hires...has a franchise QB ever had this much say in a hire or refused to play or want to leave if it wasn’t his guy? No doubt Houston has ran out of toes shooting themselves in the foot, I just can’t imagine individual players being the most qualified people to hire their own coaches and FO personnel.
  6. All it takes is the right coach coming in and turning is around. No one wanted to play for the Bills either until McD got there, then all of a sudden players were attracted there. Saleh is that guy. Don’t know why the Jets would do this anyways though with such a high draft pick and new coach...seems the smart thing to do would be draft one and keep rebuilding picks. I see Watson going to Miami and Stafford to either IND or WFT.
  7. Saleh is going into the Jets like McD did the Bills. I suspect they will turn around quick especially with Watson and the fact they have so much capital it won’t matter really. So I understand this. Same with Miami. These teams have suffered to be set up like this. Had we gotten rid of Hurney, Rivera, and Cam after 2018 then ate the dead cap early we’d be profiting now too. Panthers just can’t afford giving up capital Watson - they’ve made too many stupid moves in the past. They need everything they have. Fact is teams usually go through poo before they’re set up, and that requires smart future planning by the GM which the Panthers have never had.
  8. Or you can put big boy pants on and realize the QB spot might not be fixed in one season and that may be the reason most teams don’t have a franchise qb.
  9. Meh these things are always dump fluff bullshit showings anyways, trying to appease the general idiotic fans who thinks this means anything getting hard on an extrovert flapping his lips making dumb people feel good results are all that matters let’s see it
  10. Can’t blame him. Steelers franchise and team is much more appealing. That said don’t think we missed out on anything.
  11. What are the chances of drafting a QB in all 7 rounds and having one workout? because in madden this strat is flawless
  12. Lol anyone who ever takes over from Hurney always has a ‘challenging cap situation’
  13. If you can’t find/develop a franchise QB with three first round picks, especially one in the top 10, there’s some serious issues with your ability to field a winning team...that’s essentially what you’re saying doing this, except you’re giving up a good player and possibly more picks, as well as paying far more than a rookie contract to say so. You’re also saying that Weatherly, Paradis with zero other olineman, Boston and Jackson, possibly without CMC and definitely without being able to afford resigning DJ or Moton, and not having any draft capital to replace anyone is perfectly fine so long as we have Winston. It’s amazing to me how many people here whined about cams oline and weapons clearly demonstrating a QB literally can’t do it all yet don’t realize how dumb this would be. If you want to become the 4 win Texans this years, this would be a perfect blueprint to do so. A team like the 49ers or Dolphins make a poo ton more sense. It’s beyond stupid. Let’s let this new regime show some competency drafting the future and build like the chiefs, bills, Ravens, Cardinals etc. did before we take the moronic route.
  14. Which is this forums biggest problem. It’s not about last year or even this coming year, it’s the bigger picture. Need to draft the next franchise QB and have patience.
  15. Cot damn Hurney is a GD moron. I will never ever understand how he was allow to make such idiotic moves. He royally fugs up every contract he touches, signs the wrong players, considers hometown players a premium...like whole fug if a tabloid came out saying he actually worked as an underground mole spy for the Saints and had plans to sabotage the Panthers team I would 100% believe it.
  16. The problem isn’t the experts it’s the player (see Cam). Players will bend the truth, they’re competitors and not going to side on the error of caution. Medical professionals are not some magical superior beings, they’re humans. They cannot transform themselves to be other people. They base a lot of what they do on the responses the patient gives them. Exactly like our own doctors.
  17. Why does the Huddle want any a FA just because TB sucks, or give up assets? The blueprint we are probably, and should be following is the Chiefs, Bills, Browns, Ravens, Cardinals blueprint. Because it is the best for long term success. A FA is not and neither is giving everything a way. Unfortunately, the results are not quick and some instant gratification fans can’t comprehend that. It may take more than one draft, or longer than a year to develop a QB/team but it has a better chance of long term success. TB is a bridge QB, as we all know, as the coaches and FO know looking at his contract. Let’s use him as such as the bridge to the new long term answer at QB then spend years going through FAs or spend an eternity of assets get squeak in the playoffs every years only to fail as an incomplete team.
  18. Exactly. All grading systems will have fallacies, period. I’m all for a better grading system, but PFF haters don’t actually seem to know of any and complaining is easier.
  19. Can you please share with us your legitimate source for rankings?
  20. I like the idea of sitting until game 5 or mid season, gives oline time to gel and mentoring time from TB but yea i think Rhule would do great with a rookie qb
  21. he’s obviously trolling...or from Utah
  22. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/utah-meeting-masks-cancelled-when-residents-without-masks-pack-room-n1234017 pray for me guys, I’m surrounded by idiots.
  23. Nope. That’s how it was in Utah. They did it different like that. Some counties just didn’t give a fug. As of today, the mayor came in and said fug it, masks are mandatory everywhere except your personal house. Thank god. Common sense absolutely cannot triumph for the simple fact for some people it does not exist.
  24. You weren’t that dude wearing panther gear at the liquor store in Draper a few weeks ago? Was shocked to see it almost said go Panthers. Utah seems...we were doing really well when this first hit but poo is hitting the fan, today was the first day in months I spent time outside the house getting poo done, take my advice stay in. I work from home too and other than food I don’t think I’ll be going out for a while, it honestly made me nervous.
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