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  1. Friendly reminder during FA season that for the past seven years this is slightly arguably the worst team in the NFL. Generally, bad teams overpay for good players. There is literally zero reason for prime/young athlete to play for the Panthers outside of money. Complaining about contracts is nonsense, just be happy a competitive athlete loves money more than winning. It’s our only chance. that is all
  2. Disagree with this. People should remember JR fuged this team hard that year as a business first over winning owner, he was preparing for the lockout, signed no FAs, no help, and extended no one. This team was severely crippled….for a lockout that never happened. But a lot of those players weren’t losers or didn’t know to prepare by any means. Cam and smitty are both beast, competitive players and both are also divas and self centered. We know this more so about smitty and I’d be willing to bet there is a lot about Cam too we just don’t know.
  3. Should be the next goal after the dline imo.
  4. If another teams offers even close to what Surtain got, we should let him go. That is crippling money for a possible player on the historically worst defense in history. That said, he is elite if he’s not hurt and I would love to keep him around so I think a fair deal is to be had. Hopefully his agent isn’t unrealistic given his injuries. If the Panthers can’t make a deal I hope they have learned to trade him for value at least and not do something stupid…especially if he doesn’t want to sign here long term.
  5. I don’t really care. Let Canales do whatever he wants so success…or lack thereof is of his doing. Yes the defense is historically putrid but you gotta let the HC HC.
  6. People play way too much Madden. Even middle of the road LT, and really offensive lineman in general (if you don’t believe he is long term LT) is not easy to find and not cheap. Letting him go would be monumentally stupid. And so it might happen.
  7. I’ve always argued for a better draft pick and explore what you have on the team in poo time when the season is already lost vs a win. However seeing this poo franchise draft like ass and be completely inept for 7 years at this point I will take a win if only to feel a brief moment of relief from misery. We are the new Browns…take every crumb you get, the future is already always bleak with Tepper at the helm.
  8. We could at least not run him into the ground. 25+ carries a game is a bit much.
  9. Maybe we should at least wait for a .500 season. Hard to give props to things everyone else already knew.
  10. Might be unpopular but id sit his ass…our only rb worth a poo and things seem to be looking good for next season especially with some high picks given they don’t f it up. I’d hate to see this offense without Hubbard. At least don’t run him in the ground for nothing, especially after $
  11. Or a decent oline…. Or a good defense… Or the running game… Or a solid kicker… it’s just been a cluster fug syncing due to very poor drafting the wr position has been a problem for a while now, hell it might be the worst position ever. Have we had a true 1 outside of smitty in almost 30 years?
  12. Um….the Jets have almost an identical history to the Panthers. In fact no other team comes close, except maybe the Jaguars. The main difference is they lose the championship game to go to a second SB while the Panthers won’t but then lost the Super Bowl… But W/L are closer than any other franchise etc. If we want to talk king of the shitpile since 1995, I’d look at Lions or Browns or Raiders but the Panthers are so close to them in a lot of ways with the track record of the past six years you’d really be arguing semantics at that point all things considered. I would consider the Panthers to have a near bad existence headed to bad existence. It’s just comical franchises mentioned awful are literally the closest team comparatively speaking to the Panthers lol Some of you really think this team was better than it actually was…never back to back winning seasons, one of the worst W/L teams since 1995 (bottom 5 I believe), …all due the Tepper effect. We suck so bad we remember slightly below average as glory days lol
  13. They both left due to ineptness, correct.
  14. There isn’t. It’s about $. As we can see it’s easily doable. Mid season is probably just a bonus to keep a nice field. With today’s technology even the harshest conditions can have grass with proper maintenance. But it isn’t cheap. It does cost money. Packers have a hybrid with real grass kept up with heat and lighting…even the new Buffalo stadium will have grass. Maintenance costs along with other uses and turf is millions cheaper. It is literally all about money.
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